Beaufighter Mk IF aircraft of No. 29 Squadron RAF in flight, circa 1941-1943; seen in US Navy publication US Navy Naval Aviation News dated 15 Dec 1943M4 Sherman tank and men of the US 1st Marine Division on the beach of Cape Gloucester, New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago, 15 Dec 1943Tanks of Company B, US Marine Corps 1st Tank Battalion at Arawe, New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago, Dec 1943Troops of the US Army 112th Cavalry Regiment (Texas National Guard) landing at Arawe, New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago, 15 Dec 1943; note LVTs and M1 Garand rifles
Beaufighter Mk IF aircraft of No. 29 Squadron RAF in flight, circa 1941-1943; seen in US Navy publication US Navy Naval Aviation News dated 15 Dec 1943M4 Sherman tank and men of the US 1st Marine Division on the beach of Cape Gloucester, New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago, 15 Dec 1943Tanks of Company B, US Marine Corps 1st Tank Battalion at Arawe, New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago, Dec 1943Troops of the US Army 112th Cavalry Regiment (Texas National Guard) landing at Arawe, New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago, 15 Dec 1943; note LVTs and M1 Garand rifles
US Army LCI landing craft moving toward Cape Gloucester as smoke screened Target Hill and the beaches, New Britain, Dec 1943US Marines moving ashore at Cape Gloucester, New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago, 15 Dec 1943
US Army LCI landing craft moving toward Cape Gloucester as smoke screened Target Hill and the beaches, New Britain, Dec 1943US Marines moving ashore at Cape Gloucester, New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago, 15 Dec 1943

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Famous WW2 Quote
"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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