Aerial view of the Nordwerft (North Yard) area of the Kriegsmarinewerft shipyard, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 1939; note the two new locks, the general outline of the construction basin, one of the three dry docks, and eventually two floating dry docksAllied photograph of Kriegsmarinewerft shipyard and surrounding areas in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 30 Aug 1940; the shipyard was easily identified by the square construction basin at lower left, and the large body of water to the right was to be a new construction shipyard named Nordwerft (North Yard)
Aerial view of the Nordwerft (North Yard) area of the Kriegsmarinewerft shipyard, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 1939; note the two new locks, the general outline of the construction basin, one of the three dry docks, and eventually two floating dry docksAllied photograph of Kriegsmarinewerft shipyard and surrounding areas in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 30 Aug 1940; the shipyard was easily identified by the square construction basin at lower left, and the large body of water to the right was to be a new construction shipyard named Nordwerft (North Yard)

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Famous WW2 Quote
"Since peace is now beyond hope, we can but fight to the end."

Chiang Kaishek, 31 Jul 1937

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