Two Germans ensuring that this group of massacred Ukrainian Jews were indeed all dead, near Mizocz, Ukraine, Oct 1942

Caption     Two Germans ensuring that this group of massacred Ukrainian Jews were indeed all dead, near Mizocz, Ukraine, Oct 1942 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States Holocaust Memorial Museum
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Photo Size 991 x 630 pixels
Photos on Same Day 28 Oct 1942
Added By C. Peter Chen

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. world war 2.....#1... says:
28 Oct 2011 09:39:26 PM

The Germans and the Japanese of the World War 2 years were THE worst killers of innocents in WORLD history, even eclipsing the ancients....and that wasnt an easy feat. They both took it to an industrial scale, at least the Germans have done their best to make reperations by paying victims, but the arrogance of the Japanese even to this day have only made half-hearted attempts at apologies to POW's, the Chinese and the people of the Phillippines....
2. Stalin says:
5 May 2012 11:41:19 PM

It's true that germans and japanese killed a lot of innocent people, but they were not the worst. The communists regimes of Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot etc, have killed lots more innocent people.
3. to stalin says:
28 Oct 2013 10:10:03 AM

the comunist have more time..
4. Bill says:
28 Oct 2013 10:19:35 AM

The Germans, Russians and Japanese were by far the worst of World War 2. Stalin killed an estimated 20,000,000 jews among others. Hitler killed around 6,000,000 and there is no way to tell how many people the Japanese killed. They were truly barbarous.

"The only requirement for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing."
5. gerard says:
28 Oct 2013 12:08:35 PM

voilà jusques ou l'horreur peux aller en temps de guerre,pas quoi d'être fier pour la race humaine,mais rien n'arrêtera un éventuel recommencement,voilà le problème
6. Anonymous says:
28 Oct 2013 12:09:09 PM

20000000 jews it,s ***
7. Anonymous says:
28 Oct 2013 12:46:02 PM

8. Truth Teller says:
28 Oct 2013 02:25:28 PM

What about the murder of a whole country called Palestine by these Jew-ish "victims". What about the murder in Congo fully supported by the Jew-ish 'state' influences and their greed? The Americans are like children to them as they are so easily led by them to finish their dirty work or to effect inaction on their behalf.

Further, the number of Jew-ish persons sacrificed by the Jew-ish Hitler and the aske-NAZI Jew-ish party was no more than a few hundred thousand maximum. The worst war criminals are only responsible for the deaths of a few tens of people.

That is a sad picture but that is only evidence of a sefl-inflicted wound upon women seen as immoral to the jew-ish. They cannot be called "Jew" as it is fully and widely known that these people are not the original Jews, but an imposter from towns along the silk route in Goergia on the edge of the Bezantine Empire.
9. Anonymous says:
28 Oct 2013 04:05:42 PM

More attention needs to be paid to what world war 2..... #1's comment stated about Japanese arrogance regarding war crimes. There is little mention in today's student history books about the chemical warfare/testing/massacres against the Chinese peoples. Korean men were forced into service while women were forced into Japanese government/military-run brothels. Inhumane cruelty towards civilians was commonplace while nations were under Japanese military rule. My great aunt was picking rice and ended up as target practice for Japanese troops in the Philippine Islands. I think she was luckier than most. RIP
10. Son of the Morning Light says:
28 Oct 2013 10:24:32 PM

i am always drawn to look at these haunting, tragic, and awful pictures, and then i make the mistake of reading the idiotic comments below that tell me that no one really gets the picture.
11. Anonymous says:
29 Oct 2013 01:47:20 AM

It is still happening today in most countries and few people wants to sacrifice their cosy existence to protest and believe what their governments say. Big brother is already here. We await the biggest massacre yet,
12. Anonymous says:
20 Apr 2014 01:55:50 PM

The Whites and the white civilization are the worst predators of all time.
more than one million Indian american executed, aboriginal extinct, crusade was also the worst massacre, and not to mention ww1 and ww2 and various modern wars in middle east, vietnam,, all over.
No other species are worst than the whites, but in propaganda, they are the best of human kind

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