Airborne glider pilots aboard an LCVP on their way from the Normandy beaches to a transport to take them back to England, Jun 8, 1944DUKW amphibious trucks of the 470th Amphibious Truck Company, First Engineer Brigade, bringing supplies to Utah Beach from ships anchored off shore, Normandy, 8 Jun 1944; note German gun in foregroundGeneral Sir Bernard Montgomery, 21st Army Group Commander, steps onto Juno Beach, Mike Red area, Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France 8 Jun 1945 after being ferried ashore from his ship in a DUKW.German prisoners being taken away atop a cliff at Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, France, 8 Jun 1944; note American flag draped on cliff wall to prevent friendly fire
Airborne glider pilots aboard an LCVP on their way from the Normandy beaches to a transport to take them back to England, Jun 8, 1944DUKW amphibious trucks of the 470th Amphibious Truck Company, First Engineer Brigade, bringing supplies to Utah Beach from ships anchored off shore, Normandy, 8 Jun 1944; note German gun in foregroundGeneral Sir Bernard Montgomery, 21st Army Group Commander, steps onto Juno Beach, Mike Red area, Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France 8 Jun 1945 after being ferried ashore from his ship in a DUKW.German prisoners being taken away atop a cliff at Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, France, 8 Jun 1944; note American flag draped on cliff wall to prevent friendly fire
Group portrait of the personel of US Navy squadron VC-33 aboard USS Coral Sea, 8 Jun 1944Men of 3rd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, US 1st Infantry Division, resting at the beach at Omaha Beach near Colville-Sur-Mer, Normandy, France, 8 Jun 1944Next to a fallen soldier, a fellow comrade formed a cross with rifles to pay his respects, Normandy, France, Jun 1944Paratrooper of US 101st Airborne Division holding a Nazi German flag captured in a village near Utah Beach, Saint-Marcouf, France, 8 Jun 1944
Group portrait of the personel of US Navy squadron VC-33 aboard USS Coral Sea, 8 Jun 1944Men of 3rd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, US 1st Infantry Division, resting at the beach at Omaha Beach near Colville-Sur-Mer, Normandy, France, 8 Jun 1944Next to a fallen soldier, a fellow comrade formed a cross with rifles to pay his respects, Normandy, France, Jun 1944Paratrooper of US 101st Airborne Division holding a Nazi German flag captured in a village near Utah Beach, Saint-Marcouf, France, 8 Jun 1944
Rear Admiral Alan Kirk, Lieutenant General Omar Bradley, Rear Admiral Arthur Struble, Major General Hugh Keen, aboard USS Augusta off Normandy, France, 8 Jun 1944Reinforcements of men and equipment moving inland at Omaha Beach, Normandy, 8 Jun 1944Remains of killed American soldiers gathered in a field, Normandy, France, early Jun 1944Shortly after arriving in Normandy, France, General Bernard Montgomery’s Jeep stopped so he could examine German prisoners being marched toward the beach, 8 Jun 1944.
Rear Admiral Alan Kirk, Lieutenant General Omar Bradley, Rear Admiral Arthur Struble, Major General Hugh Keen, aboard USS Augusta off Normandy, France, 8 Jun 1944Reinforcements of men and equipment moving inland at Omaha Beach, Normandy, 8 Jun 1944Remains of killed American soldiers gathered in a field, Normandy, France, early Jun 1944Shortly after arriving in Normandy, France, General Bernard Montgomery’s Jeep stopped so he could examine German prisoners being marched toward the beach, 8 Jun 1944.
US Army engineers building a road on one of the Normandy beaches, 8 Jun 1944
US Army engineers building a road on one of the Normandy beaches, 8 Jun 1944

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Famous WW2 Quote
"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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