B-29 Superfortress
Country | United States |
Manufacturer | The Boeing Company |
Primary Role | Heavy Bomber |
Maiden Flight | 21 September 1942 |
Contributor: C. Peter Chen
ww2dbaseThe B-29 Superfortress heavy bombers were some of the largest aircraft in service during WW2. Equipped with four engines, they were not only powerful but also very advanced in design. They were equipped with fully pressurized fuselage, central fire control systems, and remotely controlled machine gun turrets. Aircraft this size and complexity were not easy to build, however. Four plants across the United States manufactured various components of the bombers, and sometimes bombers coming out of the factories were sent directly to depots for immediate modifications because of a recent design change. Although the complexity of the design caused a lot of production headaches, the issue that gave the design the biggest problem was the reliability of the Wright R-3350 engines. The engine constantly overheated and burned under stress, particularly during takeoffs, due to insufficient air flow. The problem was never completely resolved before the end of WW2.
ww2dbaseIn general, B-29 pilots like the flight characteristics of the bombers starting in the earlier models. The unboosted controls were heavy and requested strength to operate, but advanced instrumentation made flying and navigation easy. In fact, a B-29 pilot could fly entirely on instrumentation should the pilot choose to do so. In flight, the pilots called for engine and flap settings reminiscent of how a sea captain would call for engine and rudder settings.
ww2dbaseIn combat, although Superfortress bombers were not as heavily armored as other Allied bombers, they possessed one defense that no others could compete with. They were capable of flying at the altitude of 10,200m, just above the service ceiling of most Japanese fighters and just beyond the range of most anti-aircraft weapons. Their fast airspeed also made them difficult to intercept by fighters that could fly that high.
ww2dbaseThe B-29 bombers were initially based in India (starting Apr 1944) and China (starting Jun 1944), attacking Japanese targets in Thailand and the Pacific rim. On 15 Jun 1944, 47 B-29 bombers took off from Chengdu, China and attacked the Imperial Iron and Steel Works at Yawata, Japan, marking the first attack on the Japanese Home Islands since the Doolittle Raid in Apr 1942; one bomber was lost during this mission. A total of 12 such similar bombing missions from India or China on Japan took place before they were transferred to the newly captured/constructed airfields in the Mariana Islands. The first bombing mission from the Marianas took place on 28 Oct 1944 (against Truk), and within a month missions were launched for major Japanese cities such as the capital Tokyo. These firebombing raids by Superfortress bombers devastated the war making capabilities of Japan and demoralized the Japanese population. Among the last WW2 combat missions that employed B-29 bombers were the 6 Aug 1945 atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima by Enola Gay and the 9 Aug 1945 atomic bomb attack on Nagasaki by Bockscar.
ww2dbaseIn WW2, B-29 bombers were used exclusively by the United States Army Air Force in the Pacific Theater.
ww2dbaseAfter the war, B-29 Superfortress bombers remained in service with the newly created United States Air Force through subsequent conflicts such as the Korean War. In that conflict, the changing nature of war reduced the number of strategic targets for B-29 bombers to strike and Soviet fighter innovations (namely, the MiG-15 jet fighter designed specifically to combat B-29 bombers) restricted the usefulness of these bombers. The US Navy also employed four of them, but they were restricted to long range search missions only. Aboard, 87 B-29 bombers were lent to the British Royal Air Force to serve as longer range nuclear-capable bombers between 1950 and 1955; two of them made their way to the Royal Australian Air Force for research between 1952 and 1956. Russia and Communist China also had a small number in service. These Russian variants were built after reverse engineering several captured early model B-29 bombers; they served under the designation Tu-4. After the arrival of the B-36 bomber, B-29 bombers were slowly relieved of front line heavy bomber duties. They were removed from duty in the 1960s. During the active production period of the B-29 design, 3,970 were built.
ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia.
Last Major Revision: Apr 2007
B-29 Superfortress Timeline
6 Sep 1940 | US military issued contracts for the construction of B-29 and B-32 prototype bombers. |
21 Sep 1942 | B-29 Superfortress heavy bomber took its first flight from Boeing Field, Seattle, Washington, United States. |
18 Feb 1943 | During a test flight from Renton near Seattle, Washington, United States a serious engine fire developed in the second XB-29 prototype aircraft. Test pilot Eddie Allen tried desperately to get back to the airfield but the huge bomber crashed into a packing plant killing the entire crew and a number of civilian workers in the building. |
5 Jun 1944 | The first USAAF B-29 combat mission, involving 77 bombers, was flown from Kharagpur, British India to Bangkok, Thailand. The worst problem was an unexpected tropical storm. Five aircraft were lost on this first mission, none to enemy fire. |
Machinery | Four Wright $-3350-23 turbosupercharged radial engines rated at 2,200hp each |
Armament | 12x12.7mm M2 Browning machine guns in remote controlled turrets, 9,000kg of bombs for standard missions |
Span | 43.06 m |
Length | 30.18 m |
Height | 8.45 m |
Wing Area | 161.30 m² |
Weight, Empty | 33,800 kg |
Weight, Loaded | 54,000 kg |
Weight, Maximum | 60,560 kg |
Speed, Maximum | 574 km/h |
Speed, Cruising | 350 km/h |
Rate of Climb | 4.50 m/s |
Service Ceiling | 10,200 m |
Range, Normal | 5,230 km |
Range, Maximum | 9,000 km |
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Visitor Submitted Comments
18 Apr 2007 02:49:50 PM
Wow...there would have been a lot less B-29s ditching at sea, as well...wonder why it wasnt used?

27 Sep 2007 05:12:38 AM
Components for the B-29 were made at over sixty new factories (a new Cleveland facility operated by the Fisher Body Division of General Motors for instance producing the giant nacelles-each as big as a P-47). Final assembly was organised at three of the biggest aircraft facilities in the world-Boeing at Wichita, Martin at Omaha, and Bell Aviation at Marietta. Later a fourth facility was establised at Boeing Renton. As nobody in uniform could fully comprehend the full compexity of the B-29 the finished aircraft were then sent to a modificatiom centre at Salina, Kansas. Here, from the first 175 machines received over 9,900 faults were detected. The Air Force were furious, for these aircraft were urgently required to equip the new 20th Bomb Wing. In a massive effort a task force of 600 men was created to get these aircraft prepared and ready for delivery to the waiting Squadrons. This effort would go down in the History of Aviation as the, so called, Battle of Kansa.
28 Mar 2009 02:42:26 PM
To Whom it May Concern, I'm looking for a B-29 Bomber called the Lady LU.
It was with the 315th Bomb Wing 16th Bomb Group. A/C Major Bernard J.
Mallory. His daughter and I are searching for the Serial Number for this plane and what happen to it. Started 1943-1945, Guam, May 27, 1945. It has
a Diamond B on its tail. There are three Four-leaf Clovers and the head of
a lady on the middle Clover.
I have a second question for you. My fathers B-29 was called the Spanish Forks, UT aka "Heavenly Body" "K"-35. It was also on Guam 1944-1945.A/C
Huff. MY Father's name was FE Robert D. Pounds was with the 330th Bomb Group/458 BS. My father retired as a Major from the Air Force. He died at
the age of 72 years old. I pro missed that I would track down the plane
and get a few pictures of it. One of the pictures will be placed on his tombstone.
If you could come up with any information about either plane it would be very grateful to both my friend and me. If nothing else could you point us
in the right direction.
Thank you,
John Pounds Son
17 Jun 2009 08:29:30 AM
I am listing a photo of the Heavenly Body's nose art on ebay for a consignor. Should be up today, Wednesday, June 17th.
5 Aug 2009 06:04:02 PM
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is John Pounds son of Major Robert D. Pounds of the 314th Wing 330th Bomb Group 458th Bomb Sq. I’m looking for a B-29 Bomber that was stationed on Guam during the Second World War.
The plane was called the City of Spanish Forks, UT aka Heavenly Body K-35 SN 44-69997 A/C Foster B. Huff. The Crew 811 and completed 21 missions over Japan.
My father passed away on March 12,1995. But before he died I promised I would find a picture of the Crew 811 and a picture of the Spanish Forks. Then, I would place them at his grave site. If you had any information about this plane while it was with the 313 Wing 505 Bomb Group after the war. I would be very grateful.
I am also interested in locating their missions, especially the ones that the K-35 was involved in. I am also looking the Nose Art of this plane “The Heavenly Body.”
Below is a recent report that I obtained on this aircraft the Heavenly Body.
I hope it will help you in tracking her down if you decide to help me.
Historian Information:
I have not been able so far to find exact missions, but I have found that plane with that serial number listed as both City of Spanish Forks, UT aka Heavenly Body. It flew with the 330th and also with the 505th. It had a Black SQ K 35 when it flew with the 330th and a Circle W when it flew with the 505th With the 505th it had no name. I found it had 21 missions but I could not find which missions with which name or with which bomb group.
The B 29 Bomber would have been on Guam as the 330th BG, but then on Tinian with the 505th.
I have not had much luck in finding the serial number with specific missions, but I did find evidence of 21 missions.
Will keep looking. Have found 2 different nose arts for Heavenly Body- none for City of Spanish Forks.
Thank you
John Pounds
P.S. I am very interested in the information about what this crew 811 did, plane, missions and any photos. I realize that this is a lot to ask but my father means a lot to me. He was not only my father but my best friend.
Do you think you could help me out in my search of the Spanish Forks, UT aka Heavenly Body.
16 Aug 2009 11:43:26 AM
Seeking information on my grandfathers B-29. Any info appreiated.
I know its name was "strap hangar" with a picture of a trolley car on the nose. he flew with 20th AF off of Tinian and he had mentioned it was "G"ulf bird...circle G on the tail.
Pilots name Robert J. Evans.
Anyone with any information please forward to kenneth.salyers@us.army.mil
V/R, SFC Kenneth C. Salyers
23 Sep 2009 11:30:23 PM
Respected sir,
it is requsted that my father Mr REHMAT DIN ABBASI have served in British Royal Army 1943 During Second World War he recrute from indian kashmer, please help me about find out the servce record of my father.
18 Apr 2010 09:44:50 AM
To Whom it May Concern,
I'm looking for any and all information about a B-29 Bomber Plane "Lady Lu". I believe it was with the 315th or 316th BS. A friend of mine. Her dad was the A/C on this plane. her email is "Maureen Malloy" lady_lu_b29@yahoo.com>
Thanks for your help.
John Pounds son of Maj. Robert D. Pounds USAF (RET).
4 Jan 2011 05:33:19 PM
FREDERICK ROEVER Major USAF (Retired) World War II B29 Pilot passed away Dec. 26, 2010. Survived by his wife, Ann son, Jim grandchildren, Christina, Jennifer, Devin, Trent, Dean and Blake. Viewing Tuesday, 1/4/11 from 5-8pm and Service on Wednesday, 1/5/11 at 10am at Acheson and Graham Garden of Prayer Mortuary with Graveside Service to follow. Arrangements under the direction of Acheson & Graham Garden of Prayer

2 Apr 2011 09:08:21 PM
The United States should respect every Veteran who passes on with flags at half staff, besides Veterans Day, but then again every day the flags would be at half staff, in honor of all Veterans who pass on to that great formation in the sky.
We as a free people should always remember the sacrifices made in war and peace and
hope that one day no Americans will ever go off to foreign lands.
Today another generation of Americans are in far off lands, must it always be so how many comrades have we lost this way...stop and think about what you have, what you can become and to live free, stop and think about all that you own and care for remember another generation of Americans are paying the check.
** Thank you Frederick Roever, Major USAF **
23 Jan 2013 07:07:10 AM
I'm trying to locate information on a B-29 that my father was assigned to in WWII. The name was the Magic City. Look for a website that I can look up the history of this plane. I have many pictures of this plane dropping it's bombs.
24 Jan 2013 10:09:53 AM
My fathers plane was called the Magic City 315th wing, 16th bomb Sq. He was in the Pacific during WWII. I'm looking for any information regarding his unit. Any help at all.
18 Feb 2013 05:10:05 PM
How do I find out what unit my father was attached to in the Mariana Islands during WWII? He was a pilot on a B29. I don't have his DD number.
2 Apr 2013 07:26:45 PM
To: John Pounds Son,
It seems like we are looking in the same area. The 315th wing. How can I contact you

28 Apr 2013 12:22:50 AM
Doesn't Bill's (2 April 2011) wish "that one day no Americans will EVER go of to foreign lands" put you in mind of the former purpose of the Berlin Wall?
14 Sep 2013 07:54:47 PM
To John Pounds Son
My Dad Sgt.Emory Benjamin Musil was ground crew chief for the Lady Lu on Guam. I would greatly like to hear any info you have about this B29.
Here's to these great men!
Stephen Musil

25 Sep 2013 07:21:46 PM
Alan Chanter Comment 28 Apr 2013
Have you ever served in the armed forces? Do you even know what's involved serving your country. Got news for everyone its not a 9 to 5 job with week ends off.
Went to West Berlin in April 1967 and saw that infamous wall. When I was in W. Berlin it was the only place in Western Europe the Germans bought me a beer. Also visited France and England
and the Low Countries.
Volunteered for Vietnam arrived in country 11/67
served w/the 9th Inf. Div. in the Mekong Delta
medivaced out to Japan in 9/68.
Returned to Vietnam 6/69 served with I Field Forces Vietnam in the Central Highlands.
I saw war and what it does to human beings over 40 years later those events are still with me.
So tell me I'm not dreaming for the day, when I wish no Americans go off to foreign lands.
Why does every generation of Americans pay the check for somebody else.
In 1970 I returned home to an unwelcoming country an exhausted and much older 22 year old sergeant, who experienced way too much...
I thank the editor/ww2db for allowing me to leave my comments.

26 Sep 2013 06:47:13 AM
Bill, thank you once again for your comments and, more so, for your service. Alan Chanter, a fellow WW2DB contributor, was indeed a veteran. He was with the British Army between 1967 and 1989.

26 Sep 2013 06:54:16 PM
Thank you Peter Chen for your comment dated 26 Sept 2013. Alan Chanter's service to his country
like all veterans is a deep and personal event in any man's life, be it in war or peace.
Some comments are way two short and one has to go think about what are they talking about, or they leave little information about themselves.
Nevertheless, I would be most interested in reading Alan's military experience. It would add to any ww2db/contributor's/veteran experiences...
10 May 2014 07:28:01 PM
I'm looking for information on the B-29 that my grandfather, Lucas Dale Beaty (went by Dale), flew in WWII. We have had no luck in getting his military records from the National Archives, their response was it was likely his records were destroyed in a fire. We have a least 1 photo of his military hat that he rarely wore after the war. But nothing else.
He was a pilot in 1945 for Boeing, where he met my grandmother. I have his employment records, from start until his death in 1966.
From what my father was told, he flew a B-29 named Oklahoma Momma. I haven't found anything on the craft. My father was only 7 years old in 1966.
If anyone one has anything on him or the aircraft please let me know.
21 Jul 2014 08:39:24 AM
They say this plane won the war. It took brave men to go on the long missions on this plane that was frequently ditched. God bless them.
15 Aug 2014 07:56:42 AM
John Pounds posted comments years ago. Here are some links he may find useful, if the webmaster could pass them along to him.
More info on the Lady Lu (people who flew in her): https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/TexasCzechs/conversations/topics/41069?source=1&var=1 http://www.timesrecordnews.com/obituaries/emory-musil
20 Nov 2014 08:46:36 PM
Looking for any info on the 457th Sq, 530th Bomb Group.
3 Jun 2015 11:29:03 PM
There were plans for an upratedversion of the B-29, the B29C: various sources say it was to have improved Wright R-3350 engines, and some say that as many as 5,000 were ordered. In the event, the war ended before the B-29C could be introduced, and none were built.
I have been unable to find any details about the characteristics of this unbuilt airplane. Are any specifications available? Is it known what the intended horsepower rating of the "improved" engines was?
27 Jul 2015 10:59:59 PM
My father flew 35 missions over Japan in the B-29 named "The City of Glendale". Don't know if it was from the city in California or Texas or elsewhere. He passed away when I was young so I never had the opportunity to chat about it with him. He brought all his guys home in one piece. I was in Indian Wells, California and the only B-29 still flying came over us twice, what an amazing sight.
2 Aug 2015 05:30:48 PM
I have a picture of my dad (Clifford Phillippe) standing on a B29 with part of the word "Hornet" written on the nose. I have no idea what the whole thing says or if it is his plane. Any ideas?
20 Sep 2015 07:17:40 PM
My Pa who is one of the last remaining WWII and Korean War veterans is still going strong at age 92. He flew Miss Minookie and cut off Japanese transportation of weapons and supplies during night raids. After WWII he graduated from Kansas with a Chemical Engineering degree. love reading all the stories on this page.
15 Jul 2016 07:39:18 AM
I knew a former B-29 co-pilot whose airplane was low on fuel after bombing Japan and diverted to Russia. I don't think the airplane was Ramp Tramp, but I would like to know the crew member names of B-29 aircraft that diverted to Russia
22 Nov 2016 04:30:11 PM
My grandfather is getting older now and says he was on a B-29 called "The Road To Hope". I've tried doing some searching on it and can't find anything. Any help would be great. Thank you in advance.

22 Nov 2016 05:14:08 PM
Ryan (above):
Finding a B-29 with only a name to go on will be hard. Having his Bomb Squadron or Bomb Group would help narrow the search a lot. See if he still has his flight log book, sadly few fliers still have theirs but that would be an amazing source of information.
15 Jan 2017 12:20:11 PM
Dad was a bombardier in Guam 19th bombardment group, 93rdvbomb squad, 44/45 how can I find out his plane/crew. Thanks
18 Apr 2017 02:13:58 PM
How were the Germans close to building their first atomic bomb?
26 May 2017 10:38:36 PM
Hello KW,
My dad was an aerial gunner on a B- 29 in Guam at that same time. I wish I knew more also.
27 May 2017 06:03:44 PM
I am reading a book a bout B-29s and thei rservice history during the Korean War.
In page 193 is a picture of a B-29 either the serial number # 272474.
Can anyone tell me what's the nickname of this aircraft is,and whatttya unit if served in?
The book in referencing is " The Superfortress and It's Final Glory.
Thank you.
Darrell Sears

27 May 2017 08:07:49 PM
Darrell Sears (above):
You may want to recheck that photo. Tail number 272474 belongs on a C-54 Skymaster transport aircraft (DC-4).
23 Jul 2017 02:26:42 PM
I am writing to request additional information on a photo in the Smithsonian Channel archives showing a B-29 with the name "Dode" and an old-fashioned pipe on the side (I have the photo but no way to attach here). My grandfather’s name was Boyd Madsen. He was the bombardier on a B-29 based in Guam during WWII. He flew 29 missions and was awarded the distinguished flying cross. When he came back from the war he smoked a pipe (which was unusual for him; I still have his pipe collection) and through the entire time I knew my grandparents he always referred to his wife Doris as “Dode”. Is there any way to find out if this was my grandfather’s plane (flight crew records, etc.?) The photo doesn’t show the plane number which would likely make it easier to track. It would add an amazing anecdote to an already amazing life and marriage. Thank you very much.
8 Aug 2017 01:39:08 AM
Bell-Atlanta B-29B-40-BA Superfortress
Built under licence by Bell Aircraft Company, Marietta, Atlanta, GA
Dispostions from Stewart Lanham, with info from The B-29 Superfortress: A Comprehensive
Registry of the Planes by Robert A. Mann
83890 Delivered to USAAF 28Apr45
Assigned to 355th Bomb Squadron, 331st Bomb Group, 315th Bomb Wing
Modified to KB-29P at Boeing, Seattle, WA
Modified to Assigned to 2750th Air Force Base Wing, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
Mid air collision 8Oct51 20 miles SW of Lafayette, LA. Salvaged 31Jan52
83891 Delivered to USAAF 28Apr45. Assigned to 355th Bomb Squadron, 331st Bomb Group, 315th Bomb Wing
Reclaimed 7May54
83892 Delivered to USAAF 28Apr45. Named ‘Sexy One’
(331st BG, 356th BS) in taxiing accident at Northwest Field, Guam Jul 5, 1945. All crew survived,
aircraft was repaired. Reclaimed at McClellan AFB, CA 7May54
83893 Delivered to USAAF 28Apr45. Named ‘Salome!’. Named ‘Dode’ Renamed for POW rescue flight
(331st B G, 355th BS) in taxiing accident at Northwest Field, Guam Jul 6, 1945. All crew survived.
Reclaimed at Pyote AFB, TX 24Jun54
44-83894 Bell-Atlant
11 Aug 2017 09:52:24 AM
Looking for info on a B29 flown in Korea named "Wise Guys", for the pilot with the last name Wise. I know his son and he'd like to know more about that plane
27 Sep 2017 01:36:40 PM
Would like any info you have on my Dad's B-29 42-63440 Inspiration "Tail Code V Square 10". He was a mechanic with this plane on Saipan in 1944-45. Thanks
2 Oct 2017 04:12:45 PM
My grandfather, Domenick Elliot Neri, was a Sgt. in the Army and a mechanic on a B 29 called "Blind Date," however I don't think it is the same as what I have "googled." It has a very large "03" that the name arcs across. The mission symbols on the front are camels and downward-facing bombs. I can't seem to get any of my family members to "remember" anything. I have several old photos of the planes he worked on and some of the guys that must have been in his crew but no names or dates. The planes serial#s I can't find and the tail id is at an angle I can't see. All I want to do is preserve his history - like where was he was stationed? and maybe a little more about what he did in the service? I would be happy to upload some pictures for anyone to see, if that helps. Maybe someone could please point me in the right direction? I would be SO grateful. Thank you.
15 Nov 2017 02:37:26 PM
Robert A. Soenksen
Serial Number 37662031
Rank Staff Sergeant
XXI Air Force
314th Bomb Wing
19th Bomb Group
93rd Bomb Squadron What was plane number and name he flew on in WWII from Guam over Japan?
22 Nov 2017 01:01:36 AM
Jennie, Apparently, two B-29's were named "Blind Date". 42-24429 & 42-24759. Some info on Joe Baugher's site.
2 Jan 2018 08:02:05 PM
Does anybody know the name of a B-29 in the Korean war with a tail number of 469854?

4 Jan 2018 07:13:07 PM
Gary (above):
According to the sources I can see, including the book called “The B-29 Superfortress: A Comprehensive Registry of the Planes and Their Missions,” B-29 44-69854 with the 6th Bomb Group had no name. It was not uncommon for a plane to carry no name and/or never have its name recorded.
5 Feb 2018 07:52:26 AM
I am looking for information about a B-29 named "The City Of Fort Wayne". My great uncle, Alvin C. Beck, was the Commander of that plane. Appreciate any leads that will help me to document a very cool story that is part of the history of my family. Thanks
8 Feb 2018 07:52:10 PM
Joe Baugher’s web site contains the following information: ‘44-69854 Delivered to USAAF 15Feb45. Assigned to 6th Bomb Group. Reclaimed at Tinker AFB, OK 8Aug54.’ A copy of Individual Air Force Record Card (IARC) for 44-69854 may provide more information and can be requested from the AF Historical Research Center.
8 Feb 2018 08:21:17 PM
I checked Robert Mann’s book (B29 Comprehensive Registry) listing of B29 in Korea. Of the 5 B-29 Bomb Groups sent to Korea (19th, 22d, 92d, 98th, and 307th) none list 44-69854 although Mann’s listing has an occasional omission. There were also B-29 reconnaissance and weather aircraft that were in Korea. Wikepedia search for the 6th Bomb Group to which the aircraft was first assigned may provide some clues.
15 Feb 2018 10:10:41 PM
Responding to David Jenkins inquiry regarding B29 The City of Fort Wayne. USAAF-noseart.co.uk (http://www.usaaf-noseart.co.uk/plane.php?plane=city-of-fort-wayne-44-69682#.WoZxBWKIaEd) identifies this as SN 44-69682 with the 18th BG 93 Sq. This information differs from information in Joe Baugher web site for aircraft with SN 44-69682. Robert Mann’s book on B29 Superfortresses does not list a B29 with name City of Fort Wayne.

17 Feb 2018 12:43:23 PM
Gerard (above) and David Jenkins (farther above):
The USAAF Nose Art Project is a British venture that also lists this same serial number as being the City of Flatbush. American records are also quite meager but consistently link this serial number to the City of Flatbush (lost to MiG fighters 12 Apr 1951 in Korea). David Jenkins: You may want to approach this from the other direction and contact the City of Fort Wayne, Indiana. There are probably some 1944 documents relating to this aircraft. If the City does not have a City Historian or Archivist, check with their Main Library or Historical Society or principal newspaper and you will probably find someone who knows where to look.
30 Mar 2018 06:16:49 PM
I'm looking for help finding the Nose Art for B-29 S/N 42-6389 Party Girl
Lost: 12/7/1944
26 Apr 2018 03:44:50 PM
I too am looking for more information on B-29 S/N 43-6389, including nose art and all other information. My grandfather was on that flight, SSG Jackson. Thanks.
14 Jun 2018 06:21:16 AM
this website is very helpful on getting info about the B-29.
3 Jul 2018 04:55:35 PM
How many hours in the air from Guam to Tokyo in a B 29
25 Nov 2018 11:40:50 AM
I have found a photo with the nose art our gloria our baby. Im looing for the s/n for that plane. I beleive its a b-29.
4 Dec 2018 03:10:26 PM
Amvets Post 23 in Kentwood MI - named for Larry Sybesma.
We are looking for history of his B-29 Aircraft 42-6389 “Party Girl”.
The aircraft crash on Dec 7th 1944 returning from a mission to the Mukden aircraft factory.
Any help would be great!!
8 Dec 2018 05:35:51 AM
I have a WWII photo of the crew and signatures of 10 airmen from a B-29. I can read only some of the names, how do I get a master list of crews. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks
11 Dec 2018 11:00:17 AM
My grandfather worked on the Black Widow camouflage coating used during the war while employed with Interchemical Corporation. I am trying to find out if this coating was used on the Enola Gay or Bockscar, or the B-29 fleet in general? I know it was used on the P-61. Thanks!
18 Dec 2018 02:02:40 PM
Was wondering what the crew did for bathroom facilities on those 15 hour flights?
Also if the airplane was pressurized what happened if they were hit by enemy gunfire or fragments from flak?
18 Dec 2018 02:11:51 PM
History claims that the B-29 was used exclusievly in the Pacific. So where was the B-29 that crash landed in Greenland Headed?

18 Dec 2018 05:51:45 PM
“gdt” (above):
The B-29 that crash landed in Greenland was on a Cold War spy mission and crashed in 1947 (“Kee Bird” s/n 45-21768). Only one B-29 crossed the Atlantic during World War II and that was solely for propaganda purposes in hopes the Germans would come to think they would be bombed by B-29s in addition to B-17s, B-24s, and all the British bombers.
4 Mar 2019 09:22:45 AM
LOOKING FOR INFO ON B-29 plane name Inspiration - did bombing raids on Japan, info such as tail number and where it ended up scraped etc. also additional pics
17 May 2019 07:01:07 AM
My dad was a mechanic on this plane while on Saipan. I have some pics but don’t know how to upload them on this thread.
16 Sep 2019 10:36:43 AM
My father was Captain Vander Schans of the 99th Squadron Limber Richard. If you or know of anyone that might have some stories or information, I would greatly appreciate it.
10 Feb 2020 05:34:22 PM
looking for info on b29 293845 thank you

11 Feb 2020 01:21:45 PM
Chris (above):
B-29 42-93845 was one of the 1,119 B-29s assembled at the Boeing plant in Renton, Washington. It was a B-29A, delivered to the USAAF 22 Jul 1944, and almost immediately was diverted to being a test aircraft for the more powerful Pratt & Whitney R-4360 engine. These tests led directly to the B-50 development. This plane was never assigned to combat and left service 17 May 1949.
19 Feb 2020 03:07:28 PM
I'm trying to find out more about my uncle's B-29. Double Exposure. I have several original photographs and documents and items. Can you please help me with this. I am looking for help.
Clayton Rees
Tullahoma TN
18 Mar 2020 04:52:05 PM
My dad was on-a flight crew B-29 named Susy-Q. 39th Bomb Group, 314th wing, 62nd squadron. Do you have any information about the crew and the missions they flew. Thanks!
6 Apr 2020 06:20:05 PM
Looking for information on the B29 named Jughead WW2
8 Sep 2020 07:56:31 AM
My father was the Bombadier on a B29, named Bad Medicine. I would love to see photos, of the plane, crew & the list of missions.
Thank you, for any information you may have.
11 Nov 2020 03:47:37 PM
My father T.G Billingsley was a Navigator/Bombadier on B-29 5358 named Getting Ready in 1944 WWII. Would like any information on the plane
15 Nov 2020 05:23:20 PM
Colette, my grandfather was a tail gunner on the b29 bad medicine .
If you have any pictures or anything I’d love to exchange and see if my grandfather and your father served together . I have a few pictures of his flight crew
Email matty51189 @ aol
30 Dec 2020 11:51:44 AM
Matt / Colette
Mt dad was a tail gunner on b29 Bad Medicine. Anything you can share would be appreciated.
Email: yankee12@suddenlink.net
29 Mar 2021 07:36:31 AM
Hey there, My great Grandfather was a Pilot on B-29 Black Magic, his name was Robert E. Mullen. I can’t seem to find any information on him, my best guess is that all his records are classified? We have a picture of him standing next to the plane, and we have his patches and uniform. Any help on finding records would be much appreciated,
Thanks, Mason.
2 Jun 2021 06:51:15 AM
My grandfather was a CFC gunner on Inspiration 1944-1945 stationed on Saipan. Completed 19 missions over Japan.
3 Jun 2021 09:45:04 PM
Hey Mason Mullen, I just bought some medals,patches, pilot wings, and 1LT bars, from a guy who’s dad was a co-pilot on Black Magic, second crew.
15 Jun 2021 04:39:58 AM
To Whom it May Concern, I am searching for information about my father M/SGT Robert D. Pounds Flight Engineer (FE) Crew 811 SN: 14002562 Aircraft:B-29 Bomber Spanish Fork, UT aka Heavenly Body K-35 sn 4469997 K-35 A/C Lt. Foster B. Huff. He spent two years with the Army Air Force then separated and joined the Air Force until his retirement in 60s. He passed away on March 12, 1995. There is no way that that I have all the information I need for my book for my family. He spent two years on Guam with the 314 Wing 330th BG 458th BS. Where should I look for more information? Thank you, John Pounds Sr. Son
2 Oct 2021 06:34:43 PM
Just found this site: for about 3 of you (Thomas Morgan comment in Sep of 2017, bILL comment March of 2019 and Tony comment in June 2021) my father was a bombardier on Saipan and the majority of his missions were in Tail # V Square 10 ship #42-63440 - Inspiration. Per my father’s documentation that ship was ditched west of Saipan on June 4, 1945 while on a test flight to “slow time” a new #3 engine. There are more details I have about this particular flight if you are interested. Another ship #1690 (not sure of entire serial #) was then assigned Tail # V Square 10 but do not know what name (if any) was given to that ship. I have some photos if any of your family members were on the flight crew.
9 Oct 2021 01:04:57 PM
I have assembled a 50+ page requiem for my father (SSgt. George A. Beck, Jr.) with information regarding his time in service on B-29 which crashed June 1, 1945 near Osaka. I would forward it to you if interested. Would need a specific contact person and email to receive the PDF.
18 Apr 2022 05:27:24 AM
Hi, This is a shot in the dark, but I am chasing information on the ‘Lucky 13’ B-29.
14 Jun 2022 05:22:46 AM
Looking for info about my uncle Warren Sephton (tail gunner) shot down over Japan
25 Sep 2022 03:14:42 PM
What happened to B29 Bomber number K-51, The Defiant Lassie?
Was the plane ever found?
25 Sep 2022 10:08:14 PM
The Defiant Lassie B-29 Bomber went down October 14, 1944.
Was this plane ever found?
Crew on 9 I believe. Robert Cabral one of the crew.
14 Oct 2022 01:29:47 PM
Susan N & Thomas Morgan - my father was on the Inspiration (s/n 42-63440) as well. I am interested in photos, logs, any info. I have my dad’s photos of crew and other nose art and other historical items he left me. My email is emailericmar@gmail dot com.
19 Dec 2022 09:18:54 AM
I saw a picture in a magazine of a B-29 called:
" A ten strike for Ike ".
is there any aircraft serial number that is known for this B - 29 aircraft?
17 Mar 2023 07:05:31 AM
17 Mar 2023 07:17:46 AM
É possibile conoscere i numeri di serie dei bombardieri autori del maggior numero di missioni e il loro nome (Nose Art) per seguenti aerei nella 2a Guerra Mondiale:
B 29, B 17, B 26, B 25, B, 24
Grazie per il vostro aiuto
19 Mar 2023 05:39:15 AM
Looking for info on my fathers B-29 plane and crew information. Nose name "Put In Bay"? 93rd Bombardment Group, 19th Bomb Group on Guam.
23 May 2023 10:26:56 AM
My Father flew B-29 as a weather officer and the plane was called "Marie Louise" after my mother as he was the newest one to have a child, me. He received a DFC from one of those missions.
That plane finished 21+ single missions, plus bombing missions and then went on to the Korean war.
Are there any other crew members families from that plane...
I would like to meet them.
23 Jun 2023 05:13:07 PM
My father was the turret gunner on a B29 named Kommode Head. He flew 13 bombing runs from the Saipan Airfield. He was part of AAC, group554, 28th AF.his Capt was Raymond Lutz. I would love to get more info on this plane, crew and history of missions.I doubt that any of the crew is still living
20 Feb 2024 08:00:29 AM
Why can't we get B-29 losses by theater of operation? i.e. ETO, PTO, Med, CBI, etc.
8 Mar 2024 12:16:33 PM
My dad was part of the Kommode Head, too.
17 Apr 2024 05:32:27 PM
During wartime till round September, 1945, the Boeing B-29 Superfortress USAAF Very Heavy Bomber only served in the Pacific Theatre of Operations (PTO), negating any need to distinguish the location(s) of its operational service.
28 Nov 2024 06:46:09 PM
My father was with the 314 Wing 330th Bomb Group 458th Bomb Sq. Station on Guam during WWII. His name was MSgt. Robert Pounds (FE).
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» Sweeney, Charles
» Tibbets, Paul
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» Whirlwind: The Air War Against Japan 1942-1945
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James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy, 23 Feb 1945

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12 Apr 2007 08:57:22 AM
Bolo Airstrip, for B-29s, was completed by the 87th Seabees on Okinaws before the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan but were never used. It would have cut the travel time almost in half.