96 items in this album on 5 pages.

A B5N torpedo bomber approached Yorktown, 4 un 1942A B5N torpedo bomber shot down by YorktownA B5N torpedo bomber shot down by YorktownA Japanese Type 97 torpedo aircraft (upper right) approached Yorktown during the mid-afternoon torpedo attack by planes from the carrier Hiryu, 4 Jun 1942
A B5N torpedo bomber approached Yorktown, 4 un 1942A B5N torpedo bomber shot down by Yorktown's anti-aircraft fire crashing into the sea, 4 Jun 1942, photo 1 of 2A B5N torpedo bomber shot down by Yorktown's anti-aircraft fire crashing into the sea, 4 Jun 1942, photo 2 of 2A Japanese Type 97 torpedo aircraft (upper right) approached Yorktown during the mid-afternoon torpedo attack by planes from the carrier Hiryu, 4 Jun 1942
A Japanese Type 97 torpedo bomber flew near a 20mm gun of Yorktown, mid-afternoon of 4 Jun 1942A Type 99 dive bomber attacked Yorktown, seen from cruiser Astoria, 4 Jun 1942Adolf Hitler in a railcar in Finland, 4 Jun 1942Adolf Hitler in Finland for Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim
A Japanese Type 97 torpedo bomber flew near a 20mm gun of Yorktown, mid-afternoon of 4 Jun 1942A Type 99 dive bomber attacked Yorktown, seen from cruiser Astoria, 4 Jun 1942Adolf Hitler in a railcar in Finland, 4 Jun 1942Adolf Hitler in Finland for Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim's 75 birthday celebration, 4 Jun 1942; note Wilhelm Keitel in background
Adolf Hitler in Finland for Carl Gustaf Emil MannerheimAkagi and a destroyer under B-17 attack at Midway, shortly after 0800, 4 Jun 1942Astoria stopped to pick up downed pilot Lt (jg) Paul Holmberg, 1342, 4 Jun 1942; the SBD piloted by Lt Cmdr Maxwell Leslie in center of picture was also about to ditch from low fuelB5N from carrier Hiryu attacked Yorktown during Battle of Midway, 4 Jun 1942
Adolf Hitler in Finland for Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim's 75 birthday celebration, 4 Jun 1942; note Wilhelm Keitel in background, partially covered by MannerheimAkagi and a destroyer under B-17 attack at Midway, shortly after 0800, 4 Jun 1942Astoria stopped to pick up downed pilot Lt (jg) Paul Holmberg, 1342, 4 Jun 1942; the SBD piloted by Lt Cmdr Maxwell Leslie in center of picture was also about to ditch from low fuelB5N from carrier Hiryu attacked Yorktown during Battle of Midway, 4 Jun 1942
Battle of Midway diorama by Norman Bel GeddesBattleship USS South Dakota departing Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States for shakedown exercises, 4 Jun 1942. Note the OS2U Kingfisher aircraft from Observation Squadron VO-6 on the fantail.Bomb fragment damage in YorktownBurning Japanese aircraft above Sand Island, Midway Atoll, 4 Jun 1942
Battle of Midway diorama by Norman Bel GeddesBattleship USS South Dakota departing Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States for shakedown exercises, 4 Jun 1942. Note the OS2U Kingfisher aircraft from Observation Squadron VO-6 on the fantail.Bomb fragment damage in Yorktown's hangar, 4 Jun 1942Burning Japanese aircraft above Sand Island, Midway Atoll, 4 Jun 1942
Burning oil tank, Sand Island, Midway Atoll, 4 Jun 1942Burning seaplane hangar, Sand Island, Midway Atoll, 4 Jun 1942Burning ship and oil storage at Dutch Harbor, US Territory of Alaska, 4 Jun 1942, photo 1 of 2Burning ship and oil storage at Dutch Harbor, US Territory of Alaska, 4 Jun 1942, photo 2 of 2
Burning oil tank, Sand Island, Midway Atoll, 4 Jun 1942Burning seaplane hangar, Sand Island, Midway Atoll, 4 Jun 1942Burning ship and oil storage at Dutch Harbor, US Territory of Alaska, 4 Jun 1942, photo 1 of 2Burning ship and oil storage at Dutch Harbor, US Territory of Alaska, 4 Jun 1942, photo 2 of 2

96 items in this album on 5 pages.

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"We no longer demand anything, we want war."

Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Foreign Minister, Aug 1939

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