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Benito Mussolini, Cesare Maria de Vecchi, and Michele Bianchi, Naples, Italy, 1922 | Supermarine Spitfire of the US 307th Fighter Squadron rests on the beach at Paestum, Italy near Salerno after being shot down Sep 9, 1943; pilot uninjured. LST-359 unloads men and materiel beyond, Sep 1943. Photo 2 of 2 | Supermarine Spitfire of the US 307th Fighter Squadron rests on the beach at Paestum, Italy near Salerno after being shot down Sep 9, 1943; pilot uninjured. LST-391 unloads men and materiel beyond, Sep 1943. Photo 1 of 2 | Vice Admiral H. Kent Hewitt and Rear Admiral Spencer Lewis aboard USS Ancon off Salerno, Italy, Sep 1943 |
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USS Ancon (background), HM LST-404, and other ships off Salerno, Italy, 12 Sep 1943 | USS Ancon off Salerno, Italy, 12 Sep 1943 | Private Paul Oglesby of US 30th Infantry Regiment standing before an altar in a damaged Catholic Church at Acerno, Italy, 23 Sep 1943 | Scuttled minesweeper, Naples, Italy, Oct 1943 |
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General Dwight Eisenhower and Lieutenant General Mark Clark studying maps of the Mignano Gap, north of Naples, Italy, 22 Oct 1943 | Gloire, Naples, Italy, 1944; her sailors were saluting King George VI as the vessel he was aboard passed by | Darkened sky near Mount Vesuvius, Naples, Italy, Mar 1944 | Mount Vesuvius erupting, Naples, Italy, Mar 1944 |
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AEC Armoured Command Vehicle, headquarters of UK 23rd Brigade, Francolise, Campania, Italy, 14 Mar 1944, photo 1 of 2 | AEC Armoured Command Vehicle, headquarters of UK 23rd Brigade, Francolise, Campania, Italy, 14 Mar 1944, photo 2 of 2 | Crew member examining a layer of ashes on a B-25 of the 340th Bomb Group at Pompeii Field, Italy. Ash came from an eruption of Mt Vesuvius on 23 Mar 1944 that rained hot ash and brimstone on the area damaging several aircraft. Photo 2 of 2. | Crew member sweeping ashes off a B-25 of the 340th Bomb Group at Pompeii Field, Italy. Ash came from an eruption of Mt Vesuvius on 23 Mar 1944 that rained hot ash and brimstone on the area damaging several aircraft. Photo 1 of 2. |
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Rear Admiral Gerard Mansfield (left), Admiral John Cunningham (center), and King George VI of the United Kingdom (right) inspecting HMS Orion, Naples, Italy, 10 Jul 1944 | Squadron Officer M. S. Philip speaking to WAAF director Air Chief Commandant Mary Welsh with RAF Mediterranean and Middle East chief Air Marshal Guy Garrod at Garrod's office, Caserta, Italy, 1945; note Welsh's personal assistant Flight Officer M. Tempest-Holmes at left | | |