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2nd Lieutenant Henry Arnold at the controls of a Wright Type B aircraft, Wright Flying School, Fairborn near Dayton, Ohio, United States, 1911A boatswain aboard Scharnhorst, date unknownAdmiral Scheer as seen on a postcardApogon
2nd Lieutenant Henry Arnold at the controls of a Wright Type B aircraft, Wright Flying School, Fairborn near Dayton, Ohio, United States, 1911A boatswain aboard Scharnhorst, date unknownAdmiral Scheer as seen on a postcardApogon's conning tower
Asagumo as seen in US Division of Naval InteligenceAtago, date unknownBrummer operating off Norway, circa 1940s; note the three mine launching doors on the stern and aft gun turretsChokai underway at sea
Asagumo as seen in US Division of Naval Inteligence's A503 FM30-50 booklet for identifying shipsAtago, date unknownBrummer operating off Norway, circa 1940s; note the three mine launching doors on the stern and aft gun turretsChokai underway at sea
Close-up of EmdenCraven underway, date unknownDestroyer Grom, date unknownDrawings of German auxiliary cruiser Kormoran
Close-up of Emden's bow, date unknownCraven underway, date unknownDestroyer Grom, date unknownDrawings of German auxiliary cruiser Kormoran
Emden at rest, date unknownEmden with her sailors lined up, date unknownGen. Władysław Sikorski decorating Polish-American pilot Francis Gabreski, Britain, 1940sGeneral Kirill Meretskov speaking to Senior Lieutenant A. P. Silantyev (right) who had shot down a German Bf 109 fighter that had just attempted to attack Meretskov
Emden at rest, date unknownEmden with her sailors lined up, date unknownGen. Władysław Sikorski decorating Polish-American pilot Francis Gabreski, Britain, 1940sGeneral Kirill Meretskov speaking to Senior Lieutenant A. P. Silantyev (right) who had shot down a German Bf 109 fighter that had just attempted to attack Meretskov's aircraft, Khvoynaya Airfield, Novgorod, Russia, 1942
Gilmore off Aleutian Islands, date unknownHood at portIllustrious underway, date unknownKikuzuki under salvage, focus on her forecastle
Gilmore off Aleutian Islands, date unknownHood at portIllustrious underway, date unknownKikuzuki under salvage, focus on her forecastle

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"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time."

Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, at Guadalcanal

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