285 items in this album on 15 pages.

Portrait of Adolf Hitler, 1914-1918; seen on his weapon carrying permit cardAdolf Hitler (seated, first from right) with other men of the Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment 16, 1914-1918Hitler in WW1Hitler, Ludendorff, and other defendants after failed coup, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, 1 Apr 1924
Portrait of Adolf Hitler, 1914-1918; seen on his weapon carrying permit cardAdolf Hitler (seated, first from right) with other men of the Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment 16, 1914-1918Hitler in WW1Hitler, Ludendorff, and other defendants after failed coup, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, 1 Apr 1924
Adolf Hitler on his release from Landsberg Prison, Bavaria, Germany, 20 Dec 1924Nazi Party members gathering outside of Nürnberg, Germany, 1927; note Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Heß, Strasser, Adolf Hitler, and Fraz Pfeffer von SalomonAdolf Hitler reviewing a Nazi Party rally, Braunschweig, Germany, Feb 1931, photo 1 of 2Adolf Hitler reviewing a Nazi Party rally, Braunschweig, Germany, Feb 1931, photo 2 of 2
Adolf Hitler on his release from Landsberg Prison, Bavaria, Germany, 20 Dec 1924Nazi Party members gathering outside of Nürnberg, Germany, 1927; note Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Heß, Strasser, Adolf Hitler, and Fraz Pfeffer von SalomonAdolf Hitler reviewing a Nazi Party rally, Braunschweig, Germany, Feb 1931, photo 1 of 2Adolf Hitler reviewing a Nazi Party rally, Braunschweig, Germany, Feb 1931, photo 2 of 2
Adolf Hitler with the first graduating class of the Reich Leadership School, Munich, Germany, Jun-Jul 1931Adolf Hitler reviewing a Nazi SA parade, Braunschweig, Germany, Apr 1932Adolf Hitler speaking at the Berliner Schloss at Lustgarten during the German Presidental Election of 1932, Berlin, Germany, 4 Apr 1932; note Goebbels next to HitlerAdolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler with the first graduating class of the Reich Leadership School, Munich, Germany, Jun-Jul 1931Adolf Hitler reviewing a Nazi SA parade, Braunschweig, Germany, Apr 1932Adolf Hitler speaking at the Berliner Schloss at Lustgarten during the German Presidental Election of 1932, Berlin, Germany, 4 Apr 1932; note Goebbels next to HitlerAdolf Hitler's cabinet, Berlin, Germany, 30 Jan 1933; front row: Göring, Hitler, Papen; back row: Krosigk, Frck, Blomberg, Hugenberg; photo 1 of 2
Adolf HitlerAdolf Hitler and German Crown Prince Wilhelm at Potsdam, Germany on Potsdam Day, 21 Mar 1933German Chancellor Adolf Hitler and German President Paul von Hindenburg, Potsdam, Germany, 21 Mar 1933German President Paul von Hindenburg, War Minister Werner von Blomberg, and Chancellor Adolf Hitler at Potsdam, Germany, 21 Mar 1933
Adolf Hitler's cabinet, Berlin, Germany, 30 Jan 1933; front row: Göring, Hitler, Papen; back row: Krosigk, Frck, Blomberg, Hugenberg; photo 2 of 2Adolf Hitler and German Crown Prince Wilhelm at Potsdam, Germany on Potsdam Day, 21 Mar 1933German Chancellor Adolf Hitler and German President Paul von Hindenburg, Potsdam, Germany, 21 Mar 1933German President Paul von Hindenburg, War Minister Werner von Blomberg, and Chancellor Adolf Hitler at Potsdam, Germany, 21 Mar 1933
Hitler, Papen, and Goebbels in celebration of the opening of the Reichstag in the Garnisonkirche in Potsdam, Germany, 21 Mar 1933Adolf Hitler speaking to the Reichstag about the Enabling Act, Kroll Opera House, Berlin, Germany, 23 Mar 1933German Minister Joseph Goebbels, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, and Vatican Apostolic Nuncio to Germany Cesare Orsenigo, Berlin, Germany, 6 Apr 1933Hitler and Papen at Lustgarten, Berlin, Germany, 1 May 1933
Hitler, Papen, and Goebbels in celebration of the opening of the Reichstag in the Garnisonkirche in Potsdam, Germany, 21 Mar 1933Adolf Hitler speaking to the Reichstag about the Enabling Act, Kroll Opera House, Berlin, Germany, 23 Mar 1933German Minister Joseph Goebbels, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, and Vatican Apostolic Nuncio to Germany Cesare Orsenigo, Berlin, Germany, 6 Apr 1933Hitler and Papen at Lustgarten, Berlin, Germany, 1 May 1933

285 items in this album on 15 pages.

Further Reading

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Famous WW2 Quote
"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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