Commander Harold Farncomb at the bridge of cruiser HMAS Shropshire, 3 Jul 1945Cruiser Pensacola at end of her final overhaul, with circles marking alterations to the ship, Mare Island Navy Yard, California, United States, 3 Jul 1945; note cruiser Indianapolis and lighter YF-390German women doing their washing at a cold water hydrant on the street in Berlin, Germany, 3 Jul 1945; note the knocked out German SdKfz. 223 vehicle in backgroundGraffiti left by Russian soldiers covered the pillars inside the ruins of the German Reichstag building in Berlin, Germany, 3 Jul 1945
Commander Harold Farncomb at the bridge of cruiser HMAS Shropshire, 3 Jul 1945Cruiser Pensacola at end of her final overhaul, with circles marking alterations to the ship, Mare Island Navy Yard, California, United States, 3 Jul 1945; note cruiser Indianapolis and lighter YF-390German women doing their washing at a cold water hydrant on the street in Berlin, Germany, 3 Jul 1945; note the knocked out German SdKfz. 223 vehicle in backgroundGraffiti left by Russian soldiers covered the pillars inside the ruins of the German Reichstag building in Berlin, Germany, 3 Jul 1945
Private Aubrey Carl Kotz and Private W. Spence of 7 Platoon, A Company, Australian 2/10 Battalion during Battle of Balikpapan, Borneo, 3 Jul 1945; note PIATScene of destruction in a Berlin, Germany street just off the Unter den Linden, 3 Jul 1945Scene of destruction in the Linden Passage, the famous Berlin, Germany shopping area on the Unter den Linden, 3 Jul 1945USS Drum, Mare Island Navy Yard, California, United States, 3 Jul 1945
Private Aubrey Carl Kotz and Private W. Spence of 7 Platoon, A Company, Australian 2/10 Battalion during Battle of Balikpapan, Borneo, 3 Jul 1945; note PIATScene of destruction in a Berlin, Germany street just off the Unter den Linden, 3 Jul 1945Scene of destruction in the Linden Passage, the famous Berlin, Germany shopping area on the Unter den Linden, 3 Jul 1945USS Drum, Mare Island Navy Yard, California, United States, 3 Jul 1945

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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

Winston Churchill

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