30 Aug 1938
  • The Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire arrived at St. Catherine's Church in Nürnberg, Germany from Vienna, Austria. Items in this collection included both ceremonial items used by Holy Roman Emperors (the Imperial Crown, the Imperial Orb, the Imperial Sword, etc.) as well as relics of Christian mythology (a wood splinter said to be from the cross upon which Jesus Christ was cruxified, the spear blade said to have pierce Jesus Christ's side at the crucifixion, etc.). ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Emden arrived at Hamilton, Bermuda. ww2dbase [Emden | Hamilton | CPC]
  • 9 Japanese bombers escorted by 6 A5M4 fighters attacked an airfield near Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China; Galdiator fighters of Chinese 32nd Pursuit Squadron rose to intercept. 2 Japanese fighters and 6 Chinese fighters were shot down in the fighting. ww2dbase [Guangzhou, Guangdong | CPC]
  • Zhu Jiaxun, flying a Gladiator fighter, shot down two Japanese A5M fighters over Nanxiong, Guangdong Province, China, but his fighter would run out of fuel, forcing him to crash land in a rice paddy; he suffered light injuries as he was thrown out of the aircraft on landing. ww2dbase [Zhu Jiaxun | Nanxiong, Guangdong | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 30 Aug 1938
Victims of aerial bombing, Shanghai, China, circa Aug 1938

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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