G.I. file photo [80]


Primary RoleHeavy Fighter
Maiden Flight16 March 1937


ww2dbaseDesigned in 1936, the G.I fighters were intended to carry heavy weapons for air-superiority missions. 27 of them were ready in time to serve during the German invasion in May 1940 in two squadrons. One of the two squadrons was lost on the ground, and the second squadron was nearly all wiped out during a day of combat, though only after registering 13 kills that day. When the Netherlands was occupied by German forces, a few G.I fighters were captured and served as training aircraft for German pilots.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia.

Last Major Revision: Aug 2006


Dutch G.I fighter in flight, the Netherlands, late 1930s

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
2 Apr 2009 05:18:52 PM

The Fokker G.1 first flew March 16, 1937 deliveries started in May 1938. At the time of the German invasion on May 10, 1940 (23) aircraft served with two units the 4th Fighter and 3rd Fighter Group by the fifth day of combat, only (1) aircraft remained airworthy. The Luftwaffe captured G.1's intended for Finland, and used them as fighter trainers. Total production 62 aircraft, no Fokker G.1's survived the war.
2. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
11 Apr 2009 01:42:15 PM

The Luftwaffe used the Fokker G.1 as fighter trainers. And flown by Flugzeugfuhrerschule (B),at Wiener Neustadt.

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G.I Heavy Fighter Photo Gallery
Dutch G.I fighter in flight, the Netherlands, late 1930s

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