A Sudeten German woman crying in misery as she gave the Nazi Party salute while two others saluted with happiness, Cheb, Czechoslovakia, 5 Oct 1938

Caption     A Sudeten German woman crying in misery as she gave the Nazi Party salute while two others saluted with happiness, Cheb, Czechoslovakia, 5 Oct 1938 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseGerman Federal Archives via Wikimedia Commons
Link to Source    Link
Identification Code   Bild 183-H13160
More on...   
Munich Conference and the Annexation of Sudetenland   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 800 x 532 pixels
Photos on Same Day 5 Oct 1938
Photos at Same Place Cheb, Czechoslovakia
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany License (CC BY-SA 3.0 DE).

See Bild 183-H13160 on Wikimedia Commons

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
4 May 2009 07:11:39 PM

Why would this women be crying in misery if she is a Sudeten German? If you look at the whole picture - there are two other women - they do not look at all unhappy. Do you think perhaps she is crying for joy? The entire picture is available at wikimedia commons.
2. Anonymous says:
23 Sep 2009 01:50:00 AM

Maybe her clothes give a clue?
3. Anonymous says:
11 Apr 2011 08:29:07 PM

The area where this picture was taken were 99% pro-Nazi. I doubt this was a cry of misery.

Whatever the truth is. This pic can be used by both belligerents.
4. Anonymous says:
19 Apr 2011 08:58:14 AM

She looks like a gypsy, and Hitler hated gypsies so saluting to the Nazi Party would make one miserable
5. Anonymous says:
10 Oct 2013 05:20:02 AM

She does NOT look like at all as a Gipsy women! What the women is wearing is common traditional clothing. Clothing they still wear in southern Germany today. Never forget some people do cry by overwhelming emotions of joy and hope for a better future. Germans living in Sudeten Germany at that time were suppressed in many ways. Even more after the surrender of Germany. In summer 1945 real hell broke loose for them.
6. Stephan says:
10 Oct 2013 05:57:28 AM

These are tears of joy You idiots!
7. Anonymous says:
10 Oct 2013 07:08:04 AM

How to manipulate a picture...
8. Anonymous says:
10 Oct 2013 09:23:00 AM

Look at her left hand....she is wearing a wedding band. Now look at the right hand of the person on her right....the wedding band is on the right hand..this was typical of the Catholic Germans. The wedding band on the left could identify this woman as a Jew.....THAT would cause tears of misery!
9. Anonymous says:
10 Oct 2013 06:24:37 PM

Look at the lady, afraid in the background and this woman has tears of fear.They knew if they did not comply, they would be taken. She seemed to be the only one who knew what was coming. I pray history does not repeat itself, as the holocaust was the closest thing to hell being on the earth.
10. Anonymous says:
11 Oct 2013 04:03:27 PM

astonishing how so many people think they know so much about that women or the people in that town at that specific time. You should become politicians.
No clue, but biiig attitude.
11. Anonymous says:
11 Oct 2014 11:30:08 PM

It's pretty obvious that she is overcome with happiness about the situation. I don't know anything about her clothing, but if she was unhappy about the annexation, why would she be saluting. There are people behind her watching and they are not saluting. Why wouldn't she just be back there with them, or simply not there at all? Besides that, I believe this was a Nazi propaganda photo to begin with. If they thought she was miserable about it, I'm quite sure they would not have taken a photo with her in it, or certainly not have published it.
12. Anonymous says:
11 Oct 2014 11:32:27 PM

"She seemed to be the only one who knew what was coming."

How would she have known that?
13. Wolf says:
13 Oct 2014 07:58:08 AM

It should be obvious that she's crying out of joy.
14. Anonymous says:
30 Nov 2014 09:52:23 PM

What a bunch of bull.

Look closely at the background center of the photograph. There are three people standing around engaged in conversation. Only one is paying attention what is in the foreground. None of them are saluting.

Clearly, no one was forced to give these salutes as we see three people in the background engaged in conversation.

If this were tears of misery, why would this woman be in the foreground giving a salute when she could disengage like the people in the background? Wouldn't it make more sense that these are tears of joy?
15. Anonymous says:
19 Apr 2020 06:50:28 AM

This is simply misinformation. The woman was crying with joy as she was part of the german community within Czech who supported the Nazis and was happy that they were coming to "liberate" the country
16. Emily baumel says:
1 Jul 2021 03:53:04 PM

her tears could be misery, and unrelated to the salute

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