Letter from Commander in Chief of Allied Forces to Head of Italian Government

Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.

29 Sep 1943

ww2dbase29th September, 1943.


The terms of the armistice to which we have just appended our signatures are supplementary to the short military armistice signed by your representative and mine on September 3rd, 1943. They are based upon the situation obtaining prior to the cessation of hostilities. Developments since that time have altered considerably the status of Italy, which has become in effect a cooperator with the United Nations.

It is fully recognised by the Governments on whose behalf I am acting that these terms are in some respects superseded by subsequent events and that several of the clauses have become obsolescent or have already been put into execution. We also recognise that it is not at this time in the power of the Italian Government to carry out certain of the terms. Failure to do so because of existing conditions will not be regarded as a breach of good faith on the part of Italy. However, this document represents the requirements with which the Italian Govemment can be expected to comply when in a position to do so.

It is to be understood that the terms both of this document and of the short military ammistice of September 3rd may be modified from time to time if military necessity or the extent of co-operation by the Italian Government indicates this as desirable.


General, United States Army.
Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces.

His Excellency,
Head of the Italian Government. ww2dbase

US Government Printing Office

Added By:
Janice Kim

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