120 items in this album on 6 pages.

Swiss police mugshot of Benito Mussolini, 19 Jun 1903Benito Mussolini, 1917Benito Mussolini, Cesare Maria de Vecchi, and Michele Bianchi, Naples, Italy, 1922Benito Mussolini, General Diaz, Admiral de Reval, and other Italian leaders at the Tomb of the Milite Ignoto (Unknown Soldier), Rome, Italy, 1922
Swiss police mugshot of Benito Mussolini, 19 Jun 1903Benito Mussolini, 1917Benito Mussolini, Cesare Maria de Vecchi, and Michele Bianchi, Naples, Italy, 1922Benito Mussolini, General Diaz, Admiral de Reval, and other Italian leaders at the Tomb of the Milite Ignoto (Unknown Soldier), Rome, Italy, 1922
Giovanni DallBenito Mussolini with Emilio De Bono, Italo Balbo, and Cesare Maria De Vecchi during the March on Rome, Italy, 28 Oct 1922Benito Mussolini and his family at Levanto, Italy, 1923Benito Mussolini and Italo Balbo (left edge of photograph) with Blackshirts, Italy, 1923
Giovanni Dall'Orto and Benito Mussolini, 1920sBenito Mussolini with Emilio De Bono, Italo Balbo, and Cesare Maria De Vecchi during the March on Rome, Italy, 28 Oct 1922Benito Mussolini and his family at Levanto, Italy, 1923Benito Mussolini and Italo Balbo (left edge of photograph) with Blackshirts, Italy, 1923
Benito Mussolini signing a treaty with Soviet representatives at the Palazzo Chigi, Rome, Italy, 7 Feb 1924Benito Mussolini attending the inauguration ceremony of the new rail station at Busto Arsizio, Italy, 25 Oct 1924Benito Mussolini and his daughter Edda at Cattolica, Italy, 1925Italian leader Benito Mussolini with Admiral Ernesto Burzagli, 1928
Benito Mussolini signing a treaty with Soviet representatives at the Palazzo Chigi, Rome, Italy, 7 Feb 1924Benito Mussolini attending the inauguration ceremony of the new rail station at Busto Arsizio, Italy, 25 Oct 1924Benito Mussolini and his daughter Edda at Cattolica, Italy, 1925Italian leader Benito Mussolini with Admiral Ernesto Burzagli, 1928
Benito Mussolini atop a horse in the Dolomites mountains in northeastern Italy, Aug 1929Benito Mussolini aboard battleship Italia, Genoa, Italy, Sep 1929Benito Mussolini during a military maneuver, Sep 1929Benito Mussolini at his desk, date unknown
Benito Mussolini atop a horse in the Dolomites mountains in northeastern Italy, Aug 1929Benito Mussolini aboard battleship Italia, Genoa, Italy, Sep 1929Benito Mussolini during a military maneuver, Sep 1929Benito Mussolini at his desk, date unknown
Benito Mussolini inspecting a military airfield near Milan, Italy, 1930Benito Mussolini inspecting an Italian Army exercise, 1930Benito Mussolini speaking at the Italian parliament, Rome, Italy, 1930Filippo Cremonesi, Benito Mussolini, and Raffaele De Vico at the inauguration of Piazza Mazzini fountain and garden, Rome, Italy, 1930
Benito Mussolini inspecting a military airfield near Milan, Italy, 1930Benito Mussolini inspecting an Italian Army exercise, 1930Benito Mussolini speaking at the Italian parliament, Rome, Italy, 1930Filippo Cremonesi, Benito Mussolini, and Raffaele De Vico at the inauguration of Piazza Mazzini fountain and garden, Rome, Italy, 1930

120 items in this album on 6 pages.

Further Reading

Read more about Benito Mussolini

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"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You win the war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country!"

George Patton, 31 May 1944

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