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Josef Terboven (in civilian clothing) and other SA members from Essen, Germany gathering for a Nazi Party rally in Weimar, Germany, Jul 1926Horst Wessel and German Nazi SA men in Nürnberg, Germany, 1929Horst Wessel with members of the Nazi 34. SA-Sturm unit, Berlin, Germany, 1929Construction of bridges over Daito River (now Dadu River) in Shoka (now Changhua), Taiwan, 1930s
Josef Terboven (in civilian clothing) and other SA members from Essen, Germany gathering for a Nazi Party rally in Weimar, Germany, Jul 1926Horst Wessel and German Nazi SA men in Nürnberg, Germany, 1929Horst Wessel with members of the Nazi 34. SA-Sturm unit, Berlin, Germany, 1929Construction of bridges over Daito River (now Dadu River) in Shoka (now Changhua), Taiwan, 1930s
Funeral of a German Nazi Party SA man, Eberswalde, Germany, 1929-1933German NSKK member, early 1930sNSKK members, Germany, 1930sView of Japanese shipping from the Takao Shrine, Takao (now Kaohsiung), Taiwan, 1930
Funeral of a German Nazi Party SA man, Eberswalde, Germany, 1929-1933German NSKK member, early 1930sNSKK members, Germany, 1930sView of Japanese shipping from the Takao Shrine, Takao (now Kaohsiung), Taiwan, 1930
German SA men at the funeral of Horst Wessel, Berlin, Germany, Mar 1930Japanese Army headquarters, Taihoku (now Taipei), Taiwan, circa 1930sLeutnant Heines speaking to a group of German Nazi SA men at the Berlin Sportpalast, Germany, Apr 1931Japanese Army infantrymen and nurses on exercise, Sep 1931
German SA men at the funeral of Horst Wessel, Berlin, Germany, Mar 1930Japanese Army headquarters, Taihoku (now Taipei), Taiwan, circa 1930sLeutnant Heines speaking to a group of German Nazi SA men at the Berlin Sportpalast, Germany, Apr 1931Japanese Army infantrymen and nurses on exercise, Sep 1931
Crowd cheering the Nazi Party parade at Bad Harzburg, Germany, 11 Oct 1931German SA men marching in Bad Harzburg, Germany, 11 Oct 1931Nazi German official Dr. Alfred Hugenberg observing a SA parade, Bad Harzburg, Germany, 11 Oct 1931Nazi Party gathering at Bad Harzburg, Germany, 11 Oct 1931
Crowd cheering the Nazi Party parade at Bad Harzburg, Germany, 11 Oct 1931German SA men marching in Bad Harzburg, Germany, 11 Oct 1931Nazi German official Dr. Alfred Hugenberg observing a SA parade, Bad Harzburg, Germany, 11 Oct 1931Nazi Party gathering at Bad Harzburg, Germany, 11 Oct 1931
Nazi Party SA members meeting in Bad Harzburg, Germany, 11 Oct 1931Japanese troops leaving Okayama Railroad Station, Okayama, Japan for the front lines in northeastern China, late 1931German Nazi Party SA men in march through Spandau, Berlin, Germany, 1932Hazel Lee posing with a biplane, United States, circa 1930s
Nazi Party SA members meeting in Bad Harzburg, Germany, 11 Oct 1931Japanese troops leaving Okayama Railroad Station, Okayama, Japan for the front lines in northeastern China, late 1931German Nazi Party SA men in march through Spandau, Berlin, Germany, 1932Hazel Lee posing with a biplane, United States, circa 1930s

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"We no longer demand anything, we want war."

Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Foreign Minister, Aug 1939

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