114 items in this album on 6 pages.
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British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery is the last to sign the documents of surrender as German General Eberhard Kinzel looks on at Montgomery’s headquarters at Lüneburg Heath, Germany, 4 May 1945. | British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery looks on as German General Eberhard Kinzel signs the documents of surrender at Montgomery’s headquarters at Lüneburg Heath, Germany, 4 May 1945. | British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery salutes Russian cavalry passing in review during a visit to the headquarters of Soviet General Konstantin Rokossovsky in Wismar, Germany, 7 May 1945. | British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery stands to propose a toast during a dinner at the headquarters of Soviet General Konstantin Rokossovsky in Wismar, Germany, 7 May 1945. |
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British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, left, and Soviet General Konstantin Rokossovsky, right, during a visit to Rokossovsky’s headquarters in Wismar, Germany, 7 May 1945. | British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, right, and Soviet General Konstantin Rokossovsky, center, talk through their translators during a visit to Rokossovsky’s headquarters in Wismar, Germany, 7 May 1945. | Soviet Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky, left, greeting British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, right, during a visit to Rokossovsky’s headquarters in Wismar, Germany, 7 May 1945. | Generals Henry (Harry) Crerar and Miles Dempsey flank Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery at Montgomery’s headquarters at Lüneburg Heath, Germany, 10 May 1945. |
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Canadian General Henry (Harry) Crerar and Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, Germany, 2 Jul 1945. | General Miles Dempsey and Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery at Dempsey’s 2nd Army headquarters, 16 Jul 1945. | British Prime Minister Winston Churchill visiting Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery at Montgomery’s headquarters at Lüneburg Heath, Germany, 21 Jul 1945. | A reassembled German V2 ballistic rocket on a stand for Allied testing at former the Krupps proving grounds at Cuxhaven, Germany, Oct 1945. |
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A reassembled German V2 ballistic rocket on a stand for Allied testing at the former Krupps proving grounds at Cuxhaven, Germany, Oct 1945. Note smoke beginning to escape from the rocket as part of the launch sequence. | A German V2 rocket at the moment of launch during Allied tests at the former Kupps proving grounds, Cuxhaven, Germany, 10 Oct 1945. | | |
114 items in this album on 6 pages.