69 items in this album on 4 pages.

German Bf 109G fighter of JG 54 The tail of Hans-Joachim MarseilleWreckage of Hans-Joachim MarseilleA factory in Germany producing Bf 109 fighters, 1943
German Bf 109G fighter of JG 54 'Grünherz' fighter wing at rest, Aug-Sep 1942The tail of Hans-Joachim Marseille's Bf 109 fighter showing 101 kills, circa Aug 1942Wreckage of Hans-Joachim Marseille's Bf 109G-6 fighter south of Sidi Abdel Rahman, Egypt, 30 Sep 1942; the vehicle in background marked the approximate location where Marseille's body landedA factory in Germany producing Bf 109 fighters, 1943
Bf 109 fighter preparing for flight at an airfield, Germany, circa 1942-1944German Bf 109 fighter of JG 51 German Bf 109 fighter of JG 51 German Bf 109 fighters of JG 53
Bf 109 fighter preparing for flight at an airfield, Germany, circa 1942-1944German Bf 109 fighter of JG 51 'Mölders' at rest on an airfield in southern Italy, 1943German Bf 109 fighter of JG 51 'Mölders' landing in southern Italy, 1943German Bf 109 fighters of JG 53 'Pik As' in southern Italy, 1943, photo 1 of 2
German Bf 109 fighters of JG 53 German Bf 109G-6 fighter of JG 27 in flight, 1943-1944German Luftwaffe Major General Adolf Galland on an inspection in southern Italy, 1943; note Bf 109 fighter in backgroundMe 323 Gigant aircraft (foreground) and Bf 109 F aircraft (background) in winter camouflage, circa 1943
German Bf 109 fighters of JG 53 'Pik As' in southern Italy, 1943, photo 2 of 2German Bf 109G-6 fighter of JG 27 in flight, 1943-1944German Luftwaffe Major General Adolf Galland on an inspection in southern Italy, 1943; note Bf 109 fighter in backgroundMe 323 Gigant aircraft (foreground) and Bf 109 F aircraft (background) in winter camouflage, circa 1943
This Messerschmitt Bf-109 was shot down by British ground fire in Tunisia on Mar 1 1943, recovered by USAAF 87th Fighter Squadron, and repainted in their markings, Mar 1943. Note the missing canopy.Propeller from a BMW 132 engine of a Ju 52 aircraft (foreground), a DB 601 or Jumo 211 engine (behind propeller), wings of a Bf 109 aircraft (behind engine), wreck of Hs 129B aircraft (behind wings), wreck of a Me 323 aircraft (behind Hs 129B tail plane), and wreck of a Ju 52 aircraft (background at right side of photograph) at El Aouiana airfield, Tunis, Tunisia, May 1943A French soldier looking over the wreckage of a German Bf 109 fighter at the El Aouiana airfield, Tunisia, circa May-Jun 1943A wrecked German Bf 109 fighter, El Aouiana airfield, Tunisia, circa May-Jun 1943
This Messerschmitt Bf-109 was shot down by British ground fire in Tunisia on Mar 1 1943, recovered by USAAF 87th Fighter Squadron, and repainted in their markings, Mar 1943. Note the missing canopy.Propeller from a BMW 132 engine of a Ju 52 aircraft (foreground), a DB 601 or Jumo 211 engine (behind propeller), wings of a Bf 109 aircraft (behind engine), wreck of Hs 129B aircraft (behind wings), wreck of a Me 323 aircraft (behind Hs 129B tail plane), and wreck of a Ju 52 aircraft (background at right side of photograph) at El Aouiana airfield, Tunis, Tunisia, May 1943A French soldier looking over the wreckage of a German Bf 109 fighter at the El Aouiana airfield, Tunisia, circa May-Jun 1943A wrecked German Bf 109 fighter, El Aouiana airfield, Tunisia, circa May-Jun 1943
Finnish Bf 109 G-2 on the ground, at Helsinki-Malmi Airport, Finland, Jun 1943German crew pushing a Bf 109G-6 fighter of JG 2 at an airfield in France, Sep-Oct 1943German pilot Major Günther Rall being congratulated as he exited his Bf 109 fighter after scoring his 250th kill, Nov 1943A Bf 109G on an airstrip, circa early 1944
Finnish Bf 109 G-2 on the ground, at Helsinki-Malmi Airport, Finland, Jun 1943German crew pushing a Bf 109G-6 fighter of JG 2 at an airfield in France, Sep-Oct 1943German pilot Major Günther Rall being congratulated as he exited his Bf 109 fighter after scoring his 250th kill, Nov 1943A Bf 109G on an airstrip, circa early 1944

69 items in this album on 4 pages.

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