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Airborne glider pilots aboard an LCVP on their way from the Normandy beaches to a transport to take them back to England, Jun 8, 1944 | DUKW amphibious trucks of the 470th Amphibious Truck Company, First Engineer Brigade, bringing supplies to Utah Beach from ships anchored off shore, Normandy, 8 Jun 1944; note German gun in foreground | General Sir Bernard Montgomery, 21st Army Group Commander, steps onto Juno Beach, Mike Red area, Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France 8 Jun 1945 after being ferried ashore from his ship in a DUKW. | German prisoners being taken away atop a cliff at Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, France, 8 Jun 1944; note American flag draped on cliff wall to prevent friendly fire |
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Group portrait of the personel of US Navy squadron VC-33 aboard USS Coral Sea, 8 Jun 1944 | Men of 3rd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, US 1st Infantry Division, resting at the beach at Omaha Beach near Colville-Sur-Mer, Normandy, France, 8 Jun 1944 | Next to a fallen soldier, a fellow comrade formed a cross with rifles to pay his respects, Normandy, France, Jun 1944 | Paratrooper of US 101st Airborne Division holding a Nazi German flag captured in a village near Utah Beach, Saint-Marcouf, France, 8 Jun 1944 |
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Rear Admiral Alan Kirk, Lieutenant General Omar Bradley, Rear Admiral Arthur Struble, Major General Hugh Keen, aboard USS Augusta off Normandy, France, 8 Jun 1944 | Reinforcements of men and equipment moving inland at Omaha Beach, Normandy, 8 Jun 1944 | Remains of killed American soldiers gathered in a field, Normandy, France, early Jun 1944 | Shortly after arriving in Normandy, France, General Bernard Montgomery’s Jeep stopped so he could examine German prisoners being marched toward the beach, 8 Jun 1944. |
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US Army engineers building a road on one of the Normandy beaches, 8 Jun 1944 | | | |