Aerial view of the Pearl Harbor repair basin with Ford Island beyond, Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii, 16 to 23 Jan 1946

Caption     Aerial view of the Pearl Harbor repair basin with Ford Island beyond, Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii, 16 to 23 Jan 1946 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States Navy via NavSource
Identification Code   BuAer 496019
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Pearl Harbor Navy Base and Ford Island Naval Air Station   Main article  Photos  Maps  
Photo Size 2,831 x 2,296 pixels
Photos on Same Day 23 Jan 1946
Photos at Same Place Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
Added By David Stubblebine
Licensing  Public Domain. Please support the project and remember the dedication of its founder Paul Yarnall.

Additionally, according to the United States copyright law (United States Code, Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105), in part, "[c]opyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government".

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
6 Aug 2016 11:15:07 PM

This photo, taken six months after the war ended, is an excellent image of the pinnacle of what Pearl Harbor became in World War II. As for the facilities, this photo shows the Ford Island water tower at left near the seaplane hangars shortly before the tower was removed. Many iconic photographs of the Pearl Harbor attack were taken from this tower. The Ford Island control tower is also seen farther to the right. Today, this tower is the center of the Pacific Aviation Museum. In the foreground, amidst the “noise” of the repair basin is the Hammer Head crane that was such a part of the Pearl Harbor skyline for the thousands of sailors who passed through the harbor (rising from behind the white painted ‘1015’ on LCT-1015). Also visible at the upper right of the repair basin is the floating crane YD-25. This crane was perhaps the heaviest of the harbor’s “heavy lifters” and played very important roles in cleaning up the wreckage after the Pearl Harbor attack and after the West Loch disaster in May 1944. Note also that many of the facility structures, including the Ford Island control tower and the hammer head crane, are painted in camouflage schemes.

Ships visible include the Essex-class carrier USS Bennington (CV-20) moored at Ford Island’s Berth F-2. Across the channel from Bennington moored at the 1010 pier is the Commencement Bay-class escort carrier USS Cape Gloucester (CVE-109) with the number on her island just visible around the legs of crane YD-25. Attack transport USS Troilus (AKA-46) is moored astern to the left. Moving toward the camera, USS LST-1078 and USS LST-1070 lay along the near side of the next pier and the minelayer USS Terror (CM-5) at the far side of the next pier, partially obscured behind the hammer head crane. USS LST-459 with LCT-1015 secured to her main deck are on the other side of the same pier with USS LST-863 moored just ahead. Moored forward of LST-863 are two unidentified minesweepers and two Diver-class recue and salvage ships with a third unidentified ship nested inboard. The next pier has (left to right) two unidentified minesweepers, the survey ship USS Sumner (AGS-5) with her distinctive pointed prow, and two unidentified cargo ships. On the near side of that pier are a nest of four unidentified minesweepers, USS LST-45, an LCVP, and USS LST-737. At the near edge of the basin is a Casablanca-class escort carrier, possibly the USS Shipley Bay (CVE-85). Below the last basin on the wharf are two unidentified Kennebec-class fleet oilers.

The smoke seen rising in the distance from the Waipahu Peninsula at the top of the photo is an intentional fire to clear brush.

Note also that aboard LST-737, this must have been their day to air bedding.

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Modern Day Location
WW2-Era Place Name Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
Lat/Long 21.3546, -157.9522
Famous WW2 Quote
"Among the men who fought on Iwo Jima, uncommon valor was a common virtue."

Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, 16 Mar 1945

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