61 items in this album on 4 pages.

Albacore aircraft aboard HMS Formidable, 1940sAlbacore aircraft of No. 820 Squadron FAA flying in formation over HMS Formidable and other warships, 1940sFlight deck signal officer directing the landing of an Albacore aircraft of No. 820 Squadron FAA aboard HMS Formidable, 1940sFlight deck signal officer directing the landing of an Albacore aircraft of No. 820 Squadron FAA aboard HMS Formidable, 1940s
Albacore aircraft aboard HMS Formidable, 1940sAlbacore aircraft of No. 820 Squadron FAA flying in formation over HMS Formidable and other warships, 1940sFlight deck signal officer directing the landing of an Albacore aircraft of No. 820 Squadron FAA aboard HMS Formidable, 1940sFlight deck signal officer directing the landing of an Albacore aircraft of No. 820 Squadron FAA aboard HMS Formidable, 1940s
HMS Formidable underway, 1940sMartlet fighter of No. 888 Squadron FAA taxiing on the flight deck of HMS Formidable after landing, 1940sMartlet fighters aboard HMS Formidable in the Mediterranean Sea, 1940sMartlet fighters on the flight deck of HMS Formidable, 1940s
HMS Formidable underway, 1940sMartlet fighter of No. 888 Squadron FAA taxiing on the flight deck of HMS Formidable after landing, 1940sMartlet fighters aboard HMS Formidable in the Mediterranean Sea, 1940sMartlet fighters on the flight deck of HMS Formidable, 1940s
Martlet II fighter of No. 888 Squadron FAA shortly after landing on HMS Formidable, 1942Fulmar aircraft of No. 803 Squadron FAA landing on HMS Formidable in the Indian Ocean off Madagascar, late Apr or early May 1942Fulmar aircraft of No. 803 Squadron FAA landing on HMS Formidable in the Indian Ocean off Madagasgar, late Apr to early May 1942Martlet fighters on the catapult of HMS Formidable, in the Indian Ocean off Madagascar, late Apr to early May 1942
Martlet II fighter of No. 888 Squadron FAA shortly after landing on HMS Formidable, 1942Fulmar aircraft of No. 803 Squadron FAA landing on HMS Formidable in the Indian Ocean off Madagascar, late Apr or early May 1942Fulmar aircraft of No. 803 Squadron FAA landing on HMS Formidable in the Indian Ocean off Madagasgar, late Apr to early May 1942Martlet fighters on the catapult of HMS Formidable, in the Indian Ocean off Madagascar, late Apr to early May 1942
Fulmar fighters aboard HMS Formidable off Madagascar, early May 1942Grumman Martlet of 888 Squadron of British Fleet Air Arm taxiing on HMS Formidable after landing, circa 24 Apr-10 May 1942; HMS Warspite and AMC Alaunia in backgroundAlbacore aircraft of No. 820 Squadron FAA having just taken off from HMS Formidable in the Indian Ocean, 29 May 1942; photo taken from HMS WarspiteHMS Formidable underway in the monsoon in the Indian Ocean, 23 Jun-2 Jul 1942
Fulmar fighters aboard HMS Formidable off Madagascar, early May 1942Grumman Martlet of 888 Squadron of British Fleet Air Arm taxiing on HMS Formidable after landing, circa 24 Apr-10 May 1942; HMS Warspite and AMC Alaunia in backgroundAlbacore aircraft of No. 820 Squadron FAA having just taken off from HMS Formidable in the Indian Ocean, 29 May 1942; photo taken from HMS WarspiteHMS Formidable underway in the monsoon in the Indian Ocean, 23 Jun-2 Jul 1942
HMS Formidable underway, 3 Aug 1942Personnel aboard HMS Formidable observing the invasion beach at Algiers, Algeria, 8 Nov 1942, photo 1 of 2Personnel aboard HMS Formidable observing the invasion beach at Algiers, Algeria, 8 Nov 1942, photo 2 of 2Force H warships HMS Duke of York, HMS Nelson, HMS Renown, HMS Formidable, and HMS Argonaut underway off North Africa, Nov 1942
HMS Formidable underway, 3 Aug 1942Personnel aboard HMS Formidable observing the invasion beach at Algiers, Algeria, 8 Nov 1942, photo 1 of 2Personnel aboard HMS Formidable observing the invasion beach at Algiers, Algeria, 8 Nov 1942, photo 2 of 2Force H warships HMS Duke of York, HMS Nelson, HMS Renown, HMS Formidable, and HMS Argonaut underway off North Africa, Nov 1942

61 items in this album on 4 pages.

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Famous WW2 Quote
"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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