German Army General Werner Kienitz speaking to recruits at the Heldenplatz in Vienna, Austria, 9 Dec 1938; note 7.5 le.IG 18 infantry guns on display

Caption     German Army General Werner Kienitz speaking to recruits at the Heldenplatz in Vienna, Austria, 9 Dec 1938; note 7.5 le.IG 18 infantry guns on display ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseGerman Federal Archives
Identification Code   Bild 183-2008-0717-502
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7.5 cm le.IG 18   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 580 x 800 pixels
Photos at Same Place Vienna, Austria
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany License (CC BY-SA 3.0 DE).

See Bild 183-2008-0717-502 on Wikimedia Commons

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Peter says:
9 Dec 2013 07:27:02 AM

The flag in front of Kienitz is incorrect....I hope nobody has been shot for this error.
2. The dude who noticed says:
9 Dec 2013 10:58:10 AM

Why are some of the Swastikas backwards and some are just fine?
3. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
9 Dec 2013 03:36:07 PM

The custom with flags is that when they are draped, the canton appears along the top on the flag’s right (or the viewer’s left). The canton is the corner of the flag that, when flown from a staff, would appear at the top next to the staff (like the blue star field on the US flag, for example). The flag draped on the podium in this image is the German Battle Ensign (or War Ensign). The canton contains a Knight’s Cross and is correctly displayed for a draped flag. Oddly, this shows the swastika reversed from the normal Nazi display, but the flag is correct.

The building behind the podium is draped alternately with Battle Ensigns and Party Banners, each displayed correctly but resulting in opposing swastika alignment. The thing to remember is that the top of the Battle Ensign is the left edge as we view it here but the top of the Party Banner, as a banner and not a flag, is the top edge as we see it here.

Whatever other mistakes the Germans may have made during the war, they were correct in things such as this.
4. Marcin says:
10 Dec 2013 02:58:49 AM

The flag in front of Kienitz is correct. Look at the flags on the background
5. Ingo Weinberger says:
23 Feb 2018 11:58:36 PM

Gee, there I was thinking those slack Austrians put the flag wrong way 'round

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Modern Day Location
WW2-Era Place Name Vienna, Austria
Lat/Long 48.2066, 16.3629
Famous WW2 Quote
"The raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next 500 years."

James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy, 23 Feb 1945

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