Homma file photo [746]

Masaharu Homma

Given NameMasaharu
Born27 Nov 1888
Died3 Apr 1946


ww2dbaseMasaharu Homma was born in 1888 in Sado, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. A member of the Japanese aristocracy, he was a graduate of several Japanese military academies as well as Oxford University. Homma served as an observer on the Western Front in 1914 and later, in a more active capacity, during the Sino-Japanese War. His character, a curious mix of brutality and sensitivity (he was known as the Poet General for his love of poetry and literature), made him a controversial commander who would openly disagree with the details of his orders (extraordinary behaviour in the context of the Japanese Army), and he was one of the few highly placed Japanese military officers to publicly declare his opposition to a war with the Allies.

ww2dbaseGiven command of the Japanese Fourteenth Army for the invasion of the Philippines (Dec 1941) his strategy, although somewhat erratic, was essentially brilliant (as even MacArthur would later admit). Had the Americans counter-attacked at Lingayen Gulf the invasion might have turned into a disaster, but his conviction that MacArthur was ill-prepared was proven correct. It was his failure to complete the Philippines conquest on schedule (largely as a result of American resistance at Bataan), coupled with later charges that he was too lenient with Filipinos, which led in Aug 1942 to his disgrace and dismissal. Thereafter he retired from the military and lived in semi-seclusion in Japan until the end of the war.

ww2dbaseIn 1945, for his accused involvement with the atrocities known collectively as the Bataan Death March, Homma was arrested by the Americans and sent back to Manila to face trial as a war criminal. Homma was sentenced by an American military commission to death. Upon learning of the atrocities, Emperor Showa stripped Homma of his military commission and revoked all his medals and decorations. His wife sought a personal meeting with MacArthur, which was granted, to ask for his pardon, but MacArthur refused. MacArthur wrote in his 21 Mar 1946 review of the case:

If this defendant does not deserve his judicial fate, none in jurisdictional history ever did. There can be no greater, more heinous or more dangerous crime than the mass destruction, under guise of military authority or military necessity, of helpless men incapable of further contribution to war effort. A failure of law process to punish such acts of criminal enormity would threaten the very fabric of world society.

ww2dbaseNevertheless, like that of Tomoyuki Yamashita, Homma's verdict remained controversial. Many were not convinced that Homma was directly involved with the atrocities, and believed MacArthur engaged in an act of personal revenge by rushing Homma's (and Yamashita's) trial to a speedy end. Homma's defense claimed that he had been preoccupied with war plans and had delegated the treatment of prisoners to his subordinate officers, but the court refused to accept this and sentenced Homma to execution by firing squad. The sentence being carried out on 3 Apr 1946 at Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines.

ww2dbaseSources: Images of War Vol.11, Reminiscences, Wikipedia.

Last Major Revision: Aug 2006

Famous Quote(s)


Lieutenant General Masaharu Homma of Japanese 14th Army arriving at Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines, 24 Dec 1941Front page of the Tribune newspaper of Manila, Philippines with headline of the fall of Bataan, 24 Apr 1942General Homma and Jorge Vargas, 20 Feb 1943Masaharu Homma in the Philippines, 1 Jun 1943
See all 5 photographs of Masaharu Homma

Masaharu Homma Timeline

27 Nov 1888 Masaharu Homma was born.
2 Dec 1940 Lieutenant General Masaharu Homma was named the commanding officer of the Taiwan Army.
3 Apr 1946 Masaharu Homma passed away.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. gambony says:
18 Feb 2009 03:10:15 AM

why masharu homma like to kill pilipino?
2. Commenter identity confirmed Alan Chanter says:
5 Sep 2009 02:41:28 AM

Additional material added Sept 2009 (Source: Images of War Vol.11)
3. Anonymous says:
24 Apr 2010 01:53:24 PM

This man was insane to do those things to people and he deserved what he got
4. reuben joiner says:
23 Feb 2017 03:58:33 PM

i cri for the pilipino ;(
5. Anonymous says:
8 Sep 2017 05:51:38 AM

The trial was organized by people who had resentment for the Japanese. It was merely an act of revenge using justice as pretext.
6. Anonymous says:
21 Apr 2018 02:16:49 PM

Homma tried desperately to put right what others did wrong, trying and tragically failing to serve as liberator to the Philippines. A good man in the midst of such cruelty and suffering. His trial was a barbaric sham and a stain on American history.

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More on Masaharu Homma
Event(s) Participated:
» Invasion of the Philippine Islands

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» Tears in the Darkness

Masaharu Homma Photo Gallery
Lieutenant General Masaharu Homma of Japanese 14th Army arriving at Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines, 24 Dec 1941
See all 5 photographs of Masaharu Homma

Famous WW2 Quote
"Since peace is now beyond hope, we can but fight to the end."

Chiang Kaishek, 31 Jul 1937

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