114 items in this album on 6 pages.

Comrades of Rifleman John Beeley of 1st King’s Royal Rifle Corps who was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross at Battle of Sidi Rezegh on 21 Nov 1941 are working on his cross, 22 May 1942.Newly constructed Centaur tanks in a staging area in Slough near London, United Kingdom, before being shipped to field units, Mar 1943Early construction of a large concrete caisson known as a Phoenix, 27 Jan 1944 in southern England. These had flooding valves and were to be sunk as part of the Mulberry Harbors for the Normandy landings.General Bernard Montgomery addressing Polish Armored and Parachute troops in Lanark, Scotland, United Kingdom 13 Mar 1944 during his tour of D-Day invasion forces in Britain.
Comrades of Rifleman John Beeley of 1st King’s Royal Rifle Corps who was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross at Battle of Sidi Rezegh on 21 Nov 1941 are working on his cross, 22 May 1942.Newly constructed Centaur tanks in a staging area in Slough near London, United Kingdom, before being shipped to field units, Mar 1943Early construction of a large concrete caisson known as a Phoenix, 27 Jan 1944 in southern England. These had flooding valves and were to be sunk as part of the Mulberry Harbors for the Normandy landings.General Bernard Montgomery addressing Polish Armored and Parachute troops in Lanark, Scotland, United Kingdom 13 Mar 1944 during his tour of D-Day invasion forces in Britain.
Winston Churchill and Bernard Montgomery in southern England, United Kingdom, 19 May 1944. Churchill is in what was called a “siren suit.”General Sir Bernard Montgomery, 21st Army Group Commander, steps onto Juno Beach, Mike Red area, Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France 8 Jun 1945 after being ferried ashore from his ship in a DUKW.Shortly after arriving in Normandy, France, General Bernard Montgomery’s Jeep stopped so he could examine German prisoners being marched toward the beach, 8 Jun 1944.General Bernard Montgomery on a trip to inspect port facilities at Port-en-Bessin, France during the Normandy campaign, 10 Jun 1944.
Winston Churchill and Bernard Montgomery in southern England, United Kingdom, 19 May 1944. Churchill is in what was called a “siren suit.”General Sir Bernard Montgomery, 21st Army Group Commander, steps onto Juno Beach, Mike Red area, Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France 8 Jun 1945 after being ferried ashore from his ship in a DUKW.Shortly after arriving in Normandy, France, General Bernard Montgomery’s Jeep stopped so he could examine German prisoners being marched toward the beach, 8 Jun 1944.General Bernard Montgomery on a trip to inspect port facilities at Port-en-Bessin, France during the Normandy campaign, 10 Jun 1944.
General Bernard Montgomery standing up in his 1943 Humber Super Snipe staff car during a trip to inspect port facilities at Port-en-Bessin, France during the Normandy campaign, 10 Jun 1944.Generals Bernard Montgomery, Miles Dempsey, and Omar Bradley at a meeting in the field in Port-en-Bessin, France during the Normandy campaign, 10 Jun 1944.Generals Omar Bradley and Miles Dempsey at a meeting in the field in Port-en-Bessin, France during the Normandy campaign, 10 Jun 1944.The first meeting on French soil between Bernard Montgomery and generals Omar Bradley and Miles Dempsey, Normandy, France, 10 Jun 1944
General Bernard Montgomery standing up in his 1943 Humber Super Snipe staff car during a trip to inspect port facilities at Port-en-Bessin, France during the Normandy campaign, 10 Jun 1944.Generals Bernard Montgomery, Miles Dempsey, and Omar Bradley at a meeting in the field in Port-en-Bessin, France during the Normandy campaign, 10 Jun 1944.Generals Omar Bradley and Miles Dempsey at a meeting in the field in Port-en-Bessin, France during the Normandy campaign, 10 Jun 1944.The first meeting on French soil between Bernard Montgomery and generals Omar Bradley and Miles Dempsey, Normandy, France, 10 Jun 1944
General Montgomery meeting with war correspondents at his headquarters at Château de Cruelly, France during the Normandy campaign, 11 Jun 1944.During Winston Churchill’s tour of the Normandy front, he and high ranking officers pause to watch German dive-bombers being engaged by British fighters and anti-aircraft fire, 12 Jun 1944, Normandy, France.Winston Churchill seen lighting his cigar as he and General Bernard Montgomery tour inland locations during the Normandy campaign, 12 Jun 1944.Sherman BARV vehicle towing a disabled Bedford truck, Normandy, France, 14 Jun 1944
General Montgomery meeting with war correspondents at his headquarters at Château de Cruelly, France during the Normandy campaign, 11 Jun 1944.During Winston Churchill’s tour of the Normandy front, he and high ranking officers pause to watch German dive-bombers being engaged by British fighters and anti-aircraft fire, 12 Jun 1944, Normandy, France.Winston Churchill seen lighting his cigar as he and General Bernard Montgomery tour inland locations during the Normandy campaign, 12 Jun 1944.Sherman BARV vehicle towing a disabled Bedford truck, Normandy, France, 14 Jun 1944
Following a presentation of medals, Royal Navy Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay, King George VI of the United Kingdom, and General Bernard Montgomery pause briefly, 16 Jun 1944, Château de Cruelly, France.General Bernard Montgomery and King George VI of the United Kingdom as the king came ashore at Graye-sur-Mer, Normandy, France, 16 Jun 1944.General Sir Miles Dempsey, King George VI of the United Kingdom, and General Bernard Montgomery at Montgomery’s headquarters at Château de Cruelly, Normandy, France, 16 Jun 1944.General Bernard Montgomery relaxing with his traveling companions, a fox terrier puppy named “Hitler” and a spaniel puppy named “Rommel,” at his headquarters at Blay, Normandy, France, 6 Jul 1944.
Following a presentation of medals, Royal Navy Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay, King George VI of the United Kingdom, and General Bernard Montgomery pause briefly, 16 Jun 1944, Château de Cruelly, France.General Bernard Montgomery and King George VI of the United Kingdom as the king came ashore at Graye-sur-Mer, Normandy, France, 16 Jun 1944.General Sir Miles Dempsey, King George VI of the United Kingdom, and General Bernard Montgomery at Montgomery’s headquarters at Château de Cruelly, Normandy, France, 16 Jun 1944.General Bernard Montgomery relaxing with his traveling companions, a fox terrier puppy named “Hitler” and a spaniel puppy named “Rommel,” at his headquarters at Blay, Normandy, France, 6 Jul 1944.

114 items in this album on 6 pages.

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Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, 16 Mar 1945

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