Helmuth Weidling (left) and other German generals in Soviet captivity, Berlin, Germany, 2 May 1945

Caption     Helmuth Weidling (left) and other German generals in Soviet captivity, Berlin, Germany, 2 May 1945 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
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Photo Size 770 x 546 pixels
Photos on Same Day 2 May 1945
Photos at Same Place Berlin, Germany
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  This anonymous work originating in Russia is in the public domain. Its copyright expired 70 years after the work was made available to the public.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
23 Sep 2010 09:16:04 AM

The Germans are honestly such a great people who defended there homeland very furiously. I really adore Hitler despite all his crimes which I consider his mistakes, but however, he was such a great leader and manager of state . At least he wasn't bad to Germans, his people like how Stalin was .. At least he built up a great nation with great industry and one of the greatest Armies in the whole world .. Unless he'd attacked Russia in Winter, and if he'd had oil, I'm sure he'd even have defeated and occupied Russia.. Imagine, He could occupy all Europe by himself alone. Not in cooperation with any more countries like what the Allies did. and I'm more pretty sure if he'd just been fighting France and the UK, he'd have conquered them all. But his great mistake was that he attacked Russia, too especially, by Winter. He could have have delayed his attack on Russia, and would even have defeated it..
I really adore him a lot..
Bless his soul ..!
2. Anonymous says:
28 Jun 2011 08:45:21 AM

And peopel like you are allowed to have children and reproduce...incredible..
3. Anonymous says:
20 Mar 2013 12:49:49 PM

Germany was on it's knees in 1933. Hitler created jobs and pride for his people. A HEROIC NATION. With Virtues Nations today cannot imagine or Possess. He Conquered Europe but attacked Russia, a nation that did his no harm. It was his downfall. National Socialism had it's virtues. Had it's faults. But unlike ANY ONE NATION TODAY. THE REICH HAD GREATNESS. INTELLECTUALLY, TECHNOLOGICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY.
4. Tom says:
6 Feb 2014 06:14:26 PM

Germany rose out of an ecenomic nightmare becaue it refused to pay its dues to the allies for all it did in ww1. Not to mention the millions of slave labourers working to death for nothing. The third reich was responsable for starting the greatest mass murder of humanity since the begining of time. Greatness i think not, intellectually, if you consider the constuction of machines buit to kill people perhaps, Technology, same deal as before. Spirituality i dont think so. Spiritual people dont exterminate 12million people.

5. Anonymous says:
26 Apr 2014 01:42:33 PM

You're an idiot with your Hitler admiration. All the man was good at was speeching. As you say yourself, attacking Russia was dumb, as most of his actions were. The only reason he conquered so much was because of his excellent staff.
As for the economics, he didnt pull Germany out of the recession, he just poured money in it, raising the country's debt into oblivion... But the people didnt notice this, for them it got better, on the short term. jews were removed leaving shops and jobs for the unemployed germans. As for the country's treasure, it skyrocketed into debts.
6. Anonymous says:
2 May 2014 06:34:48 AM

If Hitler's army was so great then why was America and its allies able to destroy them and forced them to surrender in less than a year. Not to mention the millions of innocent people the Germans killed.
7. Anonymous says:
4 Jul 2014 10:56:38 PM

@6 The whole world was against Germany, what do expect?
The German army was less than 1/3 of the Soviet Army only during the Battle of Berlin.
8. Anonymous says:
2 Nov 2015 06:38:14 PM

well, one of the biggest reasons why the Americans(Allies) "destroyed" Hitler's army was because of the brilliant men and woman who cracked the enigma code. Historians worldwide insist that cracking enigma shortened the war by more than two years...saving tens of millions of lives.

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"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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