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Posters: Scrap Collection

This is an interesting lot, for sure.  The samples here (mostly) are dominated by red hues.

Defense Needs Rubber–I like this one because of the colors (red and white with the focal point inside the tire).

Get in the Scrap– What can you say about a metaphor that likens collecting metal to fighting. I say, “now that’s some writing.”

Wanted for Victory–Get the family involved, man. The first time I saw this, I thought the woman was polishing a gun. Silly me.

Keep’em Flying Back–Flying oil drums? Okay. I’m game. This one highlights the importance of being able to ship gas and oil. My guess, too, is that these shipping containers were in short supply given the need for metal during the period.

Farm Scrap Builds Tanks and Guns and Farm Scrap Builds Destroyers–Same theme. Different product.

Hon Spy Say… —Okay. I just don’t know what to do with this. It’s no secret that writers of the period found ways to dehumanize the Japanese. Knowing that now, it doesn’t make it any easier to view.

The Avenger’s Shadow–This one looks more like a comic than poster. The writing at the top says “US War dept. Adjutant generals(?) dept.”

Scrap–Love this one, with the fist raised in solidarity and the farm scene at the bottom of the image.


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