No. 125 & 126: Messages between Roosevelt and Moscicki
Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.
24 Aug 1939ww2dbase----- The British War Bluebook No. 125 -----
From: Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America
Sent: Thursday, 24 Aug 1939
To: Ignacy Moscicki, President of Poland
Should you determine to attempt a solution by any of these methods you are assured of the earnest and complete sympathy of the United States and of their people. During exploration of the avenues I appeal to you, as I have likewise appealed to the Government of the German Reich, to agree to refrain from any positive act of hostility.
It is, I think, well known to you that, speaking on behalf of the United States, I have exerted, and will continue to exert, every influence on behalf of peace. The rank and file of the population of every nation-large and small-want peace. They do not seek military conquest. They recognise that disputes, claims and counter-claims will always arise from time to time between nations, but that all such controversies, without exception, can be solved by a peaceful procedure, if the will on both sides exists so to do.
----- The British War Bluebook No. 126 -----
From: Ignacy Moscicki, President of Poland
Sent: Friday, 25 Aug 1939
To: Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America
Although I clearly wish to avoid even the appearance of desiring to profit by this occasion to raise points of litigation, I deem it my duty, nevertheless, to make clear that in the present crisis it is not Poland which is formulating demands and demanding concessions of any other State. It is, therefore, perfectly natural that Poland should hold aloof from any action of this kind, direct or indirect. I would like to close by expressing my ardent wish that your message of peace may contribute to a general appeasement which is so necessary to enable the nations once more to regain the blessed path of progress and civilisation.
The British War Bluebook; courtesy of Yale Law School Avalon Project
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C. Peter Chen
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