16,331 items in this album on 817 pages.
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German 8.8 cm FlaK gun in the field, northern France, late Jul-early Sep 1944, photo 3 of 5 | German 8.8 cm FlaK gun in the field, northern France, late Jul-early Sep 1944, photo 4 of 5 | German 8.8 cm FlaK gun in the field, northern France, late Jul-early Sep 1944, photo 5 of 5 | German Opel Blitz, a tracked vehicle, and a towed 7.5 cm PaK 40 gun in a Hungarian town during the German retreat from Romania, Aug 1944 |
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German paratrooper with MP 40 submachine gun, France, summer 1944 | German paratroopers with Panzerschreck weapon, France, summer 1944 | German soldiers in northern France, circa late Jul to early Sep 1944 | Hasso von Manteuffel atop a tank, Aug 1944 |
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Japanese-American troops of US 442nd Regimental Combat Team in Seravezza, Italy, 1944. Note the M5 Stuart tanks. | Japanese-American troops of US 442nd Regimental Combat Team moving through Massa, Italy, 1944 | Knocked out Tiger II heavy tank, France, Aug 1944; note penetrated frontal turret armor | Lieutenant General Walton Walker and Major General Lindsay Silvester, France, late Aug 1944 |
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Lt General Henry Crerar, Commander of the 1st Canadian Army, arriving at a public relations camp in France, 1944. The officer of the back is Lt Col RS Malone. | Member of the French Forces of the Interior (FFI) posing with his Bren gun, Châteaudun, Eure-et-Loir, France, Aug 1944 | Men of Battery C, 7th Battalion, USMC III Amphibious Corps Artillery cleaning the bore of their 155mm Gun M1, Guam, Mariana Islands, 1944 | Missouri firing full salvo from both forward 16-inch gun turrets during shakedown exercise, Aug 1944; note six super-sonic projectiles at upper right; as seen on page 23 of US Navy War Photographs |
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Missouri's 40mm quad anti-aircraft machine crew at battle stations atop turret number two during her shakedown, Aug 1944; Alaska in background | N1K1-J Shiden fighters prepared for flight, circa late 1944, photo 1 of 2 | N1K1-J Shiden fighters prepared for flight, circa late 1944, photo 2 of 2 | Navy Chaplain Lt Rival Hawkins conducting Sunday services on the USS Missouri’s fantail during the ship’s shakedown cruise in the Trinidad area, Aug 1944. The censored ship at right is the USS Alaska. |
16,331 items in this album on 817 pages.