30 Jun 1943

- The German Nazi organization Gestapo was given the right to decide for itself whether a criminal or political case should go to trial or proceed directly to confinement, although by this stage such legal niceties were rather irrelevant in the face of the unlimited power already enjoyed by the State Security Services. ww2dbase [AC]
- The United States Marine Corps reported the active duty strength of 21,384 officers and 287,139 enlisted, for a total of 308,523 personnel. ww2dbase [CPC]
- The German army authorised the issue of the 21 cm Nebelwerfer 42 rocket launcher. ww2dbase [AC]
- Submarine USS Growler arrived at Brisbane, Australia at the completion of her fifth war patrol. During this patrol, Growler operated north of New Guinea but after sinking one ship and damaging another, considerable minor damage from an intense depth charge attack forced Growler to return to Brisbane. ww2dbase [Growler | Brisbane, Queensland | DS]
- Senior Flight Petty Officer Shigetoshi Kudo shot down B-17F bomber "Pluto" over Rabaul, New Britain. ww2dbase [J1N | Rabaul, New Britain | CPC]
- In Operation Chronicle, US Army troops and the US Navy 12th Defense Battalion secured Woodlark Island of the Trobriand Islands, while other troops landed on Woodlark Island to the west. Meanwhile, the 1st Battalion of the US Army 162nd Infantry Regiment, supported by other US and Australian units, landed at Nassau Bay, Australian Papua. ww2dbase [New Guinea-Papua Campaign, Phase 2 | CPC]
- US occupation troops arrived early at Nono, New Georgia, Solomon Islands and would join the US Marine Corps 4th Raider Battalion on the planned attack on Viru Harbor; nearby on the island of Vangunu, Companies N and Q of the US Marine Corps 4th Raider Battalion and 2nd Battalion of US Army 103rd Infantry Regiment landed unopposed near Oloana Bay; they would capture Wickham Anchorage by the end of the day. On Rendova Island, elements of the US Army 172nd Infantry Regiment, US Army 103nd Infantry Regiment, US Navy 24th Naval Construction Battalion, and US Navy 9th Defense Battalion landed against light resistance; Japanese aircraft attempted to disrupt landing operations, but they were intercepted by aircraft of US Marine Fighter Squadrons 121, 122, 213, and 221. ww2dbase [Solomon Islands Campaign | CPC]
- While covering the landings on Rendova, Solomon Islands, destroyer USS Ralph Talbot engaged attacking Japanese Mitsubishi G3M 'Nell' bombers armed with torpedoes. Firing 5-inch shells fitted with VT proximity fuzes from her 5-inch/38 caliber guns, Ralph Talbot accounted for three bombers shot down on her own and one more shared with other ships. During the attack, one torpedo struck attack transport USS McCawley causing her to go dead in the water. Ralph Talbot came alongside and took aboard 300 McCawley officers and men. Three hours later, McCawley was sunk by torpedoes from US PT Boats. ww2dbase [SB | VT Radio Proximity | Mark 12 5-inch/38 caliber | Ralph Talbot | Solomon Islands Campaign | Rendova, Solomon Islands | DS]
- Cruisers USS Montpelier, USS Denver, USS Cleveland, and USS Columbia in column with destroyers USS Renshaw, USS Philip, USS Saufley, USS Waller, and USS Pringle bombarded Japanese shore installations in the Buin-Shortlands area of southern Bougainville, Solomon Islands. ww2dbase [Solomon Islands Campaign | Denver | Pringle | Waller | Saufley | Philip | Renshaw | Montpelier | Columbia | Bougainville, Solomon Islands | DS]
- Destroyer Yukikaze departed Truk, Caroline Islands to escort cruiser Chokai to Shortland Islands, Solomon Islands. ww2dbase [Yukikaze | Truk | CPC]
- Repair ship Akashi began repairing destroyer Kawakaze at Truk, Caroline Islands. ww2dbase [Akashi | Truk | CPC]
- USS Haddock departed Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii for her fifth war patrol. ww2dbase [Haddock | Pearl Harbor Navy Base and Ford Island Naval Air Station | Honolulu, Oahu | CPC]
- USS Scorpion arrived in the Yellow Sea off Shantung Peninsula, China. ww2dbase [Scorpion | Yellow Sea | CPC]

30 Jun 1943 Interactive Map
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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