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Nazi Party youth organization members at the Berlin Olympic Stadium, Germany, 1 May 1937Hubei Province Chairman Huang Shaohong, Nationalist Party military instructor General Jiang Fangzhen (courtesy name Baili), and Italian Finance Minister Alberto De Stefani at Hankou, Hubei Province, China, 20 May 1937Model of Nazi Party rallying ground at Nürnberg, Germany on display at the Germany House of the Paris WorldHitler Youth members jumping over the solstice fire, Berlin, Germany, Jun 1937
Nazi Party youth organization members at the Berlin Olympic Stadium, Germany, 1 May 1937Hubei Province Chairman Huang Shaohong, Nationalist Party military instructor General Jiang Fangzhen (courtesy name Baili), and Italian Finance Minister Alberto De Stefani at Hankou, Hubei Province, China, 20 May 1937Model of Nazi Party rallying ground at Nürnberg, Germany on display at the Germany House of the Paris World's Fair, 29 May 1937Hitler Youth members jumping over the solstice fire, Berlin, Germany, Jun 1937
Berghof, Berchtesgaden, Germany, 13 Jun 1937Oberscharführer of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler at Berghof, Berchtesgaden, Germany, 13 Jun 1937Visiting Chinese diplomat with Adolf HitlerHitler Youth boys from Steglitz and Tempelhof areas of Berlin waiting to board a train for summer camp, Berlin, Germany, late Jun 1937
Berghof, Berchtesgaden, Germany, 13 Jun 1937Oberscharführer of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler at Berghof, Berchtesgaden, Germany, 13 Jun 1937Visiting Chinese diplomat with Adolf Hitler's personal staff and bodyguards at Berghof, Berchtesgaden, Germany, 13 Jun 1937Hitler Youth boys from Steglitz and Tempelhof areas of Berlin waiting to board a train for summer camp, Berlin, Germany, late Jun 1937
Portrait of Chinese Army battalion commander Wang Chaokui, mid-1937Portrait of Chinese Army battalion commander Wang Chaokui, mid-1937; note Japanese Army signals unit in China, 1937; seen in the 1 Sep 1937 issue of the Japanese publication AsahigraphJapanese patrol vessel off a Chinese city, 1937
Portrait of Chinese Army battalion commander Wang Chaokui, mid-1937Portrait of Chinese Army battalion commander Wang Chaokui, mid-1937; note 'Italian Type' gas mask, which was an export variant of the Pirelli P43 gas mask Japanese Army signals unit in China, 1937; seen in the 1 Sep 1937 issue of the Japanese publication AsahigraphJapanese patrol vessel off a Chinese city, 1937
Japanese position in a Chinese city, 1937Japanese soldiers with war dog in northern China, 1937Japanese troops in northern China, 1937Japanese troops in northern China, 1937
Japanese position in a Chinese city, 1937Japanese soldiers with war dog in northern China, 1937Japanese troops in northern China, 1937Japanese troops in northern China, 1937
Japanese troops in northern China, 1937Japanese women stitching a senninbari (thousand stitch belt) for a male member of the family who was in the military and was being shipped out to China, 1937Japanese Army biplane dropping a bomb over China, 1937German Reich Labor Service gathering at Zeppelinfeld, Nürnberg, Germany, 6-13 Sep 1937
Japanese troops in northern China, 1937Japanese women stitching a senninbari (thousand stitch belt) for a male member of the family who was in the military and was being shipped out to China, 1937Japanese Army biplane dropping a bomb over China, 1937German Reich Labor Service gathering at Zeppelinfeld, Nürnberg, Germany, 6-13 Sep 1937

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