5 Sep 1926
- USS Stewart was fired upon by Chinese Nationalist guns near Hakou, Hubei Province, China, slightly injuring two sailors. ww2dbase [Stewart | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
10 Sep 1926
- USS Stewart was fired upon by Chinese Nationalist small arms and artillery near Hakou, Hubei Province, China; the Americans returned fire with small arms and one 4-inch shell and forced the Chinese to cease fire. ww2dbase [Stewart | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
5 Sep 1931
- HMS Hermes arrived at Hankou, Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Hermes | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
2 Oct 1931
- Charles Lindbergh's Lockheed Sirius floatplane was flipped by strong current at Hankou, Hubei Province, China a it was being hoisted off of HMS Hermes. A boat from the carrier rescued Lindbergh and his wife. ww2dbase [Hermes | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
24 Nov 1937
- River gunboat USS Guam arrived at Hankou, Hubei Province, China to protect American interests in the temporary Chinese capital. ww2dbase [Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
18 Feb 1938
- Liu Zhesheng, flying an I-16 fighter, shot down two Japanese A5M fighters near Hankou, Hubei Province, China; both victories were shared with fellow pilots. ww2dbase [Liu Zhesheng | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
29 Apr 1938
- Mao Yingchu, flying an I-15bis fighter, engaged Japanese A5M fighters over Hankou, Hubei Province, China. His aircraft spun out of control, taking him out of the combat zone; he was able to regain control at the altitude of 1,000 feet. ww2dbase [Mao Yingchu | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
- Cen Zeliu, flying an I-15bis fighter, shot down a Japanese G3M bomber over Hankou, Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Cen Zeliu | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
19 May 1938
- Two B-10 (pilots Xu Huansheng and Tong Yanbo) and one He 111A (pilot Chen Yifan) bombers of Chinese Air Force took off from Hankou, Hubei Province, China for a leaflet mission over Kumamoto, Fukuoka, and other southern Japanese cities. The leaflets detailed atrocities commited by Japanese troops in China. This was Chinese Air Force's first mission over foreign territory. All three aircraft evaded Japanese air defenses and returned to Hankou safely. ww2dbase [Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
31 May 1938
- Liu Zhesheng, flying an I-16 fighter, shared the credit for the downing of a Japanese A5M fighter over Hankou, Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Liu Zhesheng | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
3 Aug 1938
- Zhu Jiaxun, flying a Gladiator fighter, shot down a Japanese A5M fighter over Hankou, Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Zhu Jiaxun | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
- Arthur Chin, flying a Gladiator fighter and leading a group of seven Gladiator fighters of Chinese 28th Pursuit Squadron, drove off the two Japanese A5M fighters that were giving chase to Lieutenant Clifford Louie and Lieutenant Fan Xinmin over Hankou, Hubei Province, China. Shortly after, Chin was hit by three A5M fighters diving on him unexpectedly; he was saved by a piece of armor plating installed behind his seat by his mechanic the previous night, which was salvaged from a wrecked I-15bis fighter. Noticing that his fighter was heavily damaged, he rammed into a Japanese fighter, sending both fighters spiraling downard. Chin was able to clear the fighter and descended using a parachute. ww2dbase [Arthur Chin | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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