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Category Archives: airborne

Book Review Backlog

So it’s that wonderful time of the year. Time to clean things off the back burner, so here are a few lingering book reviews: Bomber County by Daniel Swift–I kind of loved this book.  Most of the WW2 books I have will get recycled in some way, either by giving them to friends or reselling […]

More WWII Poster Art, #4 (paratroopers)

So I’ve made three previous posts on the posters of World War II, and the samples I’ve chosen have come from a wide range: conservation, keeping quiet, respect the sacrifice, etc.  For this post, I wanted to focus on the paratrooper. Careless Talk Got There First is a favorite of my comp classes when we […]

Paratrooper: The Man He Killed

This one reminds of the Thomas Hardy poem, The Man He Killed. First the set up: several pictures will scroll showing American paratroopers and it ends with a portrait of the speaker (presumably) labeled “Hienz.” After this, we see an elder gentleman (in a hospital of all places) who is describing the actions surrounding the […]

World War II Memorial

More relatives in town, another day in DC. Some highlights from the World War II Memorial. From left to right… (two clicks will get you to the full picture): Beach landing: this one caught my eye primarily because of the Higgins boats in the upper background. Paratrooper 1: I wanted a full shot featuring the […]


I was driving home from the supermarket the other day, and noticed a guy mowing his lawn. Nothing unusual for a SAT. After I’d passed by, I realized the man had a partial prosthetic arm, too. I noted later in the week the same man getting out of his car after work, in fatigues, likely […] Featured Image, #2

As I was browsing the image archive late one night, I came across this gem of a 101st Airborne trooper…in color. There are more than a few 101st A/B ww2 images floating around in B/W…so this image caught my eye. The caption (click on the image) reveals this is Corporal Louis E. Laird, though […]

Carentan O Carentan (1949)

For those who recall Episode 3 of Band of Brothers… Louis Simpson gives us a glimpse of fighting that pairs the pastoral with a death scene. It’s an unusual pairing, with a reserved tone all through the poem, even when the action shifts. Think about any war movie you’ve ever seen and there is always […]

Band of Brothers (some background from Mark Bando)

Band of Brothers…loved it. To me, the series represents a high point in pop culture consciousness concerning World War II. It was wildly popular, and has brought much new blood to the ww2 themed forums around the net. I visit a few of those, and I’ve stopped being surprised at the newbies who refer to […]

Airborne Demonstration team

This is a pretty cool vid via youtube of the World War II Airborne Demonstration Team. That’s Don Burgett, 101st A/B veteran and noted author, climbing into the plane early in the piece for a little inspection. At 4:38, the camera man exits the plane. Notice the slack time before the shute opens, and which […]