US serviceman taking a 20mm ammunition drum out of a G4M2a aircraft, Japan, 1945-1946

Caption     US serviceman taking a 20mm ammunition drum out of a G4M2a aircraft, Japan, 1945-1946 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States Government via Wikimedia Commons
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G4M   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 1,470 x 1,004 pixels
Photos at Same Place Japan
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Public Domain. According to the United States copyright law (United States Code, Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105), in part, "[c]opyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government".

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
8 Oct 2011 07:20:06 PM

Still taken from footage shot at Clark Field Luzon, Philippines Islands after liberation in 1945.
Many destroyed and abandoned Japanese planes were left on the field. It was a treasure trove of enemy aircraft, the most ever captured in one place during the war.
Both Japanese Army and Navy were left some were salvaged by Technical Air Intelligence Unit Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA) 763-12 is
a Mitsubishi G4M2 Betty bomber, weapon on port gunners position, is a 20mm Type 99 Model cannon on a flexible mount this weapon was the standard aircraft cannon of the Japanese Navy.
Early models had 60 and 100 round drum magazines, later improved models, were belt fed. Behind the GI is Yagi radar antenna the GI is armed with a M1 .30 Caliber Carbine
2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
12 Oct 2011 06:36:49 PM

G4M2b Model 24, 763-12 was assigned to the Kougeki 702nd, Hikotai, 763rd Kokutai the bomber was camouflaged overall dark green captured at Clark Field, Philippine Islands
3. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
24 Dec 2012 10:12:08 AM

Soldier inspecting the 20mm ammo drum of the Betty, is Sgt.H.W.Willis Beckeley, of West Virginia, USA. Behind him is the H6 Radar he
served with Air Technical Intelligence-
South West Pacific Area.
4. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
27 Oct 2015 04:01:02 PM


Many different types of Japanese aircraft were abandoned at Clark Field, Luzon Philippines.
It was a treasure trove of captured enemy aircraft, both Army and Navy the most located at one airfield during the Pacific war.


Technical Air Intelligence Unit, Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA) salvaged these aircraft and were test flown by TAIU personnel, to learn more about Japanese equipment.
Mitsubishi G4M2b Betty 763-12 was assigned to the 763rd Kokutai, based at Clark Field, the
Port side gunners position shows a flexible type 99, 20mm cannon. 763-12 was later made airworthy and later test flown by TAIU personnel.

GI inspecting the Betty, is Sgt. H.W.Willis Beckeley of West Virginia USA. He served with TAIU Technical Air Intelligence Unit, Sgt Beckeley is armed with a .30 caliber M1 carbine that used a 15 or a 30 round magazine.
Radar unit behind him, is the Yagi Antenna, named after its inventor Hidetsugu Yagi (1886-1976) equipment was manufactured by Nippon Electric Co. and by Toshiba and Sumitomo Communications...

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