Hyakutake file photo [4589]

Harukichi Hyakutake

Given NameHarukichi
Born25 May 1888
Died10 Mar 1947


ww2dbaseHarukichi Hyakutake was born in Saga Prefecture, Japan. He graduated as an infantry officer from the Japanese Military Academy in 1909. He attended the Army War College in 1921, where he studied cryptanalysis, and was assigned to the Army's General Staff after graduation. Between 1925 and 1927, lieutenant colonel Hyakutake was the Japanese Resident Officer in Poland. In 1928, he served with the Kwantung Army in China. In 1932, he was a member of the staff of the signal school. Between 1932 and 1935, he was a section chief in the General Staff. Between 1935 and Mar 1936, he was the commanding officer of the 78th Infantry Regiment. Between Apr 1936 and Mar 1939, he was the Superintendent of the Hiroshima Military Prep School, during which time he was promoted to the rank of major general in Mar 1937. In Mar 1939, he commanded the Independent Mixed Brigade. In Aug 1939, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general. Between Apr 1940 and May 1942, he was the Inspector General of Signal Training. In May 1942, he was named the commanding officer of the 17th Army based in Rabaul, overseeing operations in the New Guinea and Solomon Islands area. After Eighth Area Army's General Hitoshi Imamura took over operations in the theater, Hyakutake directed Japanese army units solely in the Solomon Islands. He suffered a stroke during the Bougainville campaign in 1944 and was relieved of his duties. After the war, he returned to Japan in Feb 1946, and passed away little more than a year later.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia.

Last Major Revision: Aug 2007


Hyakutake at his Rabual headquarters, spring or summer of 1942

Harukichi Hyakutake Timeline

25 May 1888 Harukichi Hyakutake was born.
13 Aug 1942 Lieutenant General Harukichi Hyakutake of the Japanese Seventeenth Army based at Rabaul, New Britain was ordered to take command of ground forces on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.
10 Mar 1947 Harukichi Hyakutake passed away.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
10 Apr 2019 07:18:13 AM

Thank you very much i´m writing doing a Guadalcanal project in school and this gave very useful information.

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Hyakutake at his Rabual headquarters, spring or summer of 1942

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