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US Marines lining up for physical drills on USS Cowpens' flight deck, probably in the Pacific Ocean while en route to US Territory of Hawaii, circa mid-1943; note inflatable life belts, SK radar antenna mounted on the stub mast between the stacks, and F6F, SBD, and TBM aircraft | USS Cowpens at the Naval Aircraft Factory, Philadelphia Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 25 Jun 1943 | Cowpens underway, 17 Jul 1943, photo 1 of 2 | Cowpens underway, 17 Jul 1943, photo 2 of 2 |
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Avenger torpedo bomber landing on Cowpens, Pacific Ocean, circa Nov-Dec 1943 | Sailors gathered on Cowpens' flight deck, Atlantic Ocean, Jul-Aug 1943; note red lines on side of the SBD Dauntless wing roundel, which was used only between 29 Jun 1943 and 14 Aug 1943 | The tail of an F6F Hellcat of Fighting Squadron VF-25 being yanked to the deck as the tailhook catches a wire aboard the USS Cowpens off Makin Atoll (now Butaritari), 20 Nov 1943 | Firefighters extinguishing a burning F6F-3 Hellcat fighter (Lieutenant (jg) Alfred W. Magee, Jr.) after an emergency landing on USS Cowpens during the Gilbert Islands Campaign, Pacific Ocean, 24 Nov 1943 |
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F6F Hellcat fighters warming up aboard USS Cowpens during Marshall Islands Campaign, Pacific Ocean, Jan 1944, photo 1 of 2 | F6F Hellcat fighters warming up aboard USS Cowpens during Marshall Islands Campaign, Pacific Ocean, Jan 1944, photo 2 of 2 | USS Cowpens (foreground, in camouflage Measure 33, Design 7a) and USS Independence (background, in camouflage Measure 32, Design 8a) in the Pacific Ocean sailing towards Palau, Caroline Islands, 31 Aug 1944 | US Navy Captain Herbert W. Taylor of USS Cowpens awarding African-American Stewards Mate 3rd Class Fred Magee, Jr. with commendation of the Secretary of the Navy, Oct 1944 |
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Captain George DeBaun (center) relieving Captain Herbert Taylor (left) as the commanding officer of USS Cowpens, 24 Nov 1944; note Commander Hugh Nieman at right side of photograph | USS Cowpens rolling in heavy seas in Typhoon Cobra in the Pacific Ocean, 18 Dec 1944 | Carriers at anchor in Ulithi Lagoon, Caroline Islands, 2 Feb 1945. Left to right are Wasp (Essex-class), Cabot (Independence-class), Cowpens (Independence-class), and Hornet (Essex-class). | Ships of the US fleet at Ulithi Atoll, Caroline Islands, 8 Feb 1945. Visible are 7 large carriers, 3 light carriers, 3 battleships, and numerous cruisers, destroyers, and support vessels including 1 hospital ship. |
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USS Cowpens off Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, California, United States, 12 May 1945 | | | |