Soviet infantry advancing behind T-34 tanks during the Battle of Orel, Prokhorovka, Russia, 12 Jul 1943

Caption     Soviet infantry advancing behind T-34 tanks during the Battle of Orel, Prokhorovka, Russia, 12 Jul 1943 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseMinistry of Defence of the Russian Federation via Wikimedia Commons
Link to Source    Link
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Photo Size 2,525 x 1,428 pixels
Photos on Same Day 4 Aug 1943
Photos at Same Place Prokhorovka, Belgorod, Russia
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Rita Rohrbaugh says:
1 Mar 2011 02:13:06 PM

Where can I find battle rosters from WWII Pacific Theater? My father was with the 544th EB&SR. The websites are limited.

2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
23 Feb 2012 08:38:49 PM


A T-34 would have a squad of men ride along
on the sides of the tank, during battle many of the men were killed or wounded by German
machine gun fire before even meeting the enemy.


These soldiers were the spearhead of the attack rode into battle, dismount attack enemy positions and hopefully survive and return to the tank. Due to German defensive fire, casualities were high.
Troops were armed with PPsh-41s, PPsh-43s Degtyaryov DP light machine guns, Rifles, Carbines and Hand Grenades I'm sure these tank rides, carried as much ammunition as they could.
3. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
20 Oct 2012 04:10:30 PM


Unlike today's soldiers, who ware body armor, I don't see these troops wearing any some soviet troops were issued body armor, the SN-42 was put into production However, it looks like these troops haven't received such equipment through the supply system.

Troops were armed w/PPSh-41 Sub Machine Guns
DP light Machine Guns and Mosin-Nagant Model M1944 carbines and M1891 bolt-action rifles.


M40 Steel helmets, Army summer uniform shirt the rubaha worn outside the trousers with ankle/regular marching boots, canvas or leather belts, large bag, could be a gas mask carrying case, many troops discarded the gas mask and carried canned food, bread
and other personal items.
Other combat items were bayonet, canteen hand grenades, ammunation bandoliers/pouches and entrenching tool(shovel)


Russian T-34 Model 1943, armed w/1x76mm gun and DP machine guns. This model had the softedge turret casting, check out the grab rails for the tank riders to hold on to, if you look just above the grab rails on the turret, its the commanders PTK periscope.

Below the turret, that large box is a fuel container other wooden boxes along side of the tanks fenders could be for spare parts and extra ammunition and tools.


Thousands of T-34 Tanks were knocked out some were beyond salvage, tanks were cleaned out the remains of brave crews who died or wounded were cared for.

Many were able to be rebuilt those, that were
returned to the factories or Division repair facilities, hulls, running gear and turrets were sometimes mixed and returned to service with new crews. During WWII Soviet factories built over 34,700 T-34s, in 1943 15,182 were built alone! not counting rebuilds.

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