Shortly before taking off from Chôshi airstrip, Japan, Japanese Special Attack pilots Tetsuya Ueno, Koshiro Hayashi, Naoki Okagami, Takao Oi, and Toshio Yoshitake posing in front of a Ki-51 attack aircraft, 8 Nov 1944

Caption     Shortly before taking off from Chôshi airstrip, Japan, Japanese Special Attack pilots Tetsuya Ueno, Koshiro Hayashi, Naoki Okagami, Takao Oi, and Toshio Yoshitake posing in front of a Ki-51 attack aircraft, 8 Nov 1944 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseToshio Yoshitake
More on...   
Ki-51   Main article  Photos  
Tokko "Kamikaze" Special Attack Doctrine   Main article  Photos  Maps  
Photos at Same Place Choshi, Chiba, Japan
Added By David Stubblebine

This photograph has been scaled down; full resolution photograph is available here (1,247 by 754 pixels).

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
17 Jun 2015 03:45:06 PM

These five pilots, along with 17 others and their flight instructors, left Japan shortly after this photo was taken bound for the front lines in the Philippines. Of that group, only Yoshitake, far right, survived. He survived only because his airplane was shot down by US aircraft 12 Dec 1944 and he crash-landed. Yoshitake survived and was rescued by Japanese soldiers.
2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
23 Jun 2015 09:23:14 PM


Aircraft in file photo is a Mitsubishi Ki-51 code named Sonia by the allies. The Sonia was a single-engine, fixed landing gear, low wing monoplane crewed by two, used for ground attack and reconnaissance.
Operated by the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force, about 2,385 aircraft were built like all other Japanese aircraft, the Sonia was later expended in "Special Attack" Kamikaze sorties.

Did you know that Japan had over 5,000 aircraft hidden for use as kamikaze attacks against allied forces for the coming invasion of Japan.
The Japanese surrendered their armed forces in August 1945 aircraft all over Japan were later scrapped. The destruction of the Japanese War Machine and demobilization of troops wasn't completed until 1947.

At wars end over 1,000 aircraft were abandoned throughout Asia some of the countries that operated the Sonia were...Communist China retired its Sonia's in the early 1950s, Indonesia
operated them against the Dutch, Republic of China (Nationalists) operated them against Communist forces, both South and North Korea operated small numbers of Sonia's
3. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
24 Jun 2015 08:24:37 PM

Bill is right again! The caption has been updated to correctly identify the aircraft. Thanks for the new info.
4. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
24 Jun 2015 08:31:54 PM


Aircraft in background is a Mitsubishi Ki-51 code named "Sonia" by the allies during WWII. Before wars end, the Sonia would be used in the special attack/Kamikaze role.


Our pilots have been issued summer flight suits, type 2 flight helmet w/goggles, kapok filled life jacket, type 92 parachute w/harness, silk scarf, boots and gloves.


Did you know that officers carried their own swords while enlisted NCO pilots carried Government issued swords. The IJAAF sacrificed 1,387 aircrew in the special attack role.


Did you know that Charles A. Lindbergh shot down a IJAAF Ki-51 Sonia during a dogfight on
July 28, 1944 while flying a P-38 Lightning and did so as a civilian and flew 50 missions, and shooting down one Japanese aircraft.
5. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
24 Jun 2015 09:23:04 PM

Hello David

Glad to hear from you again. Thanks for your information regarding the fate of those pilots in file photo.
I'm having a great time here at ww2db I'll work as long as I can providing historic information...

Best wishes,


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Modern Day Location
WW2-Era Place Name Choshi, Chiba, Japan
Lat/Long 35.7234, 140.8464
Famous WW2 Quote
"Since peace is now beyond hope, we can but fight to the end."

Chiang Kaishek, 31 Jul 1937

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