27 Nov 1939
  • Sealion (Sargo-class) was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [Sealion (Sargo-class) | CPC]
  • Finland sent Soviet Union a message noting that the Finnish Army had not fired any shots into Soviet territory. In response to the Soviet request on the previous day for Finnish troops to fall back 20 to 25 kilometers from the border, Finland suggested Soviet troops to do the same. ww2dbase [The Winter War | CPC]
  • German submarine U-48 damaged Swedish tanker Gustaf E. Reuter near Fair Isle northwest of Scotland, United Kingdom; 1 was killed, 32 survived. An attempt to tow Gustaf E. Reuter to port failed overnight, causing her to finally sink. ww2dbase [Start of the Battle of the Atlantic | CPC]
  • Douglas Bader made his first solo flight since his 1931 air accident that cost him both of his legs. ww2dbase [Douglas Bader | CPC]
  • Kurt Fricke was awarded Clasp 1st Class to his Iron Cross. ww2dbase [Kurt Frike | CPC]
  • U-56 began her fourth patrol. ww2dbase [U-56 | CPC]

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

Winston Churchill, on the RAF

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