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P-51 Mustang fighters of the US Army Air Force 375th Fighter Squadron flying in formation, Europe, 7 Jul-9 Aug 1944Polish resistance fighters with various small arms at the intersection of Swietokrzyska and Mazowiecka Streets, Warsaw, Poland, Aug 1944PT-396, an American built British Vosper design 70-foot motor torpedo boat during builder trials off New York, Aug 1944. Note that the censors scratched out the radar atop the mast.Railway station in ruins, Saint-Lô, France, 1944
P-51 Mustang fighters of the US Army Air Force 375th Fighter Squadron flying in formation, Europe, 7 Jul-9 Aug 1944Polish resistance fighters with various small arms at the intersection of Swietokrzyska and Mazowiecka Streets, Warsaw, Poland, Aug 1944PT-396, an American built British Vosper design 70-foot motor torpedo boat during builder trials off New York, Aug 1944. Note that the censors scratched out the radar atop the mast.Railway station in ruins, Saint-Lô, France, 1944
Sgt Otto A Sobanjo 755th Bomb Squadron sits in the tail turret of B-24J Liberator “Lily Marlene” at RAF Horsham St Faith, Norfolk, England, UK, Aug 1944.Soviet soldiers inspecting the ovens at Majdanek Concentration Camp, Lublin, Poland, Jul-Aug 1944Treating a wounded US Marine, Guam, Jul-Aug 1944US Army CCKW 2 1/2-ton 6x6 cargo trucks bringing supplies to US Navy LSTs, Naples, Italy in preparation for the invasion of southern France, Aug 1944
Sgt Otto A Sobanjo 755th Bomb Squadron sits in the tail turret of B-24J Liberator “Lily Marlene” at RAF Horsham St Faith, Norfolk, England, UK, Aug 1944.Soviet soldiers inspecting the ovens at Majdanek Concentration Camp, Lublin, Poland, Jul-Aug 1944Treating a wounded US Marine, Guam, Jul-Aug 1944US Army CCKW 2 1/2-ton 6x6 cargo trucks bringing supplies to US Navy LSTs, Naples, Italy in preparation for the invasion of southern France, Aug 1944
US Army convoy making its way through the devastated ruins of St. Lô, France, Aug 1944US Marine Corps M4 Sherman tank blasts a Japanese pillbox in advance of 3rd Division infantry on Guam, Mariana Islands, Aug 1944. Note combat cameraman with hand-held movie camera standing behind the tankUS Marines during mop-up operations at Tinian, Mariana Islands, Aug 1944US Marines operating a DUKW, Guam, Jul-Aug 1944
US Army convoy making its way through the devastated ruins of St. Lô, France, Aug 1944US Marine Corps M4 Sherman tank blasts a Japanese pillbox in advance of 3rd Division infantry on Guam, Mariana Islands, Aug 1944. Note combat cameraman with hand-held movie camera standing behind the tankUS Marines during mop-up operations at Tinian, Mariana Islands, Aug 1944US Marines operating a DUKW, Guam, Jul-Aug 1944
US Navy African-American Richard Salter, talker of a gun station aboard escort carrier USS Tulagi, off Southern France, Aug 1944US Navy personnel Anna Welsh, Jackie Welsh, Evalyne Olsen, and Harold Howey, Naval Air Station, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, circa 1944USS Intrepid moored behind USS Enterprise at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, Territory of Hawaii, Aug 1944USS Kete underway in Lake Michigan, United States, Aug 1944
US Navy African-American Richard Salter, talker of a gun station aboard escort carrier USS Tulagi, off Southern France, Aug 1944US Navy personnel Anna Welsh, Jackie Welsh, Evalyne Olsen, and Harold Howey, Naval Air Station, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, circa 1944USS Intrepid moored behind USS Enterprise at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, Territory of Hawaii, Aug 1944USS Kete underway in Lake Michigan, United States, Aug 1944
USS St. Louis at Guam, Mariana Islands painted in Measure 32, Design 2C “Dazzle” paint, 1944.Victory-ship Nicaragua Victory on Shipway 5 at Shipyard No. 1 at the Kaiser Richmond Shipyards, Richmond, California, United States, Aug 1944.Vought OS2U Kingfisher floatplane being hoisted aboard the battleship USS Missouri during her Atlantic shakedown cruise, Aug 1944.WASP pilots in front of the squadron Beech C-45 Expeditor, “Miss Fifinella,” named in honor of the WASP mascot, 1944, location uncertain but likely Avenger Field, Sweetwater, Texas, United States.
USS St. Louis at Guam, Mariana Islands painted in Measure 32, Design 2C “Dazzle” paint, 1944.Victory-ship Nicaragua Victory on Shipway 5 at Shipyard No. 1 at the Kaiser Richmond Shipyards, Richmond, California, United States, Aug 1944.Vought OS2U Kingfisher floatplane being hoisted aboard the battleship USS Missouri during her Atlantic shakedown cruise, Aug 1944.WASP pilots in front of the squadron Beech C-45 Expeditor, “Miss Fifinella,” named in honor of the WASP mascot, 1944, location uncertain but likely Avenger Field, Sweetwater, Texas, United States.

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"You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terrors. Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival."

Winston Churchill

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