Will of Chiang Kaishek

Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.

29 Mar 1975

ww2dbaseSince the days of the revolution under the Premier1, I had always followed the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Premier, every day working toward eliminating obstacles in the way of the Three Principles of the People and striving toward building the constitutional republic. In the past 20-some years, our base for freedom had grown daily, continuously challenging the evils of Communism from the mainland. As we planned our war to recover our country, our fellow countrymen and party members, we must not let any sadness allow us to lose hope! We must remain united, follow the leadership of our party and government, and uphold the Three Principles of the People. With the recovery of our country as the goal, using moral uprightness2 as our moral guide, I believe that my comrades and my people will be able to realize the Three Principles of the People, liberate our mainland territory, revive our national culture, and maintain our democracy. My life's goal had been dedicated to the above, and they in fact reflect the revolutionary spirit of our people home and abroad. I wish we will continue to persevere and never give up until our responsibilities for our revolution had been fulfilled. Be diligent and be courageous, do not become lazy and do not neglect our duty!

Footnotes added by the Editor:
1. The Premier referred to Dr. Sun Yatsen, the first President of the Republic of China.
2. A play on Chiang Kaishek's name, Zhongzheng, which was adopted in 1917 or 1918
*. Chiang Kaishek actually did not complete his will. The text above was compiled by Qin Xiaoyi upon Chiang's death from material commonly seen in Chiang's speeches and declarations. Chiang's wife, Song Meiling, added the reference to Jesus Christ to Qin's final copy; a Methodist, she had persuaded Chiang to convert to Christianity after their marriage in 1927.
*. Link to the original text in Chinese

Added By:
C. Peter Chen

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