Canadian Ventura aircraft, circa 1940s

Caption     Canadian Ventura aircraft, circa 1940s ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
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Ventura   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 640 x 480 pixels
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  The source of this work has not yet been determined. Because it has been about 79 years since the creation of this work, WW2DB is operating under the assumption that this work is now in the public domain.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
21 Jul 2012 03:49:32 PM

This photo was taken at CFB Rockcliffe during or just after WWII. The escarpment is to the south. The exact location would have been in front of the old maintenance hanger beside the present flying club shack. The
aircraft is pointing due north. Its spring or fall as there is melting snow on the ground. The Photo recon build ("White House") can be seen to the left (east side) at the bottom of the escarpment. This aircraft was a photo recon bird due to the square window under the nose. It is
also awaiting a paint job as there are no marking and I assume the pale colour is the primer coat, that's why its parked in front of the old maintenance hanger. Also see the old barracks on the top of the escarpment looking due south, where my father was billeted just after WWII at the Canadian Experimental Proving Establishment (CEPE), now AETE in Coldlake. I was later posted to DGAEPM in a building further south on top of the escarpment beyond view in 1994. Only the Flying club at the base remains, but the New Cdn Aviation Museum now sits between the Ventura and the escarpment. Also note that the base was donated to the RCAF by the original farm's owner who's son was a pilot in WWI and was killed. The Ottawa river is about 200 yds north of the Ventura.

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