1 Sep 1917

  • The German 8th Army attacked Riga, Latvia in an attempt to bring about the downfall of the Provisional Government and force Russia to sue for peace. Apart from some resistance by one division whose commander had somehow managed to rally his men, most Russian soldiers refused to fight and melted away (their officers being killed by the deserters on frequent occasions). ww2dbase [Riga | AC]
3 Sep 1917

  • The German 8th Army captured Riga, Latvia and pushed on some distance beyond. ww2dbase [Riga | AC]
2 Sep 1920

  • The Russo-Polish peace talk moved to Riga, Latvia as the extent of the Bolshevik military defeat became known. ww2dbase [Riga | AC]
18 Oct 1920

  • The Russo-Polish war was formally brought to an end with the signing of a peace treaty at Riga, Latvia. ww2dbase [Riga | AC]
1 Jul 1941

2 Jul 1941

30 Nov 1941

3 Nov 1943

24 Sep 1944

  • The STAVKA ordered the Soviet First Baltic Front to halt on the advance to Riga, Latvia, leaving the job to the Second Baltic Front and Third Baltic Front, and instead march toward Memel (now Klaipeda, Lithuania). ww2dbase [Operation Bagration | Riga | TH, CPC]
12 Oct 1944

  • Latvian capital Riga was captured by the Soviets, ending any hope of a breakout by Army Group North. ww2dbase [Riga | AC]
3 Feb 1946


Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"We no longer demand anything, we want war."

Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Foreign Minister, Aug 1939

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