So you are going to the South Pacific
Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.
1 Aug 1943ww2dbase
[US Government Printing Office, 1943]
The purpose of this memorandum is to present to naval personnel about to go to advanced bases in the South Pacific certain elementary rules regarding camp sanitation and individual health and to indicate what uniforms and personal gear and equipment have been considered necessary or useful by those who have been at our advanced bases south of the Equator. Naval air stations in the Hawaiian area are not considered advanced bases for the purposes of this pamphlet and statements herein are not intended to apply thereto. (However, see note on p. 17.)
There is a check list on page 17 which should be referred to by anyone going to an advanced base in the South Pacific.
Introduction | iii |
Climate | 1 |
Health | 2 |
Clothing and Equipment | 8 |
Entertainment | 13 |
Other Suggestions | 14 |
Recommended Bibliography | 16 |
Check List | 17 |
Index | 25 |
Tropical climate has been frequently maligned. It is true, of course, that the climate as a whole is much warmer than that of the temperate zones, but it is not because it gets much hotter in the Tropics than elsewhere that the idea of excessively high temperature has gained credence; rather it is because the heat is more continued, persistent, and frequently more humid. Many persons would prefer the Tropics to Washington, D. C., in the summertime. While at low altitudes low temperatures do not frequently occur, chilly nights are far from uncommon. In New Caledonia, for instance, at sea level during the winter months—May through September—temperatures have run as low as 50° F. For the most part, however, temperatures at our South Pacific bases are hot and apt to be extremely humid and any individual or group going South should be ready for such a climate.
Precipitation in the Tropics is much greater than in all but a few parts of the Temperate Zones. Total annual rainfall may be as high as 120 to 165 inches with most of the precipitation occurring during the rainy season from November to March. The number of rainy days per year is high. Single storms from 17 to 19 inches have been reported in some areas. This can be compared with the average total annual precipitation of three cities on the Pacific Coast of the United States: Seattle, 34.3 inches; San Francisco, 22.02 inches; and San Diego, 10.3 inches.
A popular American misconception is that anyone who goes to the Tropics will return home wasted by fevers and an old man before his time. By way of reassurance to those who are about to go to the Tropics for the first time, it might be well to review some of the more prevalent tropical diseases more closely.
Tropical diseases can be serious, but the dangers of tropical diseases can be avoided by the observance of certain fundamental laws of health. The wet, warm air of the Tropics helps germs to multiply and survive. Any man can say, "To hell with germs," and promptly get sick. The smart person will stay healthy by paying careful attention to the general conditions of living, particularly with regard to water, food, and personal cleanliness. Effective camp sanitation requires the cooperation of every individual, the detail of a well supervised sanitary squad, and the constant indoctrination of personnel in the necessity for personal and camp cleanliness.
Malaria—Mosquitoes and Other Insects
Tropical insects as a rule have had their noxious nature greatly overstressed. They do abound, however, and some varieties act as transmitters of disease. Mosquitoes generally are the most prevalent kind of noxious insect and in many cases they are carriers of malaria; hence, their bites should be guarded against. In parts of the South Pacific area malaria is an important problem.
Malaria mosquitoes generally fly only at night. The best way to escape infection is to sleep under a mosquito net. The most effective net will be long enough so that it can be tucked under the mattress or bed roll. The mosquito net is of prime importance and every rent should be mended
promptly. When standing evening and night watches, the exposed portions of the body should be reduced as much as possible and a mosquito head net should be worn.
Only mosquitoes that have bitten an infected man carry malaria. In regions where malaria is prevalent most natives have the disease. The malaria mosquito never flies more than a few hundred yards. Therefore, stay away from natives and native houses and villages as much as you possibly can.
Do not scratch mosquito bites. Scratching merely causes infection. Mud packs will give some relief from itching. Mosquito repellents should be applied to all parts of the body at regular intervals while in the Tropics. In this connection insect repellents and insecticide may now be obtained from United States Naval Medical Supply Depots, under the following designations:
Stock No. | Symbol | Status | Item |
S13-450 | g | T | Insect repellent, liquid for mosquitoes, biting flies, gnats,fleas, and chiggers. |
S13-451 | g | T | Insecticide, powder for body lice and ticks. |
For mosquitoes, biting flies, gnats, and fleas, the repellent should be applied in a thin layer to all exposed parts of the body and on the clothing where insects are biting frequently. For chigger protection a half inch barrier should be applied to all openings of the uniform by drawing the opened mouth of the bottle along the cloth. Clothing may be treated several days before it is worn and one application is effective until the uniform is normally changed for laundering.
Grass should be cut or burned down around camps and working areas. It is important that proper drainage be
maintained. Water tanks should be covered with tin and wire screen. Old tin cans, broken bottles, etc., should not be permitted in the vicinity of camps and water in fire buckets should be changed at least once every week. An oil spray or drip in ditches and on the surface of small ponds and pools will do much to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.
Malaria is an incapacitating disease and in both the acute and chronic form may develop serious complications. While malaria usually yields to modern methods of treatment, unfailing use of all available methods of treatment must be practiced. Suppressive treatment with quinine or atabrine should be instituted upon arrival in the Tropics and those suffering from malaria should never fail to take quinine or atabrine as prescribed.
Dysentery, which is the second of the twin ailments of the Tropics, is usually acquired through drinking polluted water. Pollution has nothing to do with the clearness or muddiness of the water. It is the result of contamination by human beings and much of the water in the Tropics is polluted. Water from native wells or small streams which flow past native villages should be avoided. The muddy water of large rivers frequently can be used with safety. The safest procedure, however, is to boil all water at least five minutes unless the purity of the source can be ascertained with certainty. Water can be chlorinated by dropping a Halazone tablet or ten drops of iodine in a canteen of water. Chlorinated water should be left standing for at least thirty minutes before drinking.
Clean food is essential. Even the smallest amount of dirty food can cause tropical dysentery. Food prepared by natives or in native villages should be avoided. Hands should
be washed before eating and should not be used for eating. Mess gear must be kept clean and after each meal should be sterilized in boiling water. When mess kits are in use, men should be formed in column immediately after eating and filed past a garbage can or pit where refuse, liquid, and solid food is disposed of. After disposal each article of the mess kit should be rinsed successively in three tubs of water placed over fires in a trench. The first tub should contain boiling soapy water; the second and third boiling clear water. A few seconds immersion in each tub will be sufficient to cleanse the mess kits. After immersion in the third tub the mess kits will dry almost immediately by their own heat. No drying will be necessary. Care should be taken that the water in each tub is kept boiling. The tubs can be readily formed by cutting empty oil drums along the longitudinal axis about four inches above the center line.
Since flies spread dysentery by carrying infection to food and utensils, the mess hall and all galleys should be completely screened with double-screened entry ways. This is absolutely necessary. Flies inside a mess hall must be exterminated and nothing should be exposed that will attract them. Garbage should be burned or buried immediately.
Latrines should be completely screened and the doors should be spring-closed. They should be located at least one hundred yards away from the kitchen and any sleeping quarters, and should be at a level lower than that of the water supply. Tilted self-closing covers should be installed as soon as possible. The pit must be burned out and limed at least once a day. Too much importance cannot be placed on the screening of latrines. This must be done. It is also important to move the location of the latrines three or four times a month if practicable.
Tropical Ulcers or "Jungle Sores"
Open sores and scratches can easily become infected in the tropics and measures for disinfection should be taken promptly. The bites of leeches and ticks, which are common on many of the islands in the South Pacific, may also become infected if not cared for properly, and the small wounds that they cause may become a point of entry for the organisms which cause tropical ulcers or "jungle sores." One should watch for leeches on the body and brush them off before they have had time to bite. When they have taken hold they should not be pulled off forcibly but rather made to release themselves and drop off by touching them with a moist piece of tobacco, by touching them lightly with the burning end of a cigarette, or by dropping some alcohol or iodine on them.
The insecticide previously mentioned, for the destruction of body lice and ticks, should be dusted lightly on seams of the clothing or infested parts of the body at weekly intervals. To prevent tick bites, the belt line and the inner side of the clothing covering the lower extremities should be dusted. If soap is rubbed over socks, shoes, and trouser legs it will prevent leeches and ticks from taking hold.
Hookworms are widespread tropical parasites. To prevent them and other strange tropical parasites from entering into the skin of the feet and under the toenails, shoes or sneakers should always be worn when walking in the Tropics.
Fungi—Athletes' Foot and Ear Fungus
Tropical athletes' foot can make the skin of the feet become soft and peel, leaving the feet raw and open to infection. Athletes' foot develops best in wet, warm skin.
Working in the Tropics will keep the feet damp all day long. The feet, when possible, should be washed and allowed to dry each night. Under no circumstances should damp shoes or socks be worn while sleeping. Socks should be changed and washed each day, and foot powder should be used liberally. Each person should purchase a pair of wooden clogs which should be worn whenever the feet are otherwise uncovered. It is important to wear clogs even when taking a shower.
Tropical fungi live in the water and may enter the ears during washing or bathing. To prevent fungus infections inside the ear it is recommended that something smaller than a towel, such as a handkerchief or shirt tail, be used to insure that the ears are perfectly dry.
Centipedes and Scorpions
The larger centipedes and scorpions can give painful but not deadly stings. These creatures like dark, warm places so it is always advisable to shake one's blankets before turning in at night and to make sure that none are hidden in the clothing or shoes before dressing.
A cool night's sleep is beneficial and too much covering will keep the skin from drying. When possible sleep off the ground. This will give the body a better chance to dry out if it is hot and it will keep one away from insects. At combat bases pilots should be given a bivouac area as far from the landing field as practicable because adequate rest and sleep are essential.
Because evaporation from the skin is constant, bedding can be kept dry only by adequate ventilation and by sleeping cool enough to avoid sweating. Whenever possible, bedding should be aired and dried regularly.
Cleanliness is frequently neglected by the inexperienced. The whole body should be washed every day. If this is impossible, at least the feet and genitals should be washed. Clothing also should be washed or changed every day, particularly underclothing and socks. Putting on wet clothing in the morning will not be harmful, but dirty clothes and socks may cause real trouble.
Where possible strenuous exercise should be avoided. A moderate amount each day, however, will assist one in remaining healthy and immune from tropical disease. Regular exercise tunes up all bodily functions, improves functioning of the bowels, and clears the head.
Teeth and Eyes
Teeth should be put in the best possible condition before departure. Particularly, fillings which are apt to come loose should be replaced. Those with weak eyesight should take two pairs of well fitting glasses with them.
Clothing and Uniforms
There are two rules to follow with regard to clothing and personal equipment:
(1) Travel light.
(2) Secure as much necessary personal equipment as possible before leaving the West Coast.
At many of our bases in the South Pacific each person does his own laundry, using a bucket, soap, a brush, and plenty of elbow grease. No ironing is done and clothes are dried in the sun. Since clothes are ordinarily washed soon
after using them, the need for a large supply is nonexistent. Furthermore, soiled clothing will mold very quickly and must be cleaned soon after removal, thus preventing the accumulation of a large amount of clothing.
At most of our bases in the South Pacific facilities for the procurement of personal equipment are unfortunately limited. Some articles can be secured but the supply is apt to be unreliable and irregular. No one should count on equipping himself after leaving the West Coast. If some of the articles mentioned herein cannot be procured from a materiel officer in quantity, each individual should make every possible effort to secure all necessary items by private purchase. At the end of this pamphlet is a check list which indicates those items which an individual can expect to have provided for him and those which he should provide himself.
In the Solomons area squadron personnel will probably want to leave part of their luggage at their main base and take part to the squadron operating base. For this reason, gear should be arranged in such a way that there will be sufficient luggage to carry gear to the operating base after packing part and leaving it behind. Good luggage and fancy leather shaving kits are wasted in the Tropics. Rain and dampness will get to work on the leather almost regardless of the care taken. The green luggage issued to aviators stands up as well as anything. A sea bag is excellent for stowage.
Neither blues nor whites are necessary. Some officers have taken their blues or greens with them in anticipation of a rest period in New Zealand or Australia. This is a problem which will have to be answered by each officer for himself but it should be realized that the climate in the Tropics is very hard on all kinds of woolen material—it molds quickly and must be aired frequently. After three months in the Tropics a woolen uniform is apt to be in bad condition.
Khakis are the jack-of-all uniforms. Six pair of trousers and six to eight shirts are probably enough. Where laundry service is available more shirts may be desired. One or two pair of khaki shorts are very desirable during the day. Khaki blouses are never worn. The field green summer or tropic weight Marine Corps coverall or the long summer khaki flying suit are especially suitable, particularly for evening and night wear, and can be worn instead of the regular khaki or dungarees. A light sweater or jacket similar to the aviator's summer flying jacket should be taken for cool nights. Twelve or fifteen sets of underwear and the same number of pairs of socks are probably enough.
Enlisted personnel should have a suitable supply of dungarees or coveralls and two suits of undress whites. One suit of dress blues should be taken in event of a rest period in New Zealand or Australia.
While a pair of brown or black oxfords should be taken, they definitely are not practicable when working or when the ground is wet, and a pair of Marine Corps field shoes should be procured for all personnel. It is advisable to take a pair of light sneakers or moccasins to wear in tents and around camp. Everyone should have a pair of standard-issue canvas leggings in case work in jungle terrain becomes necessary.
Each officer and man should have a light raincoat or poncho. Marine Corps ponchos and the Army issue-type raincoats have proven satisfactory but any lightweight water-repellent covering should be satisfactory.
To protect again the debilitating effect of the hot sun the headpiece is a particularly important piece of clothing at an advanced tropical base. A baseball cap for persons working on or around aircraft is recommended. For others, a marine type sun helmet is more advisable. One officer recommends the plastic liner of the steel helmet as the best
type of tropical headgear. A good pair of sun glasses, particularly for those stationed on coral islands or atolls, should also be purchased.
Other Equipment
As previously stated, all personnel going to bases in the Tropics should realize that facilities and supplies are limited and that living is primitive. Certain objects which are taken for granted at a station in the continental United States assume great importance in the South Pacific. Every effort should be made to procure objects discussed below as soon as possible after learning that one's squadron or unit is being sent to a combat area.
Officers and flight crews should be equipped with a pistol or revolver. Pilots in combat in the South Pacific state that the use of shoulder holsters for pistols is essential, because in about fifty percent of forced landings at sea or parachute jumps, a web belt becomes unfastened and the pistol is lost. They also recommend that every plane be furnished with a machete type knife, having at least a ten-inch blade heavy enough to be used as an axe in cracking cocoanuts [sic]. The Army type shoulder harness complete with knife, holster, and medical supplies is considered ideal.
Both officers and enlisted men should equip themselves with a five or six-inch hunting knife. Boy Scout knives and small Boy Scout axes will prove useful and squadrons should be sure that they have adequate supplies of small belt type axes for use in rough terrain. Every man, of course, should possess a gas mask and a steel helmet with a plastic liner. Canteens will be one of the most useful single articles of personal equipment for both officers and enlisted men. They are essential as the high humidity makes one extremely thirsty a great deal of the time and a large quantity of water has to be drunk to quench the thirst.
If possible, nonrusting mess kits should be procured for enlisted personnel. Flashlights are necessary and extra bulbs and batteries should be taken along.
Pocket compasses will be of great value to pilots and flight crews. Both watches and pocket compasses should be waterproof when possible and men who own two watches are advised to bring the cheaper. The climate is very hard on watches. Leather wrist watch straps sweat out in a very short time and men owning wrist watches should purchase three or four cloth straps.
With regard to toilet articles, men should make every effort to get a hand mirror of good quality that will not tarnish or rust. Cheap ones consisting of a plate of polished metal are not satisfactory. Soap, tooth paste, shaving cream, and similar articles will probably be available, but a four-week supply should be taken to be on the safe side. At least fifty razor blades are recommended. Towels are normally supplied to each advanced base unit, but they are apt to be scarce and although they are not absolutely necessary each individual should bring as many as he desires. Four should be sufficient. A small issue scrub brush should be purchased from small stores. Mud is sometimes very adhesive and cannot be removed except by a brush. A metal soap box will prove handy.
Cigarettes are plentiful and can be purchased at shipboard prices. The heat causes constant sweating, however, and some type of metal cigarette case should be used. Extra lighter fluid and flints for cigarette lighters should also be taken. If candy or chewing gum is bought, it should be packed in a tight metal container to protect against the ants, which can find sugar anywhere. Hard candy is all that will keep in the tropical heat.
Many uses will be found for cotton cord and light line; it can be used, among other things, for clothes lines, wrap-
ping bundles, fastening mosquito nets to Army cots, and fashioning crude furniture. Sewing kits can be used for repairing mosquito nets and other purposes.
Paper, pencils, files, folders, pins, scotch tape, and similar materials are apt to be very scarce. Each squadron should bring an ample supply.
Possibly more important than any other single item, particularly for patrol squadrons, are charts for navigational purposes. This is essential as none are apt to be available. One per plane is not enough. They are used constantly and wear out quickly. A large supply should be procured without fail.
Intelligence officers should get all the target folders they can for the particular area in which their squadron will be operating. Intelligence material is apt to be scarce, so as much as possible should be taken with the squadron. If a comfortable place can be secured, many men will be glad of the opportunity to read such publications. Recognition charts and silhouettes should also be taken.
One of the big problems at a base in the South Pacific is that of finding something to do, particularly for the flight crews and other enlisted personnel. Entertainment facilities will frequently be limited to swimming, which may range from excellent to only fair, and evening movies. Each man should develop a hobby that doesn't require much in the way of materials and bring it with him.
Squadron personnel officers should be fully cognizant of this problem and the following suggestions are made with the hope that life can be made a little more pleasant. Good books are scarce and several dozen of general appeal should be purchased for a squadron library; Modern Li-
brary, Everyman, and Penquin, or other paper covered editions would be excellent. Subscriptions for five or six fiction type magazines should be taken; mail delivery may be a little late but the small investment will pay many dividends. Radios can be used, particularly at main bases, and each squadron should have at least one—however, neither antenna wire, female plugs, or extension cords are available and they should be taken by the squadron. Anyone who is willing to take the trouble to carry a portable phonograph and records with him will provide a lot of enjoyment for himself and others and he would be doubly popular if he arranged with someone in the States to send him new records from time to time. One more contribution that can be made to squadron morale is to take some sporting equipment along; volley ball and badminton equipment, one or two baseball bats, and half a dozen soft balls are recommended. Diving masks or underwater goggles will not only protect the eyes from the salt of the water but will also increase the pleasure of swimming. Anyone who plans to do much swimming should realize that the sharp coral formations make a pair of swimming shoes or sneakers absolutely essential.
Poker is played long and late. Devotees should bring their own cards. Chess, checkers, acey-ducey, and other games will be enjoyed by many.
Many aviators have taken their heavy fur-lined flying equipment with them. Except for squadrons who will be engaged in high-altitude flying, this is not recommended. This gear is very bulky and in quantity only presents additional problems of transportation and storage. Winter flying gear is likely to deteriorate in tropical climates. Most pilots going South should turn their heavy flying gear into
a Naval Supply Depot. This will ease the Navy's problem of procuring large numbers of these flying suits and when the pilots return North they can draw another outfit.
Personnel records, personnel folders, flight logs, health records, and pay accounts should be taken along. It is possible to get paid at even the most advanced bases although it may take some time. In order to avoid the exhaustion of personal funds, all personnel should provide themselves with sufficient cash prior to transfer to ports of embarkation. It is unlikely that more than $75 in cash will be required.
It is well known that mail is probably the most important single factor in the maintenance of morale. This applies to outgoing as well as incoming communications. At many of our bases it is extremely difficult to get anything but a limited and irregular supply of air-mail stamps. It is suggested, therefore, not only that each individual purchase fifty or one hundred stamped air-mail envelopes, but also that each squadron purchase one thousand or more with money from the squadron welfare fund. Care should be taken that the envelopes do not stick together.
Before leaving the continental United States, each man should give careful consideration to the necessity of making allotments, preparing a will, executing a power of attorney, obtaining National Service Life Insurance, renting a safe-deposit box, and attending to many other personal matters. It will be almost impossible to take care of such things satisfactorily after leaving the United States. If allotments for the support of dependents are payable to a bank, the allottor should see a pay officer and submit the necessary statement that the allotments are in fact for the support of dependents; otherwise, if the allottor is reported missing the allotment will be stopped. This is important.
Squadrons should realize that their chief source of supply at an advanced base will be their CASU, PATSU, FABU, or
SOSU, as the case may be. It is suggested, therefore, that each squadron, before going South, attempt to find out what equipment the unit serving them has taken with it, so that the squadron will be able to supplement this supply with other things it might need. At some of our bases in the South Pacific, the Navy and Army are engaged in joint air operations. Where this is true, the Quartermaster's Corps is another source of supply. However, it cannot be overemphasized that most of the articles mentioned should be procured, if possible, before the squadron leaves the West Coast.
1. U. S. Navy, Landing Force Manual:
Chapter 13—Pitching, Striking, and Folding Tents; Selection and Establishment of Camp Site.
Chapter 14—Field Sanitation; Personal Hygiene; First Aid.
2. War Department, FM 8-40, Medical Field Manual, Field Sanitation:
Control of Communicable Diseases; Water; Waste Disposal; Mess Sanitation; Hygenic Control of Food Products;
Fly Control; Mosquito Control; Control of Lice; Important Factors Relative to Personal Hygiene.
3. War Department, FM 21-10, Basic Field Manual, Military Sanitation and First Aid:
Communicable Diseases; Intestinal and Insect-Borne Diseases; Miscellaneous Diseases;
Selection and Sanitation of Camp Sites; Personal Hygiene; First Aid.
4. Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Areas, Castaway's Baedeker to the South Seas:
Native Villages; Physical Features of the Islands; Animal and Insect Pests; Tropical Boy Scouting;
Rubber Boating; Water; Food; Fish; Meat.
5. War Department, FM 31-20, Basic Field Manual, Jungle Warfare:
Particularly concerns the soldier who is in the jungle but contains information regarding
personal hygiene which will be valuable to those going to the South Pacific bases.
(The purpose of this check list is to furnish each individual and squadron with a quick and ready reference to equipment and gear which might be desired to be taken to advanced bases in the South Pacific, and to certain other details which should be attended to before departing. It is not intended that this check list should apply to squadrons and personnel who are about to leave the U. S. for duty in the Hawaiian area. Naval air stations in the Hawaiian area, for the purposes of this check list, are not considered to be advanced bases. It may, however, be difficult to secure in the Hawaiian area articles which must be obtained from commercial sources. It is recommended that personnel reporting for duty in the Hawaiian area procure all necessary commercial items before leaving the West Coast).
Item | Where Obtainable |
Acey Ducey * | |
Allotment | Disbursing Officer. |
Anti-fungus lotion | Medical Department |
Axe (Boy Scout Type) | Not provided on any allowance; must be obtained commercially in the U.S. |
Badminton ** | |
Baseballs and bats | Where Obtainable |
Item | Where Obtainable |
Books | The Fourteenth Naval District Library has assorted sets of library books available to issue to new units leaving the Pearl Harbor Area. A larger assortment may be obtained direct from the Naval Library at Norfolk upon request of the unit concerned. Can be supplemented from commercial sources. |
Canteen | Provided by Bureau of Ships for each individual sent to an advanced base; should be obtained before departure from the U. S. |
Cards, playing * | |
Charts | Hydrographic Office |
Checkers * | |
Cigarette Case (medal) | Ship's Service |
Cigarette lighter (fluid and flints) | Should be purchased commercially; ship's service activities carry them. |
Citronella | Recent correspondence indicates that this or a substitute item is being provided to all units in South Pacific. It might be advisable, however, to take one or two bottles of citronella in case of shortages of insect repellent. |
Clogs, wooden | Commercial sources. |
Item | Where Obtainable |
Compass | Compasses are issued to each aviator and member of a flight crew; they are not available for issue to each individual. |
Cord | White line may be obtained from any supply department. |
Coverall | Bureau of Ships is providing coveralls or a substitute which should be procured before departure from U. S. |
Diving masks or goggles | Commercial sources. |
Electrical Equipment (antenna wire, extension cords, female plugs. | Commercial sources. |
Envelopes (airmail stamped) | Post Office |
Eyeglasses (extra pair) | Oculist |
Flashlight (bulbs and batteries) | Normally provided in quantity to each advance base unit; however, each individual should obtain at least one flashlight equipped with extra batteries and bulbs prior to departure from U. S. |
Flying suit | Part of naval aviators' flight clothing allowance; not issued to others. |
Games * | |
Gas Mask | Should be obtained before departure from U. S. |
Halazone | Ship's store. |
Item | Where Obtainable |
Helmet (steel, with plastic liner) | Supply Department; provided by unit to which attached and not available for individual issue. |
Holster ** | Allowed to each naval aviator and each member of plane crew; not issued to others. |
Insurance | Disbursing Officer. |
Insecticide | Recent correspondence indicates that an insecticide is being provided for all units in the South Pacific. |
Insect repellent | Recent correspondence indicates that an insect repellent is being provided for all units in the South Pacific. |
Intelligence material | Air Combat Information |
Iodine | Medical department |
Jacket (flying type) | Flight jackets are allowed to each naval aviator and are also an item of squadron flight clothing equipment. Aviators going to tropical bases are allowed two jackets. Others will have to purchase them commercially. |
Knife (Boy Scout type) | Commercial sources; not available for issue to naval activities. |
Knife (hunting and machete type) | Hunting knives are part of squadron allowance for pilots and flight crews; not issued to others who must obtain them from commercial sources. Machete type knives must be obtained from commercial source. |
Item | Where Obtainable |
Luggage | A sea bag is issued to each enlisted man; officers should be able to obtain one from any supply department. Carryalls and other types of aviation luggage are issued only to aviators. |
Magazine subscriptions | Commercial sources. |
Mess kit (nonrusting) | Provided by Bureau of Ships for each individual sent to an advanced base; should be obtained before departure from U. S. |
Metal Containers | Commercial sources. |
Mirror, glass | Ship's store. |
Moccasins | Commercial sources. |
Mosquito nets (sleeping) | Provided by Bureau of Ships for each individual proceeding to advanced bases and should be obtained before departure from U. S. |
Mosquito nets (head) | Provided by Bureau of Ships for each individual proceeding to advanced bases and should be obtained before departure from U. S. |
Office supplies, forms, etc., | Flight jackets are allowed to each naval aviator and are also an item of squadron flight clothing equipment. Aviators going to tropical bases are allowed two jackets. Others will have to purchase them commercially. |
Phonograph and records | Should be obtained commercially before departure from U. S. Records should be sent commercially from U. S. |
Item | Where Obtainable |
Pistol | Allowed to each aviator and each member of plane crew; not issued to individual. |
Poker chips | Commercial sources. |
Radio | Commercial sources. |
Raincoat | Rain clothes are provided for each advanced base unit; personal rain clothing may be obtained from clothing and small stores or from commercial sources. |
Recognition charts and silhouettes | Air Combat Information and ONI. |
Scrub brush *** | |
Sewing kit *** | |
Shirts (khaki) | Ship's service or commercial sources. |
Shoes (Marine type) | Provided by Bureau of Ships to each individual proceeding to an advanced base; should be obtained before departure from U. S. |
Shoes (low oxfords) | Can be obtained from small stores or from commercial sources. |
Shorts (khaki) | Ship's service or commercial sources. |
Sneakers *** | |
Soap (laundry) | Ship's store. |
Soap box | Ship's store. |
Socks *** | |
Sun glasses | Allowed to each naval aviator but not issued to others who must obtain them from commercial sources. |
Item | Where Obtainable |
Sun helmet | Provided by Bureau of Ships for each individual proceeding to advanced base; should be obtained before departure from U. S. |
Sweater *** | |
Swimming trunks | Ship's service or commercial sources. |
Target folders | Air Combat Information |
Toilet articles | Ship's store. |
Towels *** | |
Trousers (khaki) | Ship's service |
Underwear *** | |
Volley ball* | |
Watch, waterproof | Ship's service or commercial sources. |
Watch, cloth strap | Ship's service or commercial sources. |
Will |
* Items such as backgammon, acey ducey, badminton, baseballs and bats, playing cards, checkers, chess, volley ball, etc., may be procured in limited quantity from the Fleet Recreation Officer in the navy yard at Pearl Harbor. There are other sources in the Hawaiian area but it is recommended that these items be purchased commercially before departure from U. S.
** If shoulder holsters are not available, any individual should be able to make one for himself after securing the proper amount of leather and webbing.
*** These items are regular clothing and small stores items and are provided for each advanced base unit; should be included in personal baggage of each person before departure from U. S.
Page | |
Athletes' foot | 6 |
Bibliography | 16 |
Centipedes | 7 |
Charts | 13 |
Check List | 17 |
Climate | 1 |
Clothing | 8 |
Dysentery | 4 |
Ear fungus | 6 |
Entertainment | 13 |
Equipment, miscellaneous | 11 |
Exercise | 8 |
Eyes | 8 |
Hat | 8 |
Health | 2 |
Hook worms | 6 |
Insects | 2, 5, 6 |
Intelligence material | 13 |
Jungle sores | 6 |
Luggage | 9 |
15 | |
Malaria | 2 |
Money | 15 |
Office Supplies | 13 |
Rain coat | 10 |
Ring worm | 6 |
Sanitation | 2, 4, 5 |
Scorpions | 7 |
Shoes | 10 |
Sleeping | 7 |
Teeth | 8 |
Toilet articles | 12 |
Tropical ulcers | 6 |
Uniforms | 8 |
Washing | 8 |
Water | 4 |
may be obtained from the
Naval Air Combat Information Office
attached to the following commands:
Commander, Air Force Pacific
Commander Air Force Atlantic
ComFair Alameda, NAS Alameda,Calif.
ComFair West Coast, NAS San Diego, Calif.
ComFair Seattle, NAS Seattle, Wash.
Commander, Caribbean Sea Frontier
N. A. T. T. C., NAS Jacksonville, Fla.
NAS Coco Solo, C. Z.
Or from the
of the
United States Navy Naval History and Heritage Command
Added By:
C. Peter Chen
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29 Feb 2016 09:30:57 PM
This is the most interesting posting I have seen in a long time.