Destroyed German Tiger II heavy tank near Vimoutiers, France, 22 Aug 1944

Caption     Destroyed German Tiger II heavy tank near Vimoutiers, France, 22 Aug 1944 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseWikimedia Commons
Link to Source    Link
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PzKpfw Tiger Ausf. B 'Tiger II'   Main article  Photos  
Normandy Campaign, Phase 2   Main article  Photos  Maps  
Photo Size 2,480 x 2,613 pixels
Photos on Same Day 22 Aug 1944
Photos at Same Place Vimoutiers, Basse-Normandie, France
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  This work is believed to be in the public domain.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
25 Nov 2011 12:31:09 PM

My guess is this Tiger was knocked out by artillery.
After WWII damaged and abandonded vehicles
were salvaged or scrapped. Some of the tanks
and other vehicles were repaired and used in
post-war armies.
The French used the Panther tank and other German vehicles into the 1950s even a King Tiger was put back into operation.
Many Countries used salvaged German tanks and other equipment. East Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia used German equipment until replaced by Russian equipment.

Countries in Western Europe used German equipment until replaced with US equipment.
Most of the equipment was scrapped that was
beyond salvage what spare parts found, were used to keep equipment running. Sweden even
used Panther tanks for testing until 1961!
Some tank hulls ended their lives as targets
on the firing range.


Tanks and other fighting vehicles were not the only salvaged military equipment. Tons of
uniforms, boots, web equpment, helmets, food
supplies and other support equipment were used by post-war armies.
Small arms were used for years afterwards, some are still in production. The rest have been declared surplus and sold decades later on the civilian market.
2. Jacques says:
18 Dec 2013 01:07:39 PM

Error, this Tiger has been blown up by its crew after having fallen in a bomb hole.
Other error, rather a fantasy: this tank to be killed by a Belgian Typhoon pilot in a sort of cat & mouse game
3. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
1 Sep 2014 12:21:13 PM

What was the size of the charge used to blow the turret clean off? and that crater looks deep

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