B-25 aircraft of 345th Bombardment Group, US 500th Bombardment Squadron attacking Japanese Sub Chaser CH-39 off Three Island Harbor, New Hanover, New Ireland, 16 Feb 1944, 2 of 3 [Colorized by WW2DB]

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Caption     B-25 aircraft of 345th Bombardment Group, US 500th Bombardment Squadron attacking Japanese Sub Chaser CH-39 off Three Island Harbor, New Hanover, New Ireland, 16 Feb 1944, 2 of 3 [Colorized by WW2DB] ww2dbase
Colorization Note   This photograph was originally a black and white photograph; the colorized version presented here was a derivative work by WW2DB. The colors used in this version were speculative, and could be significantly different from the real colors.

Processed using Adobe Photoshop Image Processor, with default neural filter, selecting "None" as the profile.

View the original black and white photograph at its own permanent page.
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States Army Air Forces
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Photo Size 1,646 x 1,328 pixels
Photos on Same Day 16 Feb 1944
Added By David Stubblebine
Colorized Date 24 Feb 2023
Licensing  Public Domain. According to the United States copyright law (United States Code, Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105), in part, "[c]opyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government".

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
24 Apr 2011 09:15:22 PM


B-25D from the 500th Bomb Squadron, 345th Bomb Group flies over a Japanese corvette
the attack was so fast, the Japanese gun crew
is still pulling off the canvas covering the forward deck gun.

Photograph doesn't show transport blowing up
in the background. Check out the falling 500lb bomb in photo center, the bomb didn't
hit the ship, but the crew was so scared,
they ran the ship aground, where it was a
sitting target for other B-25s and destroyed
You could say, they were scared shipless!


Can you imagine being strafed with fifty caliber fire, those slugs can blow your head and shoulders clean off!, cut you in two or blow you into pieces, believe me I've see what a fifty caliber round does to a human body.
If the fifty doesn't get you, the ricochets, shrapnel and fragments from the ship will.
2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
18 Jun 2012 09:19:33 AM

The B-25D was flown by Lt. R.B.Fritzshall,
500th Bomb Sqd. 345th Bomb Group.
Not shown in photograph was the Japanese transport Mie Maru blowing up. The Japanese Corvette was destroyed by other B-25s from the 500th BS.
3. Perry Hurt says:
29 Dec 2018 12:40:47 PM

This photo was probably taken by my father George J Hurt, bombardier for the 500th, flying "Avoca Avenger" (D-1 161) with Capt Dougherty and Lt Ames pilots. The photo appears in his photo album with the caption, "Jap Patrol Boat. Circles from my bombs can be seen in water. One bomb can be seen in mid air. No one could hit the joker. Finally became shot up so bad, the *** ran ashore to keep from sinking." His flight diary notes that they hit the corvette with one bomb, but missed the "Fox" with two bombs.

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