Fifteen Japanese accused of the 18-26 Aug 1945 Lantau Island atrocities on trial, Hong Kong, 28 Mar 1946

Caption     Fifteen Japanese accused of the 18-26 Aug 1945 Lantau Island atrocities on trial, Hong Kong, 28 Mar 1946 ww2dbase
Source    ww2dbaseImperial War Museum
Identification Code   4700-64 SE 7121
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Tokyo Trial and Other Trials Against Japan   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 640 x 496 pixels
Photos on Same Day 28 Mar 1946
Photos at Same Place Hong Kong
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  According to the United Kingdom National Archives, Crown copyright material that has been created prior to 1 Jun 1957 is considered to be in the public domain.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Chin Heh Ching says:
4 Nov 2017 05:30:37 AM

Luntau Island? Is it Lantau Island of Hong Kong instead? The venue appears not on Lantau Island anyway since there couldn't be any such a grand hall on the Island. The captioned trial is also not on the trial timeline list in the main article. Can I have some more information about the atrocities on trial? Many thanks.
2. Commenter identity confirmed C. Peter Chen says:
6 Nov 2017 05:41:57 AM

Chin Heh Ching: Thank you for your comment. The location name was indeed misspelled and it has been corrected now. Also, Lantau was the location of the atrocities committed and not the location of the war crimes trial.
3. Commenter identity confirmed C. Peter Chen says:
6 Nov 2017 05:50:41 AM

The 15 defendants were:

Sub-Lieutenant Yasuo Kishi
Sub-Lieutenant Chozaburo Matsumoto
Warrant Officer Sadao Yanagizawa
Sergeant Major Mitsutoshi Kodama
Sergeant Major Hiroshi Uchida
Sergeant Riichi Jomori
Sergeant Yoshio Sato
Sergeant Gunichi Yoshikawa
Corporal Katsumasa Kamishiro
Acting Corporal Sekimatsu Takenaka
Acting Corporal Takashi Ando
Private 1st Class Harukiko Takahashi
Private 2nd Class Kenro Nishizawa
Private 2nd Class Gisaku Uemura
Private 2nd Class Kichitaro Okamoto

Jomori, Ando, and Takahashi were acquitted. All others were found guilty on at least some of the alledged crimes.

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