Admiral William Halsey having Thanksgiving dinner with the crew of battleship USS New Jersey, his flagship, 30 Nov 1944Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery using a Jeep as a platform to address the 7th Armoured Division (the “Desert Rats) at their headquarters at Bree, Belgium near the Dutch border, 30 Nov 1944.Oil being unloaded from the SS Fort Cataraqui in the Belgian port of Antwerp, 30 Nov 1944; this was the first ship to berth at the port following the opening of the Scheldt EstuaryPvt Walter Prsybyla of B Btry, 37th Field Artillery Regt, US 2nd Inf Div writing Christmas cards for friends and family from an artillery ammunition storehouse, Heckhalenfeld, Germany, 30 Nov 1944
Admiral William Halsey having Thanksgiving dinner with the crew of battleship USS New Jersey, his flagship, 30 Nov 1944Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery using a Jeep as a platform to address the 7th Armoured Division (the “Desert Rats) at their headquarters at Bree, Belgium near the Dutch border, 30 Nov 1944.Oil being unloaded from the SS Fort Cataraqui in the Belgian port of Antwerp, 30 Nov 1944; this was the first ship to berth at the port following the opening of the Scheldt EstuaryPvt Walter Prsybyla of B Btry, 37th Field Artillery Regt, US 2nd Inf Div writing Christmas cards for friends and family from an artillery ammunition storehouse, Heckhalenfeld, Germany, 30 Nov 1944
Supreme Allied Commander Dwight Eisenhower meeting with Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery at Montgomery’s headquarters in Belgium, 30 Nov 1944.US Navy Admiral William Halsey presenting Vice-Admiral John McCain with the Navy Cross on the flight deck of USS Hancock at anchor in the Ulithi Lagoon, Caroline Islands, 30 Nov 1944.USS North Carolina (in early pattern Ms32/18d camouflage) receiving fuel from USS Neches (in measure 32 design 5AO camouflage), Pacific Ocean, 30 Nov 1944
Supreme Allied Commander Dwight Eisenhower meeting with Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery at Montgomery’s headquarters in Belgium, 30 Nov 1944.US Navy Admiral William Halsey presenting Vice-Admiral John McCain with the Navy Cross on the flight deck of USS Hancock at anchor in the Ulithi Lagoon, Caroline Islands, 30 Nov 1944.USS North Carolina (in early pattern Ms32/18d camouflage) receiving fuel from USS Neches (in measure 32 design 5AO camouflage), Pacific Ocean, 30 Nov 1944

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"You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terrors. Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival."

Winston Churchill

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