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Joseph Stalin, Vladmir Lenin, Mikhail Kalinin, and other participants of the 8th Congress of the Russian Communist Party, Moscow, Russia, Mar 1919Portrait of Crown Prince Hirohito, Apr 1919New Mexico photographed from an airplane, while steaming in line with other battleships, 13 Apr 1919Arizona in the East River, New York City, circa mid-1916. Photo 2 of 2
Joseph Stalin, Vladmir Lenin, Mikhail Kalinin, and other participants of the 8th Congress of the Russian Communist Party, Moscow, Russia, Mar 1919Portrait of Crown Prince Hirohito, Apr 1919New Mexico photographed from an airplane, while steaming in line with other battleships, 13 Apr 1919Arizona in the East River, New York City, circa mid-1916. Photo 2 of 2
USS New Mexico entering the Golden Gate strait, California, United States, mid-1919UK Prime Minister David Lloyd George, Italian Premier Vittorio Orlando, French Premier Georges Clemenceau, and US President Woodrow Wilson, Paris peace conference, France, 27 May 1919Pump No. 1, Drydock No. 4, Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Virginia, United States, 16 Jun 1919Wedding photo of Harry Truman and Bess Wallace, 219 N. Delaware, Independence, Missouri, United States, 28 Jun 1919
USS New Mexico entering the Golden Gate strait, California, United States, mid-1919UK Prime Minister David Lloyd George, Italian Premier Vittorio Orlando, French Premier Georges Clemenceau, and US President Woodrow Wilson, Paris peace conference, France, 27 May 1919Pump No. 1, Drydock No. 4, Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Virginia, United States, 16 Jun 1919Wedding photo of Harry Truman and Bess Wallace, 219 N. Delaware, Independence, Missouri, United States, 28 Jun 1919
Australian soldiers carrying Billy Hughes along George Street, Sydney, Australia after his return from the Paris Peace Conference, 1919Prince Albert of the United Kingdom, Major General Hugh Trenchard, and Colonel C. L. Courtney at the Independent Air Force Dinner, Savoy Hotel, London, England, 14 Jul 1919USS New Mexico firing salute, 16 Jul 1919USS New Mexico, USS Mississippi, and USS Idaho at sea, 24 Jul 1919
Australian soldiers carrying Billy Hughes along George Street, Sydney, Australia after his return from the Paris Peace Conference, 1919Prince Albert of the United Kingdom, Major General Hugh Trenchard, and Colonel C. L. Courtney at the Independent Air Force Dinner, Savoy Hotel, London, England, 14 Jul 1919USS New Mexico firing salute, 16 Jul 1919USS New Mexico, USS Mississippi, and USS Idaho at sea, 24 Jul 1919
Battleship USS New Mexico at the Culebra Cut while transiting the Panama Canal, 25 Jul 1919.USS New Mexico in the middle west chamber of Gatun Lock, Panama Canal, 25 Jul 1919USS Wyoming and USS New Mexico passing through Gatun Lock, Panama Canal, 25 Jul 1919Excursion steamer Seeandbee, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, Aug 1919
Battleship USS New Mexico at the Culebra Cut while transiting the Panama Canal, 25 Jul 1919.USS New Mexico in the middle west chamber of Gatun Lock, Panama Canal, 25 Jul 1919USS Wyoming and USS New Mexico passing through Gatun Lock, Panama Canal, 25 Jul 1919Excursion steamer Seeandbee, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, Aug 1919
Light cruiser Tatsuta, Aug 1919View of Pearl Harbor coaling station from the top of Radio Tower No. 1, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Aug 1919.Water flows into Pearl Harbor Drydock No. 1 for the first time on 21 Aug 1919, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The dock was flooded with the push of a button from Mrs. Josephus Daniels, wife of the Secretary of The Navy.Admiral Hugh Rodmand and Captain Arthur Lee Willard at the bridge of USS New Mexico, Sep 1919
Light cruiser Tatsuta, Aug 1919View of Pearl Harbor coaling station from the top of Radio Tower No. 1, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Aug 1919.Water flows into Pearl Harbor Drydock No. 1 for the first time on 21 Aug 1919, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The dock was flooded with the push of a button from Mrs. Josephus Daniels, wife of the Secretary of The Navy.Admiral Hugh Rodmand and Captain Arthur Lee Willard at the bridge of USS New Mexico, Sep 1919

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