Fw 190 D-9 'Langnasen-Dora' aircraft at rest at an airfield, captured by Americans, post-European War; note P-47 fighters in background

Caption     Fw 190 D-9 'Langnasen-Dora' aircraft at rest at an airfield, captured by Americans, post-European War; note P-47 fighters in background ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States Air Force
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Photo Size 951 x 545 pixels
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Public Domain. According to the United States copyright law (United States Code, Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105), in part, "[c]opyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government".

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
23 Mar 2009 04:13:15 PM

Fw 190 D-9 looks like a late production model,that has been captured, as you can see the P-47's in the background. Markings look like it could have been the aircraft of a II. Grupen Adjutant anyway, that's my guess.
2. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
4 Apr 2009 02:19:20 PM

A two-seat Fw 190 variant for pilot conversion training, was built. The only Fw 190 F-8/U1 in existence is on display at the Bomber Command Hall RAF Museum Hendon, England. The aircraft was captured at the end of WWII in Norway, and was assigned to Jagdfliegeschule 103.
3. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
27 May 2009 12:55:08 PM

The Fw 190D-9 flew with II./JG 6 as "Black 12" in 1945. In all respects the 190D-9 was the equal of its American counterpart, the P-51D. Aircraft was flown by II./JG 6 Grupen Adjuntant.
4. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
12 Sep 2010 10:34:12 AM

The Fw 190D a maximum speed of 428mph and a
range of 525 miles.

Rate of climb 32,800 feet in 7.1 minutes
Power plant,Junkers Jumo 213A-1 12 cylinder
liquid-cooled engine, rated at 1,770hp and
(2,242hp at take-off)and emergency power for short periods.

Armament Two MG 151/20mm cannons w/250rpg in each wing root, two 13mm machine guns in the
upper decking w/475rpg.
The Fw 190D could also carry bombs in its
center line ventral pylon.
Different variants of the Fw 190D were armed with different types of cannons and machine guns.

Did You Know...
During the last few weeks of the war, the Russians captured different types of German aircraft, among them were the Fw 190D's that
were captured in Marienburg,East Prussia.
The fighters were used by one squadron of the
Baltic Fleet Air Force, and the VVS.
The Fw 190D's were used during the closing days of the war and for a short time after
World War II.
5. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
29 Oct 2010 04:47:21 PM

Did You Know...

Focke-Wulf Fw 190 pilots could not fly with the canopy open in flight.

Above speeds over 250 mph the canopy was
impossible to open due to air flow over the
To escape from a Fw 190 due to battle damage
or other cause the pilot had to use explosive
bolts to blow the canopy clear.
6. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
20 Dec 2010 06:43:44 PM


Focke-Wulf Fw 190Ds of IV./JG3 flew top cover known as "Protection Flights" for JV44 flying Messerschmitt Me 262 Jet fighters.

The 190s would takeoff and fly over the airfield protecting the jets, as they
takeoff and land, against any Allied fighters
that would follow them in the landing pattern, or catch them as they prepare to

The Fw 190s were specially painted red on the undersides, with white uneven stripes to add in identification for anti-aircraft batteries saying don't shoot! were friendly.

IV./JG3 operated from several German airfields in 1945
7. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
19 May 2011 07:52:49 PM

Comment continued from #3 May 2009


Black 12 was flown by Lt. Theo Nibel after
taking ground fire and receiving damage to his aircraft, he made an emergency landing, and was captured by the British.
Black 12 took part in the January 1945 Luftwaffe "Operation Bodenplatte" and was one of the first Fw 190Ds captured by the Allies.
Some sources say the Fw-190D, Black 12 was assigned to II./JG6 or 10./JG54.


The Luftwaffe's last attempt to hit Allied
airfields. About 800 aircraft took part in the attack, 300 aircraft were destroyed,
143 pilots were killed, or missing with
21 wounded and 70 captured.


The Luftwaffe lost most of its experienced combat pilots that were irreplaceable the rest of the aircraft losses were due to friendly fire, being shotdown by German
anti-aircraft units, and shotdown by Allied anti-aircraft units, as well, mechanical failure, lost and not able to find the target or crashed on takeoff or landing after the attack.

During the last 6 weeks of the war in the West the Luftwaffe lost another 200 to 250 pilots not counting aircraft.
In the final days, the Luftwaffe couldn't make up the losses in pilots or aircraft what aircraft were available sat idle for lack of fuel, or were destroyed by their crews to keep from falling into enemy hands.
8. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
7 Nov 2013 07:28:48 PM


Focke-Wulf rebuilt older FW190A and F Models into FW190S two-seat trainers, the wing cannons were removed, but the two upper fuselage machine guns were retained.
With the shortage of fighter pilots the Luftwaffe needed to retrain former Stuka, Bomber, Transport Light Aircraft Communication & Liaison pilots. The new trainers were called "Schulflugzeug" or school airplane, about 58 of the aircraft were built before wars end.

The Luftwaffe also proposed a two-seat trainer version of the single-seat Ta152C-1 fighter that
was powered by the DB603 liquid-cooled inline engine.
This conversion of the Ta152 was to partner with the FW190S-5 and S-8 two-trainers a total of 565
aircraft were planned for 1946 However, with the end of the war in Europe in May 1945, none were built. Conversions were to be carried out by
Blohm & Voss starting in April 1945 and Lufthansa
in Prague in August 1945.
9. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
27 Oct 2014 08:47:19 AM


At the end of World War II in Europe the Allies captured different types of Luftwaffe aircraft, from the new jet propelled aircraft to propeller-driven fighters and bombers. Aircraft were later tested and evaluated both in Germany, Britain and the USA. Many were scrapped the few to survive were later sent to museums throughout the world.


One Focke-Wulf FW190S-8 two-seat trainer is on display today at the RAF Museum at Hendon. This aircraft started out as a single-seat FW190F-8 fighter.
Withdrawn from combat service and rebuilt as a
trainer. Assigned to JG103 Jagdflierschule 103
captured by British forces and shipped to England.
10. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
1 Nov 2016 10:55:42 AM


Near the end of WWII, as the Soviets steamrolled their from the east, into Nazi Germany they captured some Focke-Wulf FW190D's at an airstrip, near the Focke-Wulf facility at Marienburg, East Prussia.


The FW190D's were inspected and tested by the Red Army Test Unit, all Luftwaffe markings were painted out, and replaced with the Red Star.


The fighters were later assigned to the Baltic Fleet, Naval Aviation they were never used against the Germans. The 190D's were still in service as trainers as late as 1948-49 and remained on inventory until 1949.


Above file photo shows FW190D, Black 12, flown by Lt. Theo Nibel that made an emergency landing after being damaged by ground fire.
Black 12 took part in the January 1945 Operation Bodenplatte. It was the first FW190D to fall into allied hands. Some sources list aircraft assigned to II./JG6 or

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