Japanese soldiers in Mongolia Area, China, 1939; note captured Soviet DP machine gunMongolian DP machine gun crew, Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939Soviet troops in a trench in Leningrad, Russia, 1 Sep 1941; note DP machine gunSoviet soldier dressed in SN-42 body armor, wielding a Degtyaryov Pekhotny
Japanese soldiers in Mongolia Area, China, 1939; note captured Soviet DP machine gunMongolian DP machine gun crew, Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939Soviet troops in a trench in Leningrad, Russia, 1 Sep 1941; note DP machine gunSoviet soldier dressed in SN-42 body armor, wielding a Degtyaryov Pekhotny 'DP' light machine gun, circa 1940s
Russian soldiers fighting with a Degtyaryov Pekhotny Chinese troops with BAR, ZB vz. 26, and Degtyaryov Pekhotny machine guns, 1940sThree Soviet soldiers taking a break from fighting while a fourth stood guard, Byelorussia, 1 Apr 1944Men of the Polish 5th Wilenska Infantry Brigade, Poland, 1945
Russian soldiers fighting with a Degtyaryov Pekhotny 'DP' light machine gun and a PPSh-41 submachine gun, circa 1943-1945Chinese troops with BAR, ZB vz. 26, and Degtyaryov Pekhotny machine guns, 1940sThree Soviet soldiers taking a break from fighting while a fourth stood guard, Byelorussia, 1 Apr 1944Men of the Polish 5th Wilenska Infantry Brigade, Poland, 1945
Troops of Soviet 3rd Ukrainian Front fighting in Budapest, Hungary, 5 Feb 1945Russian troops fighting in Berlin, Germany, circa Apr-May 1945; note Mosin-Nagant M1944 Carbine and Degtyaryov Pekhotny Private First Class Julias Van Den Stock of Company A, 32nd Regimental Combat Team, US 7th Infantry Division with M1 or M2 Carbine with captured Communist Chinese DP light machine gun and RPG-43 grenade on Hill 902, near Ip-Tong, Korea, 25 Apr 1951
Troops of Soviet 3rd Ukrainian Front fighting in Budapest, Hungary, 5 Feb 1945Russian troops fighting in Berlin, Germany, circa Apr-May 1945; note Mosin-Nagant M1944 Carbine and Degtyaryov Pekhotny 'DP' light machine gunPrivate First Class Julias Van Den Stock of Company A, 32nd Regimental Combat Team, US 7th Infantry Division with M1 or M2 Carbine with captured Communist Chinese DP light machine gun and RPG-43 grenade on Hill 902, near Ip-Tong, Korea, 25 Apr 1951
Further Reading

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"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time."

Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, at Guadalcanal

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