20 Apr 1923
  • Quintin Brand was appointed a staff officer at the headquarters of the No. 5 Wing RAF. ww2dbase [Quintin Brand | CPC]
  • Crown Prince Hirohito traveled from Taichu, Taiwan by train, traveling to Tainan to the south. He visited Tainan Prefecture Hall, Memorial of Prince Yoshihisa of Kitashirakawa branch of the Imperial family, Minami Elementary School, Confucious Temple, Taiwan Normal University, Tainan No. 1 Public School, Tainan Park, and Tainan No. 1 Middle School. ww2dbase [Showa | Tainan | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 20 Apr 1923
Crown Prince Hirohito visiting Tainan, Taiwan, 20 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito at the Tainan Shrine, which also served as the Memorial of Prince Yoshihisa of Kitashirakawa, Tainan, Taiwan, 20 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito at Tainan Normal University, Taiwan, 20 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito at the Tainan Confucious Temple, Taiwan, 20 Apr 1923
See all photos dated 20 Apr 1923

20 Apr 1923 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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